Tuesday, October 20, 2009

7:30 am-9:00 am



Jerry Bustamante, President/CEO Chandler Chamber of Commerce

Robert Collins, Community Member

Doreen Cott, Director of Economic Development - Town of Queen Creek

Laverne Dacosta, Community Member

Cynthia Dunham, Executive Director - The Leadership Centre

Brent Green, Community Member

Jane Herrera, Tempe Schools Credit Union

Tony Hyland, International Minute Press of Gilbert

Barbara Jackson, League of Womens Voters

Becky Jackson, Executive Director/CEO - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Kathy Langdon, President and CEO - Gilbert Chamber of Commerce

Christine Mackay, Director – Chandler Economic Development

James McGovern, Community Member

Howard Morrison, Morrison Ranch

George Pettit, Town Manager - Town of Gilbert

Frank Pezzorello, General Manager - Chandler Compadres

Sue Sossaman, Community Member

Wally Stuebner, Real Estate Consultant – Realty Executives

Gregory Tilque, Development Services Director - Town of Gilbert

College Representatives

Doug Bullock, Associate Dean of Enrollment Services

Bill Crawford, Vice President, Student Affairs

Ron Etter, Interim Vice President, Administrative Services

Bill Guerriero, Vice President, Academic Affairs

Marybeth Mason, Dean, Community Affairs

Janet McBroom, Administrative Assistant to the President

Bill Mullaney, Dean, Arts and Sciences

Victor Navarro, Director, Information Technology

Janet Ortega, Associate Dean, Financial and Business Services

John Schroeder, Provost, Williams Campus

Welcome and Introduction

PCAC Chair Becky Jackson welcomed members,and thenintroduced CGCC’s new Interim President, Dr. Linda Lujan.

Dr. Lujan asked members to introduce themselvesand get acquainted at their individual tables,and thenmembers introduced each other to the whole group.

Meet the Interim President

Dr. Lujan welcomed the PCAC members and thanked them for their continued support of CGCC. She reminded PCAC members of the important role they play in connecting the college with its communities. She provided a brief introduction and shared the following information.

She’s a blue-collar kid, the eldest of eight children, and was a first-generation student and an adult re-entry community college graduate. She is a wife, parent, and grandparent. She started her higher education career pathway as an adjunct faculty member and then, in succession, became a full-time faculty member, a department chair, director of educational technology, dean of business, technology & health sciences, vice president for academic affairs, and is now the interim president at CGCC. Her Ph.D. is in community college leadership from Colorado State University. Her guiding principle is “make a difference” and she uses the question, “How does this make a positive difference in the life of a student” to help guide her thinking and planning. She is delighted to be at CGCC and is planning to apply for the permanent position. She shared the following observations about the college – it’s a college with a “can-do” attitude, employees operate with a presumption of “yes”, the college is innovative, flexible, learner-focused, values service and stewardship, leads with its heart, and has a culture of excellence. To the college’s ongoing theme, Every Student Counts, Dr. Lujan recently added Every Employee Counts to remind everyone how important it is during these turbulent times to take care of our most important resource – our employees.

Dr. Lujan shared her overarching vision –

Building on our legacy

Focusing on our students

Serving our communities

As we connect with our future

- and then provided brief updates on facilities.

Ironwood Hall Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Save the date and plan to attend the Ironwood Hall Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Thursday, February 11, 2010 at the Pecos Campus.

Noon – 1:00pmInformal tours

1:00 – 2:00pmRibbon cutting

2:00 – 3:00pmLight refreshments and tours

Ironwood Hall will support a wide range of academic programs as well as selected workforce, developmental, and transfer education programs and lifelong learning opportunities. It will house general classrooms, faculty offices, science instructional spaces, and a ceramics studio.

MCCCD Happenings

Dr. Lujan briefly shared updates on the recent complaint to the Higher Learning Commission. A HLC Board meeting/workshop will be held on November 6 and will be facilitated by Dr. Wayne Newton and Dr. Norm Nielson, ACCT (Association of Community College Trustees) facilitators.

On September 30th a team of consultants from Alvarez and Marsal (A&M) provided a third-party external review of Maricopa’s efficiency and effectiveness to the Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board. The team’s charge was to capture the voice of the 21st Century Maricopa student. Resulting goals and best practices already in place supporting student recruitment, retention and achievement were highlighted. On December 9thafter review of key administrative support functions in each college, A&M will present their final re-designed blueprint recommendations of the 21st century Maricopa to the Board.

