Minutes of the Regular Park Board Meeting
Board of Park Commissioners
Western Springs Park District
Village Hall- 740 Hillgrove Ave
July 12, 2016 – 7:00 pm
I.Call To Order
President Dallavo called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
II.Pledge Of Allegiance
President Dallavo led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance
III.Roll Call Of Commissioners
CommissionersPresentPresident Dallavo,Vice-President Zeitler,Commissioner Burton, Commissioner Chen, CommissionerKnake, Commissioner Krull.
Staff Present John Robinson-Executive Director, Emma Aumiller- Summer Intern.
OthersPresentRobEkroth-Park District Attorney,Tracy Alden-WS Recreation Department.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 14, 2016 were presented.
Comr. Zeitler moved, seconded by Comr. Knake to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May June 14, 2016. On voice vote the motion was approved 6-0.
V.Citizens to be Heard - None
VI.Recreation Department Report
Director Alden reported that all is good with the Recreation Department. The Big Band Concert will be rescheduled due to inclement weather and the West Suburban Symphony Orchestra concert will be a t Ridgewood Park on July 20. He also reported that the Recreation Department is looking to hire personnel for 2 part time positions.
VII.Village of Western Springs Report
Director Alden reported that the Village meeting was last night. The Village had tested 43 water meters and there was no loss issue with any of them. The Village will be replacing the meters. The Village will have a 12 million dollar roads referendum on the ballot for November 2016. There were Fire Fighter/Police swearing in. Commr. Krull asked a question about the tax issue.
VIII.Financial Report
Executive Director Robinson reported the Park District’s End of Month Balance is $1.7 million. There was no tax revenue in June however there will be some in July. He also reported some of the larger expenses of the month. Comr. Knake moved, seconded by Comr. Krull to approve the Park Districts Monthly Budget. On voice vote the motion was approved 6-0.
IX.Park Use Applications - None
X.New Business
- Deep Well #5 – Field Park Area/Ellington Right of Way (Field Park)
This is a 2 year our proposal. The construction site is a 171’ x 101’ construction site. The project would take about 1 to 2 years to complete. Executive Director Robinson is working with the Village of Western Springs.
Ellington cul-de-sac right of way may not have been recorded properly.Attorney Ekroth will look into this.
XI.Old Business
a.Park Tours – Capital Improvement Plan Ideas
Executive Director Robinsongave an overview of the plan for the tours that Commissioners took of the parks in Western Springs. Two to three Commissioners toured as a group. Four parks were reviewed by each group. Each group reported on the parks they reviewed and discussion of each park carried forth. Maintaining safety and uniformity at all parks was part of the discussion. Executive Director Robinson stated the September meeting would also be another meeting to continue discussion of capital improvement ideas at the parks. October would be time to make decisions and thenNovember and December the Park District will hold neighborhood meetings regarding playground renovations.
XII.Legal - None
XIII.Approval of Purchases - None
XIV.Matters from Executive Director
Executive Director Robinson reported that the McNaughton Family that lost their son was looking for a way to memorialize him. The Park District will be working with the family on this.
Camping Under The Stars event - July 22-23.
July Movie night at Springdale Park on July 8 went well and the next movie night is scheduled for Spring Rock Park on August 12.
Next BBQ happens at Ridge Acres on July 28.
XV.Matters from Commissioners - None
XVI.Closed Session - None
Comr. Knake moved, seconded by Comr. Chen to adjourn the regular board meeting session at 8:32 pm. On voice vote the motion was approved
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Kartzmark, Park Board Secretary