Joe La Marca

Cari amici,

Regrettably, my inputs to this newsletter this month are uncharacteristically negative, for which meli dispiace, for in the last two years, fortunately, I only had good news to present. However, I have reluctantly changed the tone of my input for this edition. Although there are always challenges to managing any enterprise, up to now your trusted council of officers has thwarted our managerial challenges without the need to involve members beyond the council. However, below are some bad news items you should know, and your council of officers needs your help to overcome these new challenges.

The bad news in this edition starts with the unexpected death of lodge member Chuck Nardiello, whose cancer was only recently discovered. No one currently in the lodge has been a member longer than he and Mary. When Chuck’s health slowed his active participation in scheduled lodge events, he continued to stay in touch by phone and email, often offering useful suggestions. Beyond our respect for him as a lodge leader, we will miss him as a genteel and wonderful person. In a media era in which Italian-Americans too often are portrayed as the bad guys, I can think of no one who more exemplified the opposite.

More bad news: You may be aware that the Fairfax County School Board is facing a budgetary crisis; so, the board is threatening to cancel the foreign language programs in elementary schools, along with some other activities beyond “Reading, Writin’, and Arithmetic.” Lodge Education Committee Chairman, Art Moscatello, has been working nonstop to try to save our investment in the Italian language class students at Mantua Elementary. Perhaps you have read the article about our contributions to that program on page 25 of the winter edition of Italian America magazine. (If you are a member, you will have received the latest edition; if you are not a member, well, that’s just one more thing that you are missing. If you are a member and have not received that or any other edition of the national magazine, please let Jo Lowe know at Lowejs(at)aol.com.) Lodge Vice President Elect, Lucio D’Andrea, made an impassioned plea in public testimony to the FCPS board at its hearings last week. Our lodge will continue the effort, and Art has reached out to other Italian-American organizations for their help. However, if you or anyone you know, has any influence with the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors (who will make the final budget decisions) or the Virginia General Assembly legislators (who will allocate scarce funds), please contact them immediately. If you need mail, email, or phone numbers of these representatives, please contact Art at Arthurmoscatello(at)comcast.net, 703-743-5354.

Now the following bad news probably warrants a “RED ALERT.” Thanks to John Asiello, our Events Chairman, we have a great relationship with the Knights of Columbus lodge that manages the facility at which we hold our General Membership meetings. Fortunately, our long-term relationship with the Knights is still solid. However, the lodge building will be undergoing expansion and remodeling soon. Soooooo, we need a place to meet in April, May, and June, 2010. The efforts our council has made, so far, to find a suitable meeting place—kitchen, room and tables for up to 45 diners, low or no rent, preferably allowing wine—have not yet resulted in anything just right. If you know of any location you recommend, e.g. other Knights of Columbus halls, community centers, American Legion halls, VFW halls, fire houses, senior centers, recreation centers, government centers, churches, other—please let me or anyone on the council know ASAP!

On a lighter note, trust Vice President Rosalie Alligood to schedule a dance at our next general membership meeting so close to Valentines Day! Unaccompanied men and women, please be there too. I promise any woman who does not have a date at least one dance-- with, um, me; just be sure to wear your steel toed shoes!



President Joe La Marca Lodge Trustees

703 475 6962 JLaMarca(at)Erols.com Paul Alligood—Jerry DiCerbo

Vice-President Rosalie Alligood Dolores Marcinkowski—Elvira Caruso

703 848 1758 Palli14145(at)AOL.Com Frank Marcinkowski, Sr.

Imm Past-President Dot Saia Master/Mistress of Ceremonies

703 978 8499 Dmjcs(at)Cox.Net Dominic Caruso

Orator Fred Michaelangelo Yolanda Pelosi

703 323 8294 Amichaelangelo(at)MSN.Com Sentinel – Kevin Brady

Recording Secy Janine Andriole Membership Chair:

703 288 2802 JAndriole(at)Verizon.Net Elvira Caruso (Elvira10(at)AOL.Com)

Financial Secy Jo Lowe (703 361 1896)

Lowejs(at)AOL.Com Education Chair:

Treasurer Gene La Colla Art Moscatello (ArthurMoscatello(at)

703 246 9464 Gino4one(at)AOL.Com Comcast.Net)

The Italian Heritage Lodge meets at the Knights of Columbus Hall behind St. Leo’s Catholic Church, 3704 Old Lee Highway, Fairfax, Va.

La Bandiera Editor:

Paul Alligood, 703 848 1758 - , 1908 Youngblood St., McLean, Va. 22101

Visit our lodge website at WWW.ITALIANHERITAGELODGE.ORG (upper case added for emphasis – not required on the address line). Check the website for breaking news between newsletter editions.


