Unterrichtseinheit: I am what I am because ...

Mat 2

Presenting yourself with the help of Pictures


  • Which of your features, character traits, strengths, does the picture depict in particular?
  • In how far is the situation in which it was taken relevant when it comes to you?
  • Think of 3 sentences (definitely 3!) to describe yourself according to the picture.
  • Note down 1 sentence you believe your partner will definitely use in her/his presentation.


  • Present yourself with the help of the picture to your partner.
  • Discuss in how far you were right in your expectation of the other’s presentation.
  • Prepare a statement why you believe that a picture is / is not a suitable means of representing a person.


Discuss how best to present oneself to others.


Presenting yourself with the help of Objects


  • Which of your features, character traits, strengths, does the objectrepresent in particular?
  • Which typical situation in your life can be connected to it?
  • Think of 3 sentences (definitely 3!) to describe yourself with relevance to the object.
  • Note down 1 sentence you believe your partner will definitely use in her/his presentation.


  • Present yourself with the help of the object to your partner.
  • Discuss in how far you were right in your expectation of the other’s presentation.
  • Prepare a statement why you believe that an object is / is not a suitable means of representing a person.


Discuss how best to present oneself to others.

“I am What I am!”

Presenting yourself with the help of a Phrase


  • Which of your features, character traits, strengths, does the phrase/proverb/sayingrepresent in particular?
  • For which typical situation in your life has it been an appropriate heading?
  • Think of 3 sentences (definitely 3!) to describe yourself with relevance to the phrase.
  • Note down 1 sentence you believe your partner will definitely use in her/his presentation.


  • Present yourself with the help of the phrase to your partner.
  • Discuss in how far you were right in your expectation of the other’s presentation.
  • Prepare a statement why you believe that phrase is / is not a suitable means of representing a person.


Discuss how best to present oneself to others.

Presenting yourself with the help of a Role Model


  • How and when did you realise that this person is a role model for you?
  • In which situations in your life have you considered the role model as support and guideline?
  • Think of 3 sentences (definitely 3!) to describe yourself with relevance to the object.
  • Note down 1 sentence you believe your partner will definitely use in her/his presentation.


  • Present yourself with reference to the role model to your partner.
  • Discuss in how far you were right in your expectation of the other’s presentation.
  • Prepare a statement why you believe that an object is / is not a suitable means of representing a person.


Discuss how best to present oneself to others.

Workshop zum Thema: Aspekte der BinnendifferenzierungUlrike Klein