Colorado Association of Secondary School Principals
Board of Directors Meeting /
July 28, 2010
Meeting Minutes Great Divide Grille
CASSP Board Members
Cristal Loehr Judy Florian,Jim Szoka, Jim Lucas, Sheila Pottorff, Kevin Schott, Delaine Hudson, Kevin Aten, Greg Wieman, Julie Williams, Carrie Coats, Mark Strakbein, Jana Frieler Guest – Diane Lauer, CAMLE President / CASE Staff
Call to Order
President, Sheila Pottorff, called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
Roll Call
The roll call was taken by signature.
Motion requested for approval of agenda as presented made by: President Sheila Pottorff
Changes or additions to meeting agenda: Diane Lauer will be moved to after opening remarks.
Motion to approve made by: Greg Wieman
Second made by: Judy Florian
Vote taken – note result of vote: Approved
2011 – Trailblazer Schools to Watch – Diane Lauer, CAMLE President
Colorado Schools to Watch – It helps reform middle schools. It is a collection of ideas of how to reform middle schools. What are the qualities of a high performing middle school was the driving question to this program. CAMLE sponsors this program. Their goal is to recognize schools that have made significant improvement in all areas of the requirements. The criterion for this award is as follows: academic excellence, development responsiveness, social equity and organizational structure. They are encouraging schools to apply. Russell Middle School will host the first site visit school, October 21, 2010, which is a school to watch school this year. They will be presenting at the Convention tomorrow break out session.
CAMLE membership is open to all educators in the middle level. The organization is looking forward to CASSP support this program.
Sheila Pottorff passed the presidency to Jim Lucas for the 2010-2011 school year. Carrie Coats passed the secretary duties to new secretary Kevin Schott.
Consent Items
Membership Reports: April – June 2010
- Membership is up by 30 for CASE membership. Convention vendors are up and financially we have received more money from these companies. Registration is down this year however; last year was a record year. 691 members in CASSP currently, we have moved up from May.
Financial reports – June, 2010
b. Jim Lucas asked us to look over the financials. Not going to the National conference saved money for our department.
Motion to approve made by: Sheila Pottorff
Second made by: Kevin Aten
Vote taken – note result of vote: Approval
Standing Items
2010-2011 Calendar/Timelines – Jim Lucas
- Please look over the calendar in the packet. Jim Lucas will get with Bruce regarding the Capital Hill Day.
- Skype is still an option for remote meetings.
- Meeting times will be at 8:30 a.m. unless notice is given by President Jim Lucas.
2010-2011 Board Elections – Kevin Schott
- Board Elections results
- Mark Strakbein – Region 1B, Eagle Valley High School
- Julie Williams – Region 5A, Russell Middle School
- Greg Wieman and Judy Florian had to rerun for there regional director position and they maintain their position.
- Region 6 is still open
Committee Reports:
Legislative - Kevin Schott/Jim Lucas?Bruce Caughey
- Kevin Schott passed around the “Evil 3” ballot information as well as SB 191
- Evil 3 will significantly hurt our state if these are passed. It is imperative that information against these measures is disseminated.
- The website is It could potentially bankrupt our State. It could also hurt school districts by 20%.
Membership/Ambassador –Sheila Pottorff/Cristal Loehr/Jim Lucas
- Melissa Gibson is doing a super job on membership. Continue to keep spreading the word about CASE and CASSP. It is essential to continue to talk about the 10 Reasons to belong to CASE.
- NASSP membership is also encouraged. Sheila will get NASSP information out to the Board regarding talking points for principals.
Professional Development – Delaine Hudson/James Szoka/Greg Wieman/Sheila Pottorff
Big thanks to Mary McNeil regarding the convention planning. The strands were well organized.
New committee sign ups
Legislative: Jim Lucas, Kevin Schott, Kevin Aten, Judy Florian
Membership: Jim Lucas, Sheila Pottorff, Mark Strakbein, and Delaine Hudson
Professional:Cristal Loher, Jim Szoka, Julie Williams, Greg Weiman
Discussion Items
Regional Director’s Role – Jim Lucas
- Jim will visit with Mark and Julie about their new Director positions.
- Jim will also keep Directors updated on SB 191 so Directors notification can be given to your regions. Listening to your regions is imperative.
Regional Reports
Region 1 – Cristal Loehr
- Cristal is happy to be giving this directorship to Mark. Not much in this region at this point, but things will begin to heat up as the school year begins.
- SB 191 will be a hot topic.
- The impact of the teacher cuts for this 2010-2011 school year.
Region 2a – Sheila Pottorff
- Thomson Valley had two days of good professional development thanks to SB 193 funding.
