Minutes of the Meeting of March Town Council held on 6th January 2014 in The Skoulding Suite at MarchTown Hall commencing at 7.15pm.
PresentCouncillorA PughTown Mayor
CC OwenDeputy Town Mayor
CouncillorsMJ CornwellS Count
SR CourtJ French
ML GeorgeBM Keane
GD PhilpottMW Purser
TEW QuinceRF Skoulding
Town ClerkC Lemmon
Assistant Town ClerkGSD Wilkinson
CambsCounty CouncillorFJ Yeulett
PoliceSgt Martin Monger
PCSO Tracey Liano
147Apologies for Absence
No apologies were received.
148Planning Applications
Because of their positions on the Fenland District Council Planning and Development Committee and their commitment to Paragraph 28 of the Fenland District Council Code of Conduct, Councillors Cornwell, Owen and Quince declared personal interests and took no part in the discussions relating to planning matters.
It was also noted that due to their involvement in the building industry, Councillors Count, Purser and Skoulding would not take part in any discussions relating to planning issues.
Councillors Cornwell andSkoulding left the room for the entirety of this agenda item.
It was agreed that twoadditional planning applicationswould be discussed.
ApplicationName and address of applicant, details of application,
Numberand recommendation of MarchTown Council.
F/YR13/0886/FMr & Mrs J Pooley, Thirties Farm, Upwell Road, March.
Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission F/YR13/0280/F (Erection of a 4-bed 2-storey dwelling and detached workshop for B1, B2, B8 use, involving demolition of existing barn and outbuildings) to lift restrictive condition on dwelling only.
Land West Of Thirties Farm, Upwell Road, March.
Received: 23 December 2013.
Consultation Date: 18 December 2013.
Recommend refusal since permission was only granted in this area subject to the attached conditions / restrictions.
F/YR13/0920/FMr J McGarvie, Halfpenny Toll Stables, Hook Road, Siting of 3 no storage containers (retrospective) for a temporary period of three years.
Land North Of Bowling Green,Robingoodfellows Lane, March.
Received: 23 December 2013.
Consultation Date: 19 December 2013.
Recommend approval.
F/YR13/0920/FMr N King, Corner Barn, Mouth Lane, Guyhirn, Wisbech.
Erection of 2-storey 4-bed dwelling
Plot 1, Former Edwards Buildbase,Station Road, March.
Received: 6 January 2014.
Consultation Date: 2 January 2014.
Since he is a friend of the applicant, Councillor Count declared a prejudicial interest and left the room whilst this application was being discussed.
Recommend approval.
F/YR13/0818/FErection of a detached double garage to existing dwelling at 96 Foxglove Way, March.
Withdrawal noted.
149Public Participation
Since no members of the public were in attendance who had provided the requisite notification, no public participation took place.
150Police Update
No report was provided to the Council Meeting by Sgt Martin Mongeror PCSO Tracey Liano since this had previously been given to the Neighbourhood Forum which preceded this meeting.
Following these discussions, Sgt Martin Monger and PCSO Tracey Liano were thanked by the Mayor and left the meeting at 7.40pm.
151Minutes of Meetings
The following Minutes were agreed and signed by the Mayor:
Main Council Meeting of 2nd December 2013.
Planning Sub-Committee Meeting of 16th December 2013.
152Matters Arising
Re Main Council Meeting of 2nd December 2013:
Minute 134 (F/YR13/0724/F):Councillor French reported that the FDC Planning Committee had supported this Council’s views regarding development on the site of the former Kingswood Park Residential Home following a presentation that she had given to such Committee.
Minute 139 / 121 / 104 / 89 / 74:Re enforcement action being taken against The Pet Shop and the Old Freezer Shop / DerelictBuildings in Acre Road.
Since a response had not been received from Graham Nourse by 3rd December 2013, a further e-mail was forwarded to 3Cs on 4th December 2013. A response from Graham Nourse of the same date was forwarded to all Councillors on 9th December 2013.
It was noted that The Pet Shop had replaced its windows without the need for enforcement, and that plans to demolish the derelict buildings in Acre Road were now awaiting validation.
Minute 139 / 121 / 104 / 89 / 68 / 54 / 39 / 30 / Street Lighting:Balfour Beatty was e-mailed on 3rd December 2013 to request a charitable donation to a charity of MTC’s choice. All e-mails passing between the Clerk and Peta King-Parcell were circulated to Councillors as and when they were sent or received.
