Delton Founders Festival Committee

February 15, 2017

Present: Carl Schoessel, Cheryl Bower, Tina Amaro,Dee Defields, Jill Young, Becky Kahler, Cathy Hart, Wes Kahler, Jacquie McLean, & Travis Alden.

President Dee Defields called the meeting to order at 2:00pm.

Pledge of allegiance was recited.

Secretary’s report: minutes from the 1/18/2017meeting were read and approved after a motion by Jill, 2nd by Becky and a vote by members present.

Treasurer’s report: Becky presented a treasure’s report which showed a combined general funds balance of $5287.84. Her report was filed after some discussion about Hometown Christmas monies that are earmarked for "beautification." Cheryl volunteered to speak with Kris Harrington about how she planned to spend that earmarked money.

Business discussed:

  • The DABA brochure committee will meet again soon to plan this brochure. If you are interested in helping with this, contact Drew or Dee. We spoke about the real need for a listing of our members: a business directory would help customers find us as well as help us stay in contact with each other.
  • Our annual meeting will take place at the Delton Moose lodge on March 15 at 6:00pm. We decided to start this important meeting with a potluck meal and social hour! Please plan to attend and help plan next year's events and officers for our association.
  • Nominations for officers are being taken now-contact Dee or Drew with names of people interested in holding offices. We need a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, & 1 or 2 trustees, according to our by-laws.These officers should agree to serve a 2 year term.
  • Membership dues invoices will be sent out in March. The addresses and other contact information should be given to both the treasurer and the secretary once the dues have been paid.Dee is working on a letter to accompany the invoices asking for sponsorship of the brochure/directory.
  • DABA agreed to host the Barry Chamber of Commerce businesses collaborative meeting on March 29th. Plans are for the meeting to be at the GilmoreCarMuseum, at 6:00pm. Becky arranged with Gilmore to have Sajos cater soup, and the Local Grind to bring sandwiches and coffee. Travis said that possibly 25-30 people will hopefully attend.

Announcements: Travis reported on events being planned by the Chamber, including the Brew Fest on July 29th in Freeport. (He indicated that 2018 Brew Fest is still up in the air...why don't we have it here in Delton! He said he'll

Adjourned at 2:50

Submitted by Cheryl Bower