President’s Message

This month's Civic meeting will be held on Thursday, April 27th at 7PM at the VFW Hall. Come down and get caught up on what is going on in your neighborhood!!

The weather is changing, and Spring is finally showing up! Great to see and we ask that all residents try to get out and sweep up the front of their homes, if possible, as the winter really leaves a mess behind.

Construction activity is really starting to ramp up in town with the Build-it-Back program, and we have made it clear to the program administrators that our residents are fully behind the efforts to rebuild our neighbors and will be working with the contractors to accommodate access onto the blocks with their heavy equipment. Having said that, we also expect cooperation on the part of the contractors in ensuring access up and down the blocks for cars and deliveries as well as sanitation vehicles. If you are experiencing problems in this regard see Kevin Arscott in the trailer on Power Road across from P.S. 47.

The Sunset Cove project is moving along with all designs for Phase 1 completed, and the project is now out to bid, and construction is slated for June 2017. Phase 1 will see removal of contaminated fill from the site (located at the end of 19th Road and running over to the American Ballfield) and a protective perimeter berm created, which will double as a walking trail, the creation of a maritime forest and the planting of new shoreline wetlands. This project saw the Civic Association compete for Department of Interior Funding with 13 other projects from 11 states. We received the highest funding prize of 4.85 million dollars, and had the Secretary of the Interior visit the site to present the award. In addition, we worked to procure another 2 million from the state DEC. We are also through the design portion of Phase 2 of this project (fully funded another 1.8 million), which will see a curved boardwalk installed that will allow visitors to walk out over the wetlands to a shaded viewing area with a fantastic view of the Bay and NYC skyline. Phase 2 will also incorporate an eco-dock for oyster research in the cove in which we hope to include the local school children.

We want to acknowledge the funding efforts of our elected officials with this project including Queens Borough President Melinda Katz for $1,000,000, Senator Joe Addabbo for $200,000, Assemblywoman Amato/ Phil Goldfeder for $175,000 and Councilman Ulrich for $200,000. We could not have moved this project forward without their tremendous backing and financial support.

This Civic Association has worked hard to create a plan for the properties that went into the Build-It-Back Acquisition program (where residents took a buy-out of the property). This plan will see all such properties remain open and undeveloped with a few going to Parks and with the rest, hopefully, going to purchase by interested adjacent neighbors. This plan is unique to Broad Channel and has taken two years to have adopted. We feel that it will allow for more open spaces on the island and will ensure that unwanted development of these lots does not take place.

The Street Raising project is not yet completed, but road bed completion has been achieved on West 11th and West 12th Roads. It appears to be a major success from an aesthetic point of view based on the feedback we have received. In addition, the new elevated height did not flood in the recent Nor'easter, a welcome reprieve for the residents, and the new drainage system seems to be working very well. The work to complete the same on West 13th Road should begin again on July 1st as Build-It-Back winds down on that block and the street working crew can begin again.

We have a new business in town "UNCLE LOUIE G'S ITALIAN ICES AND ICE CREAM" just in time for the hot weather. The place looks great, and there is now on outside sitting area in the rear as well. As always, we ask that residents support their local businesses, so stop by with the kids and enjoy some ice cream. It is really good!!

The Jamaica Bay Task Force (JBTF) will be holding a semi-annual meeting on May 11th at 6:30 PM at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge off of Crossbay Boulevard. As always, it is a great meeting to attend to find out what is going on in and around Jamaica Bay. The meeting is open to the public and will see presenters including the National Parks Service on the project to restore the west pond; the NYC DEP on the plan for Combined Sewer Overflow; the NPS Police on protecting the Bay; the Science and Resiliency Institute at Jamaica Bay on the new 1.6 million dollar research vessel for the Bay and finally from Baruch College, a study on how Marsh grass can remove nitrogen from the waters. Question and answers after each presentation.

Quote of the Month --Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”--- Dr. Seuss

Respectfully submitted,

Dan Mundy Jr.


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: Each year in May we ask thatparents re-register your child/ren for CCD.Re-registration Forms for the CCD School Year 2017-2018 were sent home. Please fill out the form and return it by May 10th so we may prepare for the next school year. We are getting ready to order books and would like to have a correct count on returning students and upgrade our record cards with your information. You may return it by email, to your child's Catechist or in the collection at Mass at either St. Camillus Church or St. Virgilius Church.

