Faculty Forum minutesSept. 9, 2015

President– Dieter Steklis started the meeting from Tech Park at 10:02

PRESENT: Arnold, Stephen; Brown, Brandy; Citera, Barbara;DeLalla, John; Denno, Linda; DiRoberto, Kyle; Erickson, Kathy;Kralovec, Etta; Lunsford, Laura; Lutes, Todd; Mapp, Eric; McGee, Inger; Orozco, Rick; Parra, Ada; Sanderson, Chris; Seder, Laurie; Steklis, Dieter; Straight, Ryan; Tesch, Aaron; Torres, David; Trevino, Sandee; Xu, Li

ABSENT:Czerkawski, Betul (sabbatical); Johnson, Chris; Wells, Kate


Agenda Item / Discussion Notes / Action / Person/s
Approval of Minutes / Motioned by Aaron for May minutes. / 18 approved. 1 abstention / Dieter Steklis
Dean’s Report: / Faculty searches- There will be 3 faculty searches for this year.1) Network Administration 2) Human Services and 3) Language Culture Education. We will need faculty to serve on the committees. Etta will chair the LCEV committee.
Non faculty hires-One to replace Sally. Another for a part time graduate advisor.
Adjunct hires- We will continueto hire adjuncts for full time status to take on more courses and offer benefits. Will come back to FF to lay out the procedure to hire adjuncts.
Conflict of interest: Working anywhere outside UAS could be a conflict of interest.
Self-study- Went through all the comments and made changes from the requests.
Enrollments: down 5% from last year. / Jim Shockey
Associate Dean’s Report: / Barbara asked faculty to update their contact info in UAccess. Let Esther know whenand what days your hybrid courses meet F2F.
Honors students-Make sure you have started with your students. Will meet with the honors students to start readings.
Assessment-The process has started through the syllabus template.
Melody Buckner will meet with faculty after the general Oct. meeting.
DRC- To find out if a student is registered with DRC you can check online.
Make sure you are familiar with the plagiarism policy. / Barbara Citera
Standing Committee Reports & Action Items:
Curriculum / Technology- Strategic plan submitted.
Personnel-Report submitted
Curriculum-Report submitted. No questions on new course proposals.Vote is to accept all 4 recommendations as one. / Motion:18 approved and 1 abstention. / Chris Johnson
Li Xu
Kyle DiRoberto
Undergraduate & Graduate Reports / Undergraduate-Meets on Tuesday afternoon. Sent the agenda out, any questions refer to Todd.
Graduate- Report submitted. / Todd Lutes
Rick Orozco
Course modifications / Engagement Course modifications:Todd motioned to approve the documentthat was circulated, Linda seconded. / Motion: 18 approvedand 1 abstention.
NewBusiness: / President Elect- Todd wants to represent UAS in a positive way. He will need full faculty support. See electronic statement. Aaron will set up an online anonymous voting poll for President Elect.
Put out another call to all instructors for an adjunct representative.
Etta’s concerns about travel policy. Will go on the next agenda. Along with acceptance for electronic signatures on forms.
Need for the grievance committee? Discussion followed. Not a direction FF wants to go now.
Discussion followed on what our relationship with main campus is on programs shared or not shared.
Adjournment: / 12 noon.

University of Arizona @ Sierra Vista Prepared by Deb Hoeft, Reviewed by Dieter Steklis