955th Meeting held August 13, 2009
Mill Creek Fire Company, Station 21
President Lynn Truitt called the meeting to order at 1854.
Chaplain Wilms gave the invocation.
Past President Larry Mergenthaler led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Jon Stewart welcomed all to the meeting.
The meeting recessed at 1856 for dinner and reconvened at 1945. A vote of thanks was given to the Mill Creek Ladies Auxiliary for the delicious meal.
CountyExecutive Chris Coons presented a representative from each Company with their appropriation monies. The total of all checks was 3.5 million dollars.
The Scholarship awards of $1000 were handed out to:
Kyle Mench of Delaware City Fire Company
Joshua Smith of Hockessin Fire Company
J.C. Wilson, IV of Wilmington Manor Fire Company
Recognition of Deceased Members: there were three (3), William Casperson of Station 13, Dino Vispi of Station 13 and Past State President Jim Monihan of Station 14. Prayer for the deceased was given by Reverend Wilms.
Roll Call of Member Companies by Assistant Secretary Hopkins. Signature logbook indicated 128 in attendance. Roll Call of NCCVFA showed all Officers present except Trustee Clark .
Recognition of Past Presidents:
New CastleCounty Volunteer Firemen's Association: 14
Delaware Volunteer Firemen’s Association:10
CurrentNew CastleCounty Presidents: 11
MOTION made by Jim Barlow (28,32) to accept the June 2009 meeting minutes in printed form. SECONDED by Jasper Lakey (15). <CARRIED by acclamation>
Treasurer’s Report given by Treasurer Smith. MOTION made by Jim Watson (15, 28, 32) to accept the June 2009 Treasurer’s report. SECONDED by Jasper Lakey (15). <CARRIED by acclamation>
President’s Report:
President Truitt reported that the revised contracts for CountyGovernment are in the packets for review by each Company. Meetings have been held regarding the rescue billing issue.
1st Vice President Richard Perillo and 2nd Vice President Bob Sutton’s reports are in printed form to the Secretary.
Committee Reports called for by 1st Vice President Richard Perillo:
Constitution & By Laws, Bob Sutton reported that the 1st draft of the proposed By Law change will be read tonight.
Firefighter of the Year, Jasper Lakey stated he has received only 1 nomination so far. Please submit information very soon to the Secretary or to Volunteer Hose Fire Co.
Special Operations, Richard Perilllo reported there is a bill for $114.99 for the collapse team.
Association Reports called for by 2nd Vice President Bob Sutton.:
DVFA, President Warren Jones reported that the budget cuts are 20 % not 37 %.
They received a $389,000 grant for recruitment and retention and hired a PT Coordinator, Jill Graham.
Kevin Wilson will go over the budget review in his report.
The vote for the name change for the DVFA to Firefighters will occur at Conference.
He met with the Insurance Commissioner, Karen Weldin Stewart, regarding the decreased funds we received. He would like to see an audit of the Insurance Companies. Karen Weldin Stewart has already contracted with an outside company to do this audit. It starts in August.Warren wanted better communication with the Insurance Commissioner’s office and that has been achieved.
Grant In Aid-our income decreased by 20%. Leveling up for KentSussex is minimal. He explained his anger over the Joint Finance Committee decisions. He sent information to all in the state fire service as well as a letter to the Governor and legislators. The next step needed is to form a coalition of fire service leaders to put together a plan to take to Conference. He has already talked with KentSussex. He suggests that we need to meet with our legislators before session starts up. We need to do a PR campaign.
He explained the DVFA and the Executive Secretary role.
Warren strongly feels that we cannot be divided, we need a unified front.
Please call him with any issues regarding DVFA to decrease misunderstanding.
DVFA, 1st Vice President Kevin Wilson reported that they are getting the budget out for review before the Conference. $3000 of the dues goes to the operating budget and $1000 goes to the Conference fund. It has been over 12 years since the DVFA has raised dues. They have used $19,000 from reserves. Actual budget from last year was $27,000.
