September 28, 2017
N.D. Fire Chiefs
Board Meeting – 10am
Fargo, ND
President Boespflug called the meeting to order with introductions.
Present: Francis, Dirksen, Fuller, Sprecker, Frost, Flermoen, O’Neill, Trosen, Nardello,
Knuth, Weltikol, Retterath, Crane, Schlafman, Brady, Lorenz.
Minutes of last meeting were dispensed with.
President Boespflugs agenda is reviewing the Strategic Plan.
- SIEC: H.B. 1175 provides for continuation of the communications throughout the state.
Televate is the contractor doing the planning and work. The bill provides monies for this
to happen. First Net will be the program which will be used. IFC section 510 gives
- Discussion for training: Rob Knuth gave insight as to the NDFA work being done. Rob
mentioned they are ProBoard certified.
NDFA is contracted with KAT Communications to promote the Recuitment & Retention
for the North Dakota fire service. NDFA has received a grant for this program.
- Fire Caucus: Discussion on what it is and how the agencies are to work together as to
give one clear direction for the fire service in the state. The Fire Chief’s Association is committed to strong partnerships with all stakeholder groups and agencies. Chief Fuller will develop a Fire Caucus model for introduction to other parties.
- Leadership: Reminder of the teleconferences on the 1st Friday of each month. The purpose is to generate communications and information sharing.
IAFC: The GPO project was discussed. A percentage of ND purchases under GPO comes back to our Chiefs Association.
- Our ND Chiefs conference coming up February 23rd 2018. Speakers and topics were discussed.
- Cancer in the fire service.
Chief O’Neill spoke on best practices on cleaning our firefighter gear and
on scene decon.
- Missouri Valley Conference: Discussed bringing this conference to North Dakota
in the near future.
O’Neill made a motion to have Dirksen put together an application and to send
it to the Missouri Valley committee for a chance to host this conference.
2nd by Dirksen. Motion passed.
- Representative Guigisberg spoke briefly on HB 1380 and the study of fire training.
- Certificate of Existence: Acting State Fire Marshal, Ken Sisk phoned in to ask the
group about the question on the form. “How is your check from State insurance
department spent. The legislative committee has looked at some of the answers
that are given from various fire departments. This committee feels there is poor
response to this question. Mr Sisk will work with the legislative committee to
possibly rework that question on the form and get the word out to departments
stating there needs to be a much better explanation to that question.
- General discussion was held on legislative issues for the coming session. The premium tax fund is critical to the fire service. Dirksen reminded us of what goals do we have for communication as we goforwardwith the state wide radio system. Nardelloreported on the state pension plan with ND PERS. Flermoenreported on penalties related to fires caused by careless smoking.
- LAST: This state organization is looking for other personnel to join them and be
part of the work. The group provides support to fire departments that experience a firefighter loss. Chief Schlaffman provided a report
- Finance: Nardello made a motion to look at a better way or effective way to improve
our funding for this organization. 2nd by Flermoen. Passed. Chief Catrambone will lead the efforts for a revamp of the dues system.
- Website: Motion by O’Neill to have Fuller update and improve our Chiefs website.
The expenditure will be $600.00 2nd by Dirksen. Motion passed.