Pittsburgh St. Patrick’s Day Parade, downtown Pittsburgh Saturday, March 14, 2007, meeting promptly at 9:30am to line up and rehearse. Please allow time to park and walk to the location as downtown gets crazier as the morning wears on. See attached parade line-up; let us know if your dancer is not listed so we can make that correction prior to Saturday. For questions prior to that morning call Sheila’s cell 412-417-4802 or Liz’s cell 412-583-9507; please try to use text messaging if attempting to contact us that morning as it will be difficult to find time to pickup calls or listen to voice messages.


Time to meet…9:30am and no later!! Group leaders please arrive by 9:15am.

Where to meet…on Centre Avenue, next to Mellon Arena, one block up from 5th Ave. and one block up from the Marriott Hotel. We are no. 56 in the First Division. Surrounding groups are the Irish Setters in front and the Pittsburgh Ceili Club behind us. Look for the van carrying the banners and the jackets.

Where to park…suggestions are Marriott Hotel (across the street from EpiphanyChurch location of post parade party), or Station Square and walk across bridge. Some lots along 5th Avenue may be open as well. Bear in mind, the later you come, the harder parking will be.

Note to all parents…There will be adult leaders assigned to groups of dancers who will march alongside in the parade. Those leaders will stay with their group until parents have come to pick up their dancer at the end of the parade route. Groups and leaders are listed on the next page. Please be sure to introduce yourself to the group leader as you drop your child off. Any parents not marching can meet dancers at the parade’s end on Blvd. of the Allies. Exact route of parade can be found at:

Note to Parents who are marching…you will march in formation alongside the van providing music. Please try to limit the items you carry with you so we all look uniform. Thanks in advance!

What to wear… Dress code for everyone marching was posted in previous memos. Please use common sense that morning with respect to the weather: e.g., bring headbands & mittens but they can be removed and placed in front jacket pocket if it’s too warm.

After the Parade…Anyone who purchased tickets for the luncheon after the parade, you should have receive your tickets by Wednesday 3/11/2007. Please advise if you have not.

Thanks in advance to all marchers and dancers. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

***Reminder !!!!! No class scheduled for the following dates: Monday 3/16 and Wednesday 3/18.

***Feis Practice Sat 3/21 , please see the announcements section of the website for exact times.

2009 Parade Lineup

Parents / Parents / Parents / Parents / Parents
Counters / Music Van / Group Monitors

Liz Grinko

Michael Shovlin

Sheila Shovlin
/ (Three-Hand Dance) / John Shovlin

Madison Nagel
Johnny Shovlin
Juliana Dillon / Molly Smith
Irina Potter
Ella Grove / Caley O’Connor
Haley Nangle
Kim McLane
Nora O’Toole
Aidan Shovlin
Olivia Greene / Fiona Selden
Aimee Stillwagon
Sydney Chase / Breanna McCann
Erin Schorr
Mackenzie Ferris
Peter Shovlin

Allison Murray
Patrick Gormley
Ashley Fiumara / Isabelle Kowenhoven
Alexandra Wells
Carlyn Keating / Caroline Lestitian
Olivia McClelland
Madison Zediker
Amelia Heastings / Hailey Noll
Maura Deeley / Meghan Wells
Delaney McMahon / Stephanie Stoessel / Alexa McMurray / Colleen Cummings
Morgan Collavo / Reilly O’Connor / Maille O’Toole / Caitlin Cummings
Marina Snowden / Olivia Nagel / Ashley McGovern / Maggie Wolf
Brendan Gormley / Alana Garrity / Taylor Wood / Kayleigh O’Hara
Maggie Smith / Katie Gannon / Katie O’Toole / Claire Shrontz
Lauren Bostedo / Lauren Shovlin / Rowan Lewis / Cristine O’Brien
Megan Hixon / Hannah O’Toole / Bridget Fitzpatrick / Katie Kennedy
Marley Shovlin / Aislinn Feathers / Chelsea Buell / Catherine Magee
Molly Wilson / Angela Grinko / Hannah Trivilino / Geli Paletta
Teresa Grinko / Shea Shovlin / Ana Paletta / Anne Wildenhain
Note: Counters are holding Irish Flags. When they all go up, start clapping and counting on the next 8 bars. If the flags go down, stop counting!! / Banner / (extra monitor floating along either side)
  • All Groups
  • The flags will go up in the middle of the 8 bars leading up to when we’ll begin counting.
  • When the flags go up, on the next 8 counts, all start clapping (hands way over head) on first 4 counts
  • “Clap 2-3”, “Clap 2-3”, “Clap 2-3”, “Clap 2-3”, while still marching/moving forward
  • Then quickly move to position to start on 5-2-3, etc.
  • 3-Hand Dance - Beg, Adv Beg 1 & 2
  • Side-Step (8 bars), Follow the Leader (8 bars), Arches (8 bars), Circle (bars).
  • 4-Hand Dance - Adv Beg 3 & up
  • “jump 2-3, jump 2-3, change 2-3, slice 2-3, switch step-1, step-2, step-3, jump 2-3, jump 2-3”
  • (circle right) “jump step-1, step -2, step-3 (heels) straight, down, straight, up, jump step-1, step-2, step-3, jump 2-3, jump 2-3”
  • (take partner’s hand, odd rows go right, even go left) “jump step-1 step-2 step-3, back step-1 step-2 step-3, (drop hands) switch w/partner step-1 step-2 step-3, back step-1 step-2 step-3”
  • “cut R-L, pivot to the front, cut L-R, pivot to the front” (turn around) “jump 2-3 jump 2-3, change 2-3, slice 2-3”
  • “drop 2-3” (to heels), “bow 2-3”, “back-up 2-3”, and “turn 2-3”

412-431-STEP / /