The Board of Directors of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA),in its session held during the period 2-4March2016,hasapproved loans and grants for some African countries.
The total amount of the approved financing is US$ 109.695 million, of which US$105.50 million are earmarked as loans, for participation in financing of nine development projects and US$ 4.195 million are allocated for financing fourteen technical assistance operations.
The following are the approved operations:
The Projects:-
BeneficiaryCountry / Loan Amount
(Million of US$) / Project Name
1- / Zambia / 10.00 / Construction of Cancer Treatment Centers
2- / Uganda / 11.50 / Upgrading of Luwero – Butalangu Road
3- / Cote D’ Ivoire / 12.00 / Construction and equipping of the regional hospital in Yopougon
4- / Kenya / 11.00 / Upgrading of Gilgil – Machinery Road
5- / Liberia / 12.00 / Upgrading of “Gbarnga – Salayea” Road
6- / Mali / 10.00 / Supply of electricity to villages through hybrid solar energy
7- / Mozambique / 10.00 / Construction of Geology Department and Administration Building for
Faculty of Science in the University of Eduardo Mondlane
8- / Senegal / 9.00 / Provision of water supply for the islands of lower Casamance
9- / Tchad / 20.00 / Construction of small dams for agriculture and livestock in rural areas
Technical Assistance Operations:-
BeneficiaryCountry / Grant Amount
(US$) / The Technical Assistance
1- / Madagascar / 500,000 / Preparation of master plan for the transportation sector in “ Antananarivo”
2- / Central African Republic / 320,000 / Provision of an expert to support the Ministry of Economy, Planning and International Cooperation
3- / Gabon / 250,000 / Support to the National Investment Promotion Agency
4- / Regional / 300,000 / Support to the Arab Electronic Portal
5- / Regional / 170,000 / Support for the 18th conference for the micro credit summit
6- / Regional / 300,000 / Participation in the African Program for fighting river blindness.
7- / Regional / 370,000 / Provision of an expert to support the African campaign to fight Tse Tse fly
8- / Regional / 300,000 / Participation in the Program for fighting blindness
9- / Regional / 125,000 / Training program for preparation, analyzing and evaluation of agriculture projects for Anglophone countries
10- / BADEA / 310,000 / Preparation of a study on the effectiveness of technical assistance operations
11- / Regional / 370,000 / Preparation of a guide to support the partnership between the Arab and African regions
12- / Regional / 500,000 / Feasibility study for the establishment of regional airline for the Sahel group
13- / Regional / 280,000 / Forum for the promotion of the Arab exports to Sub Saharan countries
14- / Regional / 100,000 / Road Show on the Private Sector Investment
Conference for the Great Lakes Region in Africa
Beneficiary Country / ZambiaProject’s Name / Construction of Cancer Treatment Centers
Estimated Project Cost / US$ 25.00 million
BADEA’s Financing / US$10.00 million
Other Sources of Financing / -OFID : US$ 12.40 million, The Government : US$2.60 million.
Project Description / The project is locatedat the Central Hospital in Lusaka, City of Livingstone in the southern province,and City of Ndola in theCopper belt province.
The project includes the followingcomponents:
-Civil works and ancillaries: for the expansion of the existing center in the Capital “Lusaka”by adding 4D-Linear Accelerator Unit, construction of center in the City of Livingstone in the southern province,and City of Ndola in theCopper belt province for cancer treatment with a built up area of 2000 m2 for each along with site works and associated utilities (water, sanitation, electricity, communications).
-Procurement and Installations of medical and non-medical equipment and furniture
-Training and scale up of Human resources capacity and Public awareness
-Consultancy services: which includes preparation of detailed engineering designs and tender documents for civil works
-Procurement and installation of medical equipment and furniture.
-Provision of institutional support for the Department of Policy and Planning.