- Nervous tension regarding the “3 evils”. Discussion has been a hot topic in this Region.
- Mary Jones, will be leaving Greeley to go to Fountain area.
- Adams 12 cut their busing as well as extended the mileage for students.
Region 2b – Greg Wieman
- Kiowa lost a teacher to a murder. That has caused a lot of emotions for this district. The super indent has left this director as well. The K12 principal is serving as interim at this point.
- ASCENT Program, the deadline is December. Please see Greg for more information if your school is interested in this program.
Region 3 – Judy Florian
- CADI visit in this region has taken place in a few districts. The districts involved are in the middle of setting priorities based on the findings of this visit. Emphasis was placed on being proactive versus reactive.
- Judy will get more information out regarding the legislative issues.
Region 4 – Delaine Hudson
- Financial is an issue in this region. Delta County principals have been asked to take a position on 4-day school week.
Region 5a – Jill Martin
- Douglas County has struggled financially. This district had to release 300 teachers this past year. as had to cut 40 to 60 million from their budget.
- Fountain/Ft. Carson is in good shape as they get funding from the military.
- Harrison SD, is making news due to the performance pay that is transpiring in this initiative. Mark S. Region 1 Director from Eagle County is in a district where there is performance pay. Please visit with him for more information regarding this topic.
- Lewis Palmer opened a new high school, but don’t have the funding for this school to open.
- Falcon SD lots of cuts.
- Academy 20 is holding it’s own as it is still growing. Reduced at the District level, but no cuts in this district.
- Colorado Springs district – 20% of each budget was cut, 11 million had to be cut from this district.
Region 5b – Jim Szoka
- Concurrent enrollment – The change now is you will not be reimbursed for good performance, now everyone has to pay upfront for these classes. But these classes will be at the Junior College rate for the credits. Jim attended the meeting regarding this information.
- CADI visit went well in Monte Vista District.
- Centre is receiving significant State money for mentorship, professional development, etc. Unsure if this is turnaround school, but outside districts are interested on how this will affect the surrounding districts.
- BEST monies will be given out in this Region.
Region 6 – Paul Jebe
This Director position is open
- Crowley County has a change in superintendency
- Pueblo 60, Swink, and Las Animas are all open positions.
- Lower Arkansas Valley is struggling in all directions.
NASSP Reports – Jill Martin
- This is Jill’s last year on the NASSP board. This year Colorado has a big voice with Jill being on the Board as well as Jana Frieler being NASSP President. For the future of NASSP, Colorado needs to keep their voice involved. The biggest change will be the replacement of Mr. Tirrozi for NASSP. The search process is underway. He served in this capacity for 9 years.
- Membership at this level is struggling, due to financial situation of the nation. The NASSP is asking for feedback regarding how NASSP can improve and make joining this organization of value.
- Common Core Standards were recently released. Race to the Top States needs to adopt these common core standards. NASSP is supportive of these standards.
- Colorado is doing a Gap analysis between National Core Standards and CMCS. Feedback is being requested.
- Jill encouraged everyone to attend the conference in San Francisco this year. The death and Life of the Great American School System, by D. Ravitch. She will be the keynote speaker at the conference.
- Jana Frieler just took over Presidency at NASSP. She is working on the National Principal Standards. They will be ready in 6 months. They are now on the website, (search for the accomplished principals – 9 standards). Colorado will be a pilot State. If principals are interested they can get the certification for free since it is in the pilot state. It is designed to be an action-researched improvement in your school.
- Jana is heading to China for a presentation to principals in that country. We are very proud of Jana and all her accomplishments.
CHSAA – Kevin Aten
- New assistant commissioner has been named. He is from the Arkansas Valley.
- The reduction of games did not pass the board of controls.
- If an athlete follows a Club Coach they will be ineligible for that sport.
- Legal aspect is going good, as CHSAA has not had to spend much for legal fees this past year. That is good news for CHSAA.
Meeting Dates for 2010-2011
Monday, Sept. 20, 2010 – CASE Office
Monday, November 8, 2010 – APOY interviews – CASE office
Thursday, February 3, 2011 – CASE Winter Leadership
Friday, March 4, 2011 – HS and ML POY interviews – CASE office
Friday, April (TBA), 2011 – Day of CASE Awards Ceremony (this date won’t be finalized until Feb. 2011)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 – CASE Convention – Breckenridge
Meeting Adjournment
Request for motion to adjourn meeting made by: President Jim Lucas
Motion made by: Greg Wieman
Second made by: Carrie Coats
Vote taken – note result of vote: Approved
Meeting adjourned at ___ 3:01 p.m.