Presenters: Elizabeth Blair, APRN-BC-CDE and Joyce Lekarcyk, RN, BA, CDE
Date November 4th, 2009 12 noon
Policy Name and Number / Pump Trouble ShootingThe Key Points / Reference in Fundamentals of Insulin Pump Therapy
Checking and Fine Tuning Basal Rates
( Policy # 8.33) / Based on basal evaluation the following
adjustments guidelines should be made:
- Make change 2 hours before for patients using Regular
- Make change 1 hour for patients using Humalog, Novolog or Apidra
- Decrease or increase of >30-40 pts indicates a change in basal 0.1 to 0.2 units/hour for frequent hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia
Guidelines for testing and adjusting bolus doses
(Policy # 8.32) / Evaluating Bolus:
- Post-prandial BG is maintained with 40-80 mg/dl of pre-meal values.
- Timing of insulin may need to be adjusted based on if pre-meal bolus is higher or lower than above recommendations:
- Adjust bolus following 2 day trend:
increase bolus dose on 3rd day
Example: change I:C ratio to 1:15 to 1:12
If BG is less than target decrease bolus Example: change I:C ratio from 1:12 to 1:15
Adjusting sensitivity Factor:
If BG is > 180mg/dl use calculated SF, omit food and exercise, check BG 3-4 hours later:
If BG is within 30 mg -no change
If BG is > 30 mg below goal, increase SF
If BG is < 30 mg above goal decrease SF / Determining Your Bolus Dose:
How to calculate I:C ratio pages: 11 to 12
How to calculate SF pages:13,14, 15
How to evaluate I:C ratio or bolus dose
Page: 19
How to evaluate SF
page: 20
Policy Name and Number / Pump Trouble ShootingThe Key Points / Reference in Fundamentals of Insulin Pump Therapy
Hypoglycemia Management
( Policy # 8.50) /
- Notify team if severe hypoglycemia occurs.
- Determine the cause
- Treat with 15 gms of CHO if BG < 70 mg
Recheck and repeat treatment until
> 80 mg
- Follow with snack if needed
- Do not stop the delivery of insulin
- Patient should contact team if 3 or more episodes per week or 2 or hypoglycemic events per week if reason is unknown or any severe events.
page: 40
Steps to treat hypoglycemia page: 41
Hyperglycemia management
(Policy # 8.51) / Initial steps for patients when BG are > 250 mg
Check for ketones
- Trouble shoot pump and infusion set
- Take extra insulin depending of ketone results
- Drink fluids
- Contact health team in 2 hours after 2 supplemental insulin doses.
- Check ketones
- If ketones are negative to small use Sensitivity factor or 10% of TDD as a corrective dose
- Recheck glucose3 hours if no change or higher-recheck ketones if (negative to small) take correction by syringe
- Change infusion set and insulin
- If moderate ketones-Take 20% of TDD by syringe and change insulin and infusion set
- If BG has decreased and is less than 250, the problem may be solved, BUT you still need to:
- Assess the pump delivery
- Re-check blood glucose every 2-4 hours to verify new infusion set is working properly
- Recheck glucose in 3 hour if no change or higher call provider
Causes of hyperglycemia pages: 33, 34
Treatment for hyperglycemia
page 35
Guidelines for supplemental insulin page:38
Policy Name and Number / Pump Trouble ShootingThe Key Points / Reference in Fundamentals of Insulin Pump Therapy
Sick Day Management
(Policy # 8.52) / Prevention and treatment of dehydration:
- Consume 8 ounces of fluid q hour, if unable to eat
- Alternate with fluids with calories q hour
- Check BG q 3 -4 hours if responding to boluses
- Check BG q 2 hours to assess impact of dosing.
- Contact team if no improvement
- Change infusion set if BG >250 mg/dl
- Check ketones if BS >250 mg/dl
- 10-20% of TDD, 1500 or SF
- Initial booster/blousing:
- Negative ketones- 10% of TDD if BG>250 mg
- Mod/large ketones- 20% of TDD if BG > 250 mg/dl Additional Boosters:
- If BG elevation or ketones continue call team
- If BG > 250 mg/dl twice in a row change infusion set and site.
- Discontinue additional insulin when BG < 250 mg/dl
- Patient should contact team if:
- Persistent nausea for > 2 hours
- Vomiting for > 2 hours
- Fever > 99.5
- Moderate to large ketones
- No change is BG after one supplement
pages: 36 and 37