Project objectives / The project aims to support the Government's policy to expand health service coverage and upgrading, as well as meeting basic needs to improve the health status of citizens. And to expand cancer care services with the development of radiotherapy services in the country. This is in line with the Ministry of Health’s program to Upgrade Provincial Hospitals so that they provide Specialist Health Care in order to reduce on distances with which people have to travel to access diagnosis and treatment facilities. From the Epidemiological data, the treatment and diagnosis of cancer and related illnesses is one of the major priorities of the Health Sector. The establishment of these facilities will increase on the number of people receiving specialized care
Procurement of Goods and Services / - Civil works and ancillaries: through International Competitive Bidding
-Procurement and installation of medical equipment and furniture: through international competitive bidding
-Provision of institutional support for the Department of Policy and Planning: though local agents
-Consultancy Services on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/ African firms
Project’s Implementation / The physical implementation of the project is expected to start in January,2018 and to be completed in December, 2019
Executing Agency / Dr. Davy Chikamata
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health
Lusaka - Zambia
Beneficiary Country / Uganda
Project’s Name / Upgrading of Luwero – Butalangu Road
Estimated Project Cost / US$24.65million
BADEA’s Financing / US$ 11.50 million
Other Sources of Financing / -OFID: US$ 11.50 million
-The Government: US$ 1.60 million
Project Description and Components / The project lies in the central eastern province and connect “ Luwero” and “ Butalangu” and consists of the following components:
1-CivilWorks :which includesthe upgrading of the road to asphalt road with an average length of 29 Km and width of 7 m with two shoulders, 1.5 m each outside residential areas and 2.0 within towns.
2-Consultancy Services for the review of the design and tender document, assist the executing agency in launching the tender and evaluating the offers, and supervision of construction.
3-Land acquisition
4-Support of the PIU.
Project objectives / The project aims to participate in supporting the national and local economic and social development within the framework of the Government program to develop the transport sector in general and the national roads network in particular and the integration of the regional roads network and participate in connecting the central eastern regions in “Luwero” and “Nakaseke” with the rest of the country and the Capital “Kampala”. It will also ease the transport of goods and passenger in the region and in achieving the food security and secure the access to the centers of the social services (schools and health centers) and facilitate the access for the central administration to the residents, improve the efficiency of traffic and security on the current road, reduce the travel time and cost for trips as well as operational cost for vehicle which will lead to reducing the transport cost and help in reducing poverty in the project region.
Procurement of Goods and Services / -Civil works: Through Competitive Bidding limited to Arab, African and Arab/African firms and OFID member countries firms
-Consultancy Services:on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/ African firms.
Project’s Implementation / The physical implementation of the project is expected to start in June, 2017 and be completed in June, 2019.
Executing Agency / Mr. B. Ssebbugga-Kimeze
Ag. Executive Director
Uganda National Roads Authority
Fax:+256 414 232807 / 347616
Beneficiary Country / Cote D’ Ivoire
Project’s Name / Construction and equipping of the regional hospital in Yopougon
Estimated Project Cost / US$ 30.50 million
BADEA’s Financing / US$ 12.00 million
Other Sources of Financing / -Saudi Fund: US$ 15.00 million
-The Government:US$ 3 .50 million
Project Description and Components / The project lies in the municipal of “Yopougon” to the west of the Capital “Abidjan” which is the biggest with regard to population which is around two million which makes it the highest population density in the country. The project consists of the following components:
1- Civil works and Ancillaries:includes;
The construction of the main building consisting of three floors and includes different medical sections including the renal diseases and administration sections, and wings for laundry, restaurant, laboratory, pharmacy, and x ray over an area of 12600 square meters and 3 housing units with a total area of 400 square meters.
2- Equipment,Furniture and transport means:
-Provision and installation of elevators and generator (450 KVA) and provision for water treatment,
-Provision of medical equipment and medical and non medical furniture,
-Provision of 3 ambulance vehicles and mini bus.
3- Consultancy Services for preparation of designs and tender documents, studying the medical and furniture requirement and construction supervision
4—Support of the PIU
5-Land acquisition
Project objectives / The Projectfalls within the frame work of the health national planfor the period from 2012 to 2015 which continues to extend the medical services over the country and upgrade and avail the service in a fair way. The project aims at the provision of medical services to the resident of “ Yopougon”, and districts of Jackville, Secense, and Dabou of population of 3.5 million where it lakes currently the coverage of health services especially renal care.