Discussion per Tom DiCristofaro (13) regarding scaling back Conference and also for the Companies that don’t participate in Conference should not have to pay the assessment. He also is concerned over DVFA having 2 paid people. Concerns over cuts when we were told we weren’t going to get cut. Jon Stewart (2,21) wanted to know what we have in reserves, reportedly ~ $200,000. Jim Barlow (28,32) asked what is the CFSI Gold Sponsor cost? He was told the only costs for DVFA Chair Officers. Jimmy Craig (1,27) asked if there is a penalty for not paying the DVFA dues? No one is sure but possibly monies can be held or loss of funding. There will be no pay raises to DVFA employees this year.
Mutual Relief, Richard Perillo reported that all Companies received packages. The cover letter dollar amount is incorrect. They hope to keep the numbers the same this year as last year. They will vote in September on this item. Please fill out the paperwork properly.
Agency Reports called for by 2nd Vice President Bob Sutton:
State Fire Prevention Commission, Ron Marvel reported they will have a meeting 8/18. There will be a hearing at 1 pm to go over changes. The Commission did not authorize that the fire service could take a hit but they cannot control individual responses.
ESC, Jill Graham report is in printed form in the mailboxes. They are recruiting new team members.
COMMUNICATIONS, Secretary Debbie Watson read letters from the following:
A thank you note from Melissa Kiser for her get well card.
A letter from Delaware City Fire Company in support of Debbie Watson for Secretary.
A letter from Holloway Terrace Fire Company in support of Charlie Sheridan for 2nd Vice President.
A letter from Brandywine Hundred Fire Company in support of Richard Perillo for President.
Payment of Bills read by Treasurer Smith: MOTION was made by Jim Watson (15,28,32) to pay the bills. SECONDED by Jasper Lakey (15). <CARRIED by acclamation>
Election of DVFA Director:
Les McCourt (2,21) received 20 votes and Jim Barlow (28,32) received 1 vote. A letter will be sent to DVFA in support of Les McCourt as the Director from NCC.
MOTION made by Ed Barlow (20) and SECONDED by Tom DiCristofaro (13) to have a regular County meeting in November. This motion was ruled by Parliamentarian Joe Hojnicki to be out of order. MOTION withdrawn.
MOTION made by Lou Amabili (19) and SECONDED by Tony Guzzo (19) to accept the 1st reading of the By Law changes. <CARRIED by acclamation>
MOTION made by Dan Carrier (19) and SECONDED by Jim Watson (15,28,32) to pay the Special Operations team bill. <CARRIED by acclamation>
MOTION by Frank Bailey (1,27) and SECONDED by Jim Watson (15,28,32) to send a letter to the Insurance Commissioner regarding the rescue billing claims being denied.<CARRIED by acclamation>
MOTION by Jimmy Craig (1,27) and SECONDED by Tony Guzzo (19) to support the DVFA name change. <CARRIED by acclamation>
MOTION by Jim Barlow (28,32) and SECONDED by Brian Shaw (22) to request a decrease in dues for the DVFA of 20%. Roll call vote- 8 in favor, 12 against, 1 no vote. <MOTION defeated>
MOTION by Brian Shaw (22) and SECONDED by Jim Barlow (28,32) to oppose the relocation of the Conference to Dover Downs. <CARRIED by acclamation>
MOTION BY Tom DiCristofaro (13) and SECONDED by Jeff Miller (25) to have a committee of representatives from all three counties work on downsizing the Conference. <CARRIED by acclamation>
John Fox, President DSFCA announced that he has handed out 6 Chiefs meeting tickets to all 21 Companies, even though there were only 7 responses.
Les McCourt thanked everyone for their support. He promises to do his best to serve DVFA.
Jasper Lakey thanked everyone who came out for the signing of the Michelle Smith Law, HB 204.
Lou Amabili spoke regarding our fire service being #1. Think before we cut things that benefit our members.
Warren Jones spoke regarding his term as DVFA President and owes a debt of gratitude to the NCCVFA. He received a standing ovation.
Dwain Haines announced he has tickets for the gun raffle for a MD Fire Company. Cost is $20.
The next meeting will be a President/Chief workshop on Thursday 9/10 at the County Building at 6:30 pm. The meeting after that will be at Station 23 with cocktails at 6 pm on 10/8.
The Benediction was given by Jasper Lakey.
50/50 winning number 062809. Amount $83. The winner was Ducky Reed.
Rising vote of Thanks given to Host Company.
Meeting adjourned at 2200 hours.
Minutes recorded by:
Debbie Watson, Secretary