Green Deal Code of Practice Supporting Note and Feedback Form Annex
The Green Deal Code of Practice (the Code) is issued by the Secretary of State under regulation 10 of the Green Deal Framework (Disclosure, Acknowledgment, Redress etc.) Regulations 2012.It sets out requirements for those persons acting as Green Deal Providers, Assessors, Installers, and Certification Bodies.
The Green Deal Oversight and Registration Body (GD ORB) is seeking industry input, on the current Codev4.0. The Code is being updated to reflect the requirements of the new edition of the Publically Available Specification (PAS) 2030 which is being introduced in 2017. As such,an opportunity has arisen to ask industry to reflect on other areas of the Code that could also be considered for updates or improvedupon.
The GD ORB would like to invite responses to the following questions.Please use the feedback form, in Annex 1, when responding to the questions. Please support your answers with evidence or examples.
- Please identify any areas, or specific text in the Code that you would like to see removed or amended.
- Do you consider that there are areas of the Code which should be strengthened, or new sections which should be introduced?
- Do you consider that the Code clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of the Green Deal Participants and Certification Bodies?
- How can theCode be strengthened to bring about improvements in consumer protection?
- Should the Code be clear and easily understood by consumers? If no, what solutions should be introduced to bring about improvements in consumer understanding and confidence in the Green Deal?
Please submit your comments to sing the Feedback Formin Annex 1 belowby the close of business onFriday 13thJanuary 2017.
When submitting your feedback please be specific and cite any clauses that you refer to. If you would like to suggest text changes, please include the suggested wording and supporting evidence for the changes.
Supporting Note - Draft Green Deal Code of Practice Version 5.0
10 April 2019
Annex 1: Feedback Form
Green Deal Code of Practice Version 4.0
Respondent Name Participant Type or Certification Body Company Name: Date Document
Green Deal Code of Practice Version 4.0Question No. / Section of Code / Paragraph / Proposed Change / Comments
Note: You may add additional rows as required to table above.
Note: -
Additional Comments:
Feedback Form – Green Deal Code of Practice
10 April 2019