Procurement of Goods and Services / - Civil works and Ancillaries:Through competitive bidding restricted to Arab ,African or Arab/ African contractors
-Medical equipment and furniture, elevators: through international competitive bidding
-Non medical furniture, transport means, computers and photocopier: though local agents
- Consultancy services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms.
Project’s Implementation / The physical implementation of the project is expected to start in the third quarter of 2017 and be completed by third quarter of 2019.
Executing Agency / Direction des Infrastructures
Tel: 20223688
Fax: 20223687
Beneficiary Country / Kenya
Project’s Name / Upgrading of Gilgil – Machinery Road
Estimated Project Cost / US$15.00 million
BADEA’s Financing / US$ 11.00 million
Other Sources of Financing / --The Government : US$ 4.00 million
Project Description and Components / The projectconsists of the following Components:
- Civil Works and Ancillaries: for the upgrading of the road to a full pavement of 22.7 kms length and 6.50 meters width of carriageway and 1.5 meters shoulder from both sides
- Consultancy Services for review of detailed designs and tender documents and to assist the Executing Agency in launching, evaluation of bids and construction supervision
Project objectives / The project aims to contribute to the national road network development and expansion, integration and linking central and east areas of the provinces Nyandaroa" and "Naivasha " with all regions of the country and with the capital, "Nairobi". The project also aims to improve the efficiency of traffic, and vehicle operation time thereby reducing the cost of transportation, and facilitate the transport of agricultural products from the project area to other regions of the country and to ensure the population's access to social services centers, and to contribute to support economic and social development
Procurement of Goods and Services / - Civil works and Ancillaries: on the basis of Arab, African and Arab/ African joint venture firms
- Consultancy services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms.
Project’s Implementation / The physical implementation of the project is expected to start in June2017 and be completed in June2019.
Executing Agency / Director General
Kenya National Highways Authority,
Email: / Country: Nairobi – Kenya
Beneficiary Country / Liberia
Project’s Name / Upgrading of “Gbarnga – Salayea” Road
Estimated Project Cost / US$95.10 million
BADEA’s Financing / US$ 12.00 million
Other Sources of Financing / OFID : US$15.00 million
Saudi fund: US$ 20 million
Kuwait fund : US$ 15.50 million
Abu Dhabi Fund: US$ 15.00 million
The Government US$ 12.60 million
Project Description and Components / The project lies in the north east of the country and connects the towns of “ Gbarabga” and “ Salayea” The project includes the following components:
- Civil Works and Ancillaries:for the upgrading of the road to a full pavement of 81 kms length and 7.50 meters width of carriageway (with additional 2.0 meters service lane inside the towns) and 1.5 meters shoulder from both sides.
- Consultancy Services: for the review of detailed designs and tender documents and to assist the Executing Agency in launching and evaluation of bids and construction supervision.
- Land acquisition
- Support to the PIU
Project objectives / The project falls under the government's program to develop the country's road network, improve road transport, which represents a key role in the country's economic growth and poverty reduction support. The project aims to improve and expand the reconstruction of one of the main roads that have been built over the past decades, which has faced severe shortages in funding for the maintenance and reconstruction, which brought most of the roads in the country to a low state and became an obstacle to the implementation of development programs in the country. The project will contribute to reducing the time and cost of transportation and facilitate passenger access to social and administrative centers.
Procurement of Goods and Services /
- CivilWorks and ancillaries: Through International Competitive Bidding.
- Consultancy services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms
Project’s Implementation / The physical implementation of the project is expected to start in August, 2017 and be completed in August,2020.