Minute 139 / 121 / 104 / 89 / 73:Costs regarding Wimblington Road street lighting were received on 20th December 2013. This will be included as a separate agenda item later in the meeting.
Minute 139 / 122:The Clerk reported that he had been successful in his application for grant funding towards the costs of the Neighbourhood Plan. The grant totalled £7,000 and was awarded by Locality.
It was noted that approximately 610 Neighbourhood Plan questionnaires had been returned, and these had subsequently been forwarded to the consultant for analysis.
Re Planning Sub-Committee Meeting of 16th December 2013:
It was agreed that Councillor Cornwell should replace Councillor Owen on the
Planning Sub-Committee with immediate effect. This was proposed by Councillor
French and seconded by Councillor Skoulding, with all in favour.
It was also agreed that Councillor Court should be appointed as a substitute member
of this Sub-Committee to cover for any possible absences.
The possibility of “Planning” training for Councillors was also discussed, and it was
agreed that this should be investigated in due course.
153 Wimblington Road Street Lighting
The Clerk reported that estimated costs had been received from Balfour Beatty to
install fifteen street lights in Wimblington Road and remove the existing seven
columns. This would bring the road up to an acceptable lighting standard.
These costs amounted to £28,058.22p in total.
Lengthy discussions ensued in which certain members felt that the provision of these
lights should be funded by Section 106 agreements from future developments in this
No firm agreements were reached regarding either the street lights or 30mph speed
limit proposals for this area, and it was decided that Councillor French should make
further investigations regarding both subjects and report back to the next meeting.
154Ratification of 2014 / 2015 Budget
The Clerk provided up-to-date details of the proposed precept document for 2014 / 2015. This included details regarding the grant funding payable by Fenland District Council and the revised Council Tax Base figure.
The final figures presented were as follows:
Budget figure£199,110.
Total funding required£198,834.
Grant payable by FDC£ 17,834.
Net Council Tax Base 6,088.
Balance obtained by precept£181,000.
Following discussions, the above figures were all agreed by a majority of eleven to one.
Full details relating to the budgets and precept are attached as appendices 1, 2 and 3.
155Hostmoor Avenue
Councillor French reported that cars were still turning right from the Hostmoor Avenue junction onto the Wisbech Road.
The police reported that they had recently summonsed one offender, but were not in the position to offer formal advice on how the situation could be improved further.
Various suggestions ensued including the provision of additional bollards and the installation of a portable camera. Although it was felt that this solution was not necessarily cost effective, it was agreed that the Clerk should ask Aarron Locks what the purchase price and running costs of a portable camera would be.
156Summer Band Concerts
It was agreed that the bands invited to perform during 2014 (9) should be the same as those that played during 2013 (8) with the addition of MADAOS.
It was also agreed that the Council should liaise with the Middle Level Watermens Club to co-ordinate events over the Bank Holiday weekend.
157Cambridgeshire County Council – Councillor Update
Councillor Count provided updates as follows:
a) Additional yellow lining in Elm Road, to the north of the railway crossing, will be
completed before April 2014.
b) A cycleway and further yellow lining on the eastern side of Station Road will be
provided during 2014 / 2015.
c) £10,000 has been confirmed for a feasibility study to look at the most appropriate
way to improve safety on Norwood Road bridge.
d) Following improvements to the roadways and gulleys, all of the Dagless Way roads will now be adopted by CCC.
e) Solar studs are being provided on the footway between the station and Robingoodfellows Lane.
f) Solar studs are also being provided on the Tesco bridge.
g) It is likely that the CCC proportion of Council Tax will rise by 1.9% for 2014 / 2015.
h) Changes have taken place within the management team at CCC.
158Fenland District Council Update
Councillor Owenprovided updates as follows:
a) Work is progressing on the introduction of shared services.
b) A new logo will be introduced for the Leisure Centres.
Prior to the meeting closing, queries were raised regarding the e-mails that had circulated earlier in the day regarding Section 106 monies for March.
159Schedule of Accounts
The Schedule of Accounts, as circulated, was agreed.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.42pm
Councillor A Pugh ……………….………………………….. 3rd February 2014.
(Mayor of March)