Feb. 13 Lodge Meeting 7:00PM At KofC

Feb. 16 Lunch Bunch 12:30PM Brion’s Grille

Feb. 17 Council Meeting 7:00PM Fairfax Library

Feb. 27 Language Group 6:00PM TBD

Mar. 7 Installation Brunch 12:00 Noon Fort Myer NCO Club


The entertainment program for the meeting on Feb. 13 is ballroom dancing. Ballroom dance instructors from the Fred Astaire Dance Studio on Lee Highway in Fairfax will give us a choice of some different dances and teach us the basic steps. If there are graduates of a dance program or self-taught experts in our lodge, they can help those of us who have two left feet. The meal will be potluck and the lodge will furnish beverages. The social starts at 7:00 PM and the buffet begins at 7:30. Come on out and get your dancing shoes on!


MARCH 7, 2010


This event takes the place of our regular general membership meeting for March and will be held at the Fort Myer NCO Club (Spates Hall). The social starts at 12:00, brunch is at 12:30, the ceremony begins at 1:45 and concludes at 2:30, and the post social ends at 3:00. The cost is $17.00 per person and includes tax, gratuity and the following:

MENU: Waffle Station Omelet Station

Salad Bar Fresh Fruit

Smoked Salmon Scrambled Eggs

Bacon Strips Sausage Links

Baked Ham/Pineapple Sauce Beef au Jour

Cream Beef/Biscuit Fish

Rice Pilaf Chicken

Potatoes Vegetables

Danish Bagel

Muffins Biscuits

Desserts: Assorted pies and cakes

Beverages: Orange Juice and Coffee

Bar Drinks: Champagne or Mimosa (two drinks maximum per person)

RSVP: Italian Heritage Lodge Members to Gene La Colla – 703 246 9464

Directions to Fort Myer


Head North on I-395 Head East on Route 50

Exit onto Washington Blvd. North By the Iwo Jima Memorial

(Following Signs to Ft. Myer) Follow signs to Ft. Myer

Exit Wash Blvd at ramp to Ft. Myer Entering the Wright Gate

Entering at Hatfield Gate


Follow directions of Gate Guard Follow Directions of Gate Guard

Ask Gate Guard for Directions to SPATES HALL Ask Directions to SPATES HALL

PX is on the left and Chapel is straight ahead Take Marshall Drive to McNair Rd.

Turn left in front of chapel onto McNair Rd. Spates Hall is on the right and

Spates Hall is on the left and parking is on the right parking is on the left


The LUNCH BUNCH will meet Tuesday, February 16, at Brion’s Grille, 10621 Braddock Road, Fairfax. Suggest bring your Mardi Gras beads and/or wear Carnevale colors purple, gold, and/or green. Everyone is welcome; it’s strictly a social event; no lodge business will be discussed. Contact Joe LaMarca (jlamarca(at)erols.com, 703-475-6962) for a reservation.

The language group will meet February 27 at 6:00 PM. Watch the web site and email for the location. Please obtain directions and advise the Mignanis ("Mignani, Carlo" mignani(at)cox.net, 703-830-7699) what dish you plan to provide.

The annual Independence Day Parade in Fairfax City in which we participate will be held Saturday, July 3rd this year!


Joe Saia Feb. 6 Peter Andriole Feb. 18

Jacob Cunningham Feb. 9 Mary Nardiello Feb. 24

Elvira Caruso Feb. 16 Mary Gioglio Feb. 25

Valentine DaDamio Feb. 16 Gene La Colla Feb. 28

Charles Gioglio Feb. 16 Jeannemarie Devolites Davis Feb. 28

Dot Saia Feb. 17


John & Laura Asiello Feb. 17


Italian Idioms – From Carlo Mignani

a voce – in person

Preferisco parlartene a voce. I prefer talking to you about it in person.

avere voce in capitolo – to have a say in the matter

Non fidarti delle sue promesse; non ha nessun voce in capitolo.

Don’t believe his promises; he has no say in the matter.

chiedere a gran voce – to ask all together

Hanno chiesto a gran voce di aggiornare la seduta.

They all asked together to adjourn the meeting.

correre voce – to be rumored

Corre voce che tu sia per sposarti.

It’s rumored that you are about to be married.

fare la voce grossa – to act tough

Fa la voce grossa ma non è arrabiato sul serio.

He acts tough, but he’s not really angry.

sottovoce – in a low voice

Parliamo sottovoce perché la mamma sta dormendo.

Let’s talk in a low voice, because mother is sleeping.

spargere la voce – to spread the rumor

Hanno sparso la voce che stava per essere arrestato.

They spread the rumor that he was about to be arrested


The following officers have been elected and will serve the lodge from March 7, 2010, thru February, 2011.


President: Frank Marcinkowski Sr.

V, Pres. : Lucio D’Andrea

Immed. Past Pres: Joe LaMarca

Orator: Elvira Caruso

Record. Sec: Janine Andriole

Finan Sec.: Jo Lowe

Treasurer: Gene La Colla

Trustees: Kevin Brady

Dennis Lillo

Dot Saia

Dominic Caruso

Tony Finocchiaro

Mas of Cere; Paul Alligood

Mis of Cere: Dolores Marcinkowski

Sentinel: Yolanda Pelosi

Arbitration: John Asiello

David Asiello

Jerry DiCerbo

Art Moscatello Omero Sabatini


Marge Finocchiarro

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