Presidential Search Process
Sandra Stuebner gave an update on the presidential search process. The Maricopa Community College District Chancellor and search committee will work with consultants from Cizek Associates, Inc., the executive search company conducting the recruitment, evaluation, and appraisal of candidates. Below is a presidential search timeline:

1.October 12 – December 16, 2009, Advertising and Recruitment Efforts. December 16 is the deadline for receipt of application materials of interested persons.

2.January 26, 2010, Interim Report to Search Committee resulting in the selection of semi-final candidates to be interviewed by the search committee.

3.February 17 – 19, 2010, Semi-final Candidate Interviews whereas the identities of those interviewed will remain confidential at this time.

4.March 10 – 12, 2010, Final Candidate Interviews will be conducted at CGCC through public forums, group meetings, and a variety of activities before a final selection is made.

5.July 1, 2010, Successful candidate begins at CGCC.

Please check the website for further information or updates, and you may also direct questions to the CGCC tri-chairs: William Crawford, Marybeth Mason, or Sandra Stuebner.

Meet the Interim Vice President for Administrative Services

Ron Etter had worked for MCCCD for 33 years before coming out of retirement in July 2009 to fill the Vice President of Administrative Services on an interim basis for one year. Ron highlighted the purchase of 10 acres of land at the corner of Pecos and Gilbert Roads which will give more options of locations of new projects. Over 25 local and national architect firms have submitted proposals for the building of the Coyote Athletic Center with an expectation of many construction companies bidding for this project.

CGCC has four remaining remodeling or construction projects that Ron is trying to combine which would provide one architect and one contractor and allow our construction/remodeling dollars to have a greater impact on the projects.

iStartSmart Student Success Project

Dean Bill Mullaney gave an overview of the iStart Smart program, focusing on the four components of the program: testing, orientation, advising and student success courses. In the second year of the program, there were large increases in attendance at New Student Orientations and enrollments in student success classes and developmental classes. Innovations this year included the implementation of a pre-advisement session after testing (part of a one-stop shopping model) and launch of faculty advising through 40 "Connect to Your Major" sessions.The presentation concluded with three students sharing their experiences in student success classes; Allie Hanner, Nohelia Cordova, and Charles Keedy.

College Updates

Vice President Bill Crawford said that the Pecos Campus enrollment is up 11% from last year at this time and Spring registration which began on October 19th is already showing an increase over last year.

Technology updates in enrollment services now allow students to log in, and then receive by telephone or email a message alerting them that it is their turn to meet with an advisor.

John Schroeder gave highlights of the Williams Campus:

  • Enrollment is up over 25% for Fall 2009
  • Engel Hall was certified LEED Gold
  • Baylor Hall remodel will open for the Spring semester
  • Initial Bridget Hall Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) items should be on the November Governing Board agenda with construction on the utilities starting in mid December 2009.

Bill Guerriero, Vice President of Academic Affairs, said that the Spring 09 opening of the new hanger has generated additional interest in CGCC’s aviation program. Bill shared with PEC academic divisions and program highlights for Fall 2009.

Be the Connection: the Last Mile Scholarship Campaign

Marybeth Mason, Dean of Community Affairs, and Dr. Lujan gave an update on the “Be the Connection” Scholarship Campaign that was launched last May in honor of Dr. Maria Hesse’s departure from CGCC. The campaign has raised approximately $75,000 for the Maria L. Hesse Service and Leadership Scholarship, the Lois M. Bartholomew Emergency Scholarship Fund, and the Arnette Scott Ward General Academic Scholarship Fund. The “Last Mile” drive will continue through the year in an effort to reach the goal of $100,000.

Eli Choumni, past CGCC student and first recipient of the Arnette Scott Ward Scholarship Fund spoke about how this scholarship helped him to continue onto ASU. He will graduate in December with a 4.0 grade point average. Eli encouraged PCAC members to donate to the scholarship fund to help students in need through their educational journey.


Laverne DaCosta highlighted the East Valley National Association for Advancement of Colored PeopleCelebrating 100 Years of Service .. The Legacy Continues event on Friday, October 23th in Mesa.

Frank Pezzorello announced the grand opening of a new Boys & Girls Club in Chandler on November 16.

Closing Remarks

Becky Jackson asked members to update their address and email information on the sheet provided to them and to share any thoughts, suggestions, or information that would be beneficial for Dr. Lujan to know about them, their organization or community and return it to Janet McBroom.Becky thanked members for coming and supporting CGCC.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the President’s Community Advisory Council will be Tuesday, February 23 at 7:30 am (light breakfast begins at 7:00am). The groundbreaking for Bridget Hall will be at 9:00am and members of PCAC are invited to stay and participate. There will be shovels, cameras, and hard hats for your photo opportunity at this historic event.

PCAC Minutes, October 20, 2009Page 1