Executing Agency / Ministry of Public Works (MPW)
Country: Monrovia – Liberia
Beneficiary Country / Mali
Project’s Name / Supply of electricity to villages through hybrid solar energy
Estimated Project Cost / US$ 21.51 million
BADEA’s Financing / US$10.00 million
Other Sources of Financing / --Abu Dhabi Fund; US$ 8.50 million
- The Government : US$ 3.01 million
Project Description and Components / The project is located in five regions ( Sikasso, Segou, Kayes, Mpoti, and Koulikoro) and covers 32 villages with population of 200 thousands. The project includes:
- First Part: includes the supply and installation of hybrid solar PV system and distribution network in 10 villages and includes:
Civil and electrical works for the supply and installation of solar PV with capacity of 635 KW and diesel generator with capacity of1186 KW.
Supply and installation of distribution network ( medium and low voltage lines) with a length of 44 Klm and 14 transformers, supply and installation of meters and cable to connect 4463 customers.
- Second Part: includes the construction of hybrid solar PV system and distribution network in 22 villages and includes:
Civil and electrical works for the supply and installation of solar PVwith capacity of 1052 KW and diesel generator with capacity of 1558 KW.
Supply and installation of distribution network (medium and low voltage lines) with a length of 154 Km and 24 transformers, supply including meters and cable to connect 8693 customers.
-Consultancy Services for the preparation of detailed designs and tender documents and assist the executing agency in tendering process and selection of firms for the supply and installation and construction supervision.
- Environmental mitigations
-Support to the PIU and Amader
Project objectives / The project aims to provide electric power for homes use centers and health and education services, commercial activities and agriculture in some villages, which will reflect positively on the lives of rural residents to upgrade and develop the local economy, improve living standards and alleviate poverty. The project falls under the government's program to provide electricity to about 80% of the country's population by 2020, which currently does not exceed 17%.
Procurement of Goods and Services / -Civiland electrical works: Through International Competitive Bidding
- Consultancy Services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms
- Training: through consulting firms, contractors and training institutions specialised in the field of renewable energy.
- Provision of Vehicle, computers, photocopier, and furniture to the PIU: through local agents.
Project’s Implementation / The physical implementation of the project is expected to start in December2016 and to be completed by the end of, 2018.
Executing Agency / Amader
Tel: 223 20238567
Fax: 223 238239
Beneficiary Country / Mozambique
Project’s Name / Construction of Geology Department and Administration Building forFaculty of Science in the University of Eduardo Mondlane
Estimated Project Cost / US$ 11.1
BADEA’s Financing / US$10.00 million
Other Sources of Financing / The government: 1.10 million
Project Description and Components / The project lies within the premises of the University of Edwardo Mondlane and on location next to the faculty of science . The project is composed of the following components:
-Civil works and ancillaries:Construction of two buildings for the Geology Department with a total area of 4062 m2 and 3 floors. Construction of one Administration building for the Faculty of Science with a total area of 2454 m2 , external works over an area of 5000 m2 which includes parking and walkways and landscape in addition of the provision of water supply, sanitation and electricity.
-Supply of furniture and office and laboratory equipment
-Consultancy Services for the preparation of the detailed designs and tender documents and construction supervision
Project objectives / The project falls within the framework of the government's plan to develop and expand the infrastructure for higher education in the country, including the expansion of University "Eduardo Mondlane" in the capital "Maputo", thus contributing to the increase accommodate students of the Department of Geology and improve the teaching and training in the department right climate to provide for collection
Procurement of Goods and Services / -Civil works and Ancillaries : Through competitive bidding restricted to Arab, African or Arab/ African construction firms
- Consultancy Services: on the basis of a short list of Arab, African or Arab/African firms
- Supply of furniture and office and laboratory equipment: through International Competitive Bidding.
Project’s Implementation / The physical implementation of the project is expected to start in mid2017 and to be completed inmid, 2019.
Executing Agency / Ministry of Education
Fax 258430204/309725
Beneficiary Country / Senegal
Project’s Name / Provision of water supply for the islands of lower Casamance
Estimated Project Cost / US$ 10.50 million
BADEA’s Financing / US$9.00 million
Other Sources of Financing / The Government : US$ 1.50 million