New Registrations for September, 2017 are being accepted now.If a familyresides in our parish and will be coming for the first time, please call the Rectory at 718-634-8229. There is no fee for CCD. Every Catholic student in Public Schools is encouraged to register now.

The Last Class of CCD for the current year will be Wednesday, May 24.

CONGRATULATIONS to the 25 students who will receive Confirmation on Thursday, April 27th and the children who will receive First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 6 at 12 Noon in St. Virgilius Church.

MAY CROWNING: The May Crowning will take place at the 10 a.m. Mass in St. Virgilius Church on Sunday, May 14th.

St. Virgilius Altar-Rosary Society meets on the THIRD MONDAY of each month at 12:30 p.m. in the American Legion Hall.

St. VirgiliusSenior Citizens Clubmeets every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in the American Legion.

St. Camillus Catholic Academy: Registration for ALL GRADES(UPK to Grade8) is underway. Please call the School Office at 718-634-5260 Tuition Assistance is available through Futures in Education.

The Home Academy Association will sponsor an AdultDance on April 28th in Springman Hall. BYOB Admission: $25 Call 718-634-5260 for reservations

5th Annual Irish Festival will be held in St. Camillus Parking Lot on Saturday (June 3) and Sunday (June 4) from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Live Music & Entertainment -- Pipe Bands -- Vendors -- Food & Beer For information call 718-634-8229


The BCVFD will be starting their annual fund drive in April and are asking $75per family, per household.

Also April 30th from 10 AM to 4 PM they will be holding their annual Open House and Recruitment Drive as part of the statewide "RecruitNY" initiative to get people interested in Volunteering in their communities.

The BCVFD roster is spread very thin, and is in need of new faces. The Vollies cannot survive or be there in your time of need without participation from the town it protects.

The Flag will fly in May for

John “Jack” T. Kelly,

US Marine Corp., Korea

Spring is in the air, time for planting, parades and baseball

I read this the other day: “traditions help us define who we are and provide something steady, reliable and safe.”

Broad Channel is a community of long standing traditions and celebrations. Through traditions, we connect ourselves with our neighbors; they sustain the past and nurture the future. They set us apart from other communities because they demonstrate our hometown pride and partnership in giving back and giving to one another.

I am sure that many of us feel that it’s almost a rite of passage or civic duty to march in our annual Mardi Gras Parade, a long established tradition since 1912. And the “Vollies” have been a part of Broad Channel life since the 1900’s. How many of us have been on baseball, football, basketball and cheerleading teams thanks to the BCAC ? Where would we be without the volunteer coaches, captains and squad leaders spearheading these activities? Boy and Girl Scouts leaders, swim coaches and all the other volunteers throughout the town who give their time, dedication and effort on behalf of our small community. We stand with pride (sometimes teary-eyed) as our servicemen and women march by on Veterans Day and in Spring, we plant flowers in the tree pits along Cross Bay Blvd. Indeed, many of us have gathered together for a “Friend in Need” function long before anyone ever heard of a “Go Fund Me” page. As Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof would say, “TRADITION!” We can’t let them fall through the cracks.

So despite all the construction being done in the Channel, and so many of our neighbors temporally relocated, let’s keep the traditions going. Let’s march, and plant and play ball and get involved. If you haven’t been part of them in the past, this is a great time to come join us and become part of the future.


Get Ready - Get Set - Get Planting

Our Annual Spring Planting along Cross Bay Blvd. is scheduled for Saturday, May 6th. So join your neighbors and friends in sprucing up our tree pits along the median. No Green Thumb Necessary. We’ll start dropping off plants at 10AM – meet you there!

The Beautification Committee will be holding a Photo Contest. We are looking for photos, old or new, that exemplify Broad Channel at its best; it uniqueness, charm and community appeal. (people, places, activities, etc.) Entries will be accepted from April 1 to June 1. You can submit up to three (3) photos, but only one per e-mail. Send them to include you full name and e-mail address. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize plus one for black & white entries.

Now here’s the legalese – “by submitting an entry, you give the sponsor (the BCBC) the right to re-use, copy and/or publish the photos at will.” (some may be printed in the Historical Calendar)

Broad Channel is a beautiful place and there’s a shutterbug in all of us, so send in those pics.

Material to be printed in the next Newsletter is due by April 10th