The Spastic Centre
Cerebral Palsy Foundation
Document Control
Author / Team LiveWireContributors / David Guevara, Ross Coroneos, John Sciberras & Kristy Tuinman
File Name / Scope - Walk-Run Final
Created Date / 8 December 2008
Printed Date / 17 January 20197:02 AM
Last Edited / 11 December 2008
Number of pages / 8
Reference Documents
Revision Date / Version No. / Revision Description / Author
8December 2008 / 0.1 / Draft / Kristy Tuinman
10 December 2008 / 0.2 / Added additional Deliverables & Dependencies / Ross Coroneos
11 December 2008 / 0.3 / Added phrases to Spreadsheet Examples / John Sciberras
Table of Contents
Project Background
Scope Definition
Goals and Objectives
Limitations & Constraints
Project Approach
Change Control Process
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Change Control Process – Flow Chart
Community Walk for a Cure Project - Scope
Project Background
The Spastic Centre (TSC) together with the Cerebral Palsy Foundation (CPF) was approached by TAFE - Diploma Project Management (Team LiveWire) to assist by providing advice on the recommended says to create and execute a Charity/Fundraiser Walking Event. This process involves numerous managers and stakeholders and significant investment of their time in;
- collating information from many sources;
- many varying face to face interactions; and
- innumerable iterations of business plan and budgeting documents
An event of similar thought was considered by TSC previously but was dismissed due to lack of resources and time.
To provide a solution that will address these issues and more, TSC and CPF will work with Team LiveWire to reduce the dominance of the process, documentation and communications to allow greater staff efficiencies and management focus on delivering the required result.
Scope Definition
The scope of the plan covers the following aspects:
- Providing TSC Event Management Team with a comprehensive understanding of the total effort required to setup and run an effective Walk Charity/Fundraiser;
- Obtaining commitment from appropriate management to support and participate in the effort;
- Create a business process to follow in order to efficiently manage the Charity/Fundraiser Walk;
- Create templates necessary to manage and conduct an effective and efficient Walking event;
- Define resources and responsibilities;
- Analyse Cost and Budget necessary to run Walking event;
- Identify appropriate policies, processes and procedures for TSC Event Team to carry out the plan;
- Selection/Suggestions of Northern Beaches location for walk between 8 - 10 km long;
- Assembly Area/Check Points (Start and Finish) with limited public parking, toilets, food and drink stalls.
The scope of the plan does not cover the following aspects:
- The organization and development of the Charity/Fundraising Walking event;
- Transport (Public or Private)
- Parking
Goals and Objectives
To develop a well structured and coherent plan which will enable TSC Event Team run and manage a Charity Walk as efficiently and professionally as possible.
From this plan the key objectives are to:
- Conduct a walk of a distance of up to 10km suitable for walkers of all ages (especially families).
- Provide an opportunity for the Northern Beaches community to participate in a healthy activity.
- Bring awareness to the community about Cerebral Palsy and what they can do to help.
- Media attention about the walk, TSC, CPF and Cerebral Palsy
- Raise money ($100,000) to help the TSC and CPF fund research for Cerebral Palsy.
- Attract/increase more of the community (individuals and business) to volunteer, sponsor and donate (time, effort & money) to TSC and CPF.
- Organise a family oriented event, while building bridges between TSC, CPF and the community
- Project a positive image of TSC and CPF to the general public, participants, media, TSC and CPF family, staff, government and council bodies.
- Ensure all work, time/dates, services are managed, organized, signed off and auctioned in a professional and timely manner with little interruption where possible to key stakeholders, TSC and CPF staff.
- Have the approval from TSC and or CPF CEO to move to next phase of project
- Have participants to partake in the walk
- Have enough staff and Volunteers to run the event
- Obtain permits and approval from local councils. (e.g. Pittwater and Warringah)
- Contact law enforcement agencies about local ordinances, road closures, traffic barricades, crowd control and security issues.
- All relevant emergency services contribute e.g. Ambulance (St Johns), Police etc
Limitations & Constraints
List of all known constrains to the implementation of the Charity Walk:
- Weather - Bad Weather may limit the number of participants on the day.
- Budget for additional services
- Family oriented event
- Event will be conducted in the month of May
- The event will only run for 1 day.
The following assumptions, coupled with the risk analysis findings, define the boundaries around the planning process. These assumptions will be refined, deleted, or new assumptions added as planning progresses.
- Distance of event will be 8 - 10 km long.
- Average duration to complete course walking is 2hrs 30 min.
- TSC and CPF will create and develop online capabilities (e.g. participant registration, event fundraising tracking etc…)
- All volunteers can work 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- TSC and CPF will allow their staff to assist when and where possible.
- TSC and CPF will provide internal resources to assist with the planning of the event
- Council will close certain roads to allow event to take place on the day.
- 60% of participants will travel on public transport to get to event.
- Project Scope once approved will not be modified.
- The event will be completely run and managed by TSC Staff.
- All information required for cost calculations will be provided upon request.
- At least 20% of targeted audience will participate in the event.
- Full co-operation and collaboration from local Councils, Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade and other law enforcement agencies
- Full co-operation from local business and residential housing on course route.
- Full support from Stakeholders and Sponsors.
- Approved Budget will include funding for a marketing strategy/materials
- TSC currently holding Public Liability
- Council approval being approved
- Enough Volunteers being available.
- Enough people attending.
- The route around the lagoon is complete.
Project Approach
The proposed project methodology consists of four separate phases, as described below:
- Phase 1 - Initiation
- Phase 2 - Planning
- Phase 3 - Implementation
- Phase 4 - Completion
- Confirmed Location
- Media/Promotional Materials
- Preliminary Project Scope (Project Concept)
- Project Management Plan
- Council signed off approvals.
- Emergency services commitment to the event.
- Work Breakdown Structure/Gant chart.
- Fundraising.
Change Control Process
The following are the key steps we following to handle Change Control:
- Define and asses change
- Define the what, why and how of change
- Identify the overall impacts
- Formalise the change
- Identify resource (time, cost), schedule
- Obtain approval from the Sponsor, Steering Committee or Change Advisory Board (CRB)
- Communicate to all impacted areas
- Re-plan scope, cost and time schedules and baselines
- Implement the change
- Identify internal and external risks and migrate
- Implement change management plan
- Implement change process plan
- Monitor the review
- Constantly monitor change after implementation
- Monitor performance and outcomes against metrics
Figure 1: Change Control Process – Flow Chart