Comparison Chart

Holdtite Grade / Other Product Reference / Available Volume / Description
T22 / 222 / 3222 / 7222 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / SCREWLOK, Low strength for easy disassembly
T43 / 243 / 3243 / 7243 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / NUTLOK, Medium strength (oil tolerant)
T62 / 262 / 3262 / 7262 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / STUDLOK, Mid strength lubricated for torque assembly
T72 / 3272/272/7272 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / STUDLOK, High Strength, HIgh Temperature rated up to 232°C
T77 / 277/ 3277 / 7277 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / STUDLOK, High strength for bolts 25mm and above
T90 / 290 / 3290 / 7290 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / PENETRATOR, Wicking grade for close fittings parts
R41 / 641 / 3641 / 7640 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / BEARING FIT, Medium strength allowing disassembly
R69 / 609 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / RETAINER Mild Strength, Low viscosity
R60 / 660 / 3660 / 7609 / 50ml, 250ml / METAL FILL, To repair and fill worn cylindrical parts
R62 / 620 / 3620 / 7620 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / RETAINER, High temperature rated up to 232°C
R68 / 680 / 3680 / 7680 / 10ml, 50ml, 250ml / RETAINER, High strength for dynamic loading
G51 / XS51 / 510 / 7510 / 50ml, 250ml / DURAFORM, High Temperature up to 200C
G55 / XS15 / 515 / 50ml, 250ml, 300ml / DESIGNER GASKET, Form in place, Low viscosity
G58 / XS18 / 518 / 7518 / 50ml, 250ml / DURAFORM SPECIAL GASKET, Form in place, high viscosity
HYB-100 / Hylomar / 100ml / HYPERSEAL BLUE Automotive, non-hardening gasket
H/TCOPP300 / HYLOMAR / 310ml / MAXIMUM COPPER High Temperaure RTV Silicone
S54 / 554 / 50ml / OPTIMUM HYDRAUIC SEAL
S57 / XS67 / 567 / 7567 / 50ml, 250ml / INSTANT PIPESEAL WITH PTFE, 48 Hr cure time, High temp 200c
S69 / 3569 / 569 7569 / 50ml, 250ml / SPECIAL HYDRAULIC, high strength seal on fine threads
S72 / 572 / 50ml, 250ml / PIPESEAL WITH TEFLON, long sure time allowing realignment
S77 / XS77 / 577 / 7577 / 50ml, 250ml / GASTITE PIPESEAL, Water, oil, gas AGA Certificate No: 6900
CA01 / 416 / 25gr / CA01 SUPERGLUE, Plastic, rubber, leather, wood etc
CA24 / 424 / 25gr / CA24 SUPERGLUE, Elastomers, plastics, fast cure, 1-7 seconds
CA41 / CA401/401 / 25gr / JET SET 41, Wood, paper, leather, rubber
CA44 / CA454/454 / 20gr, 300gr / GEL SET 44, Thick non-drip formula
CA60 / CA406/406 / 25g, 50g / SURE SET 60, Most plastics, steel alumium, 1-5 seconds
CA80 / CA408/480/2241 / 25g / SPECTAK 80, Black, high peel and shock resistant
ST3295/M3295 / LT3295 / 25ml, 50ml / 2 PART TOUGHENED ACRYLIC PinkA/GreenB
M5020/M5020B / N/A / 25ml, 50ml, 400mls / METHACRYLATE Fast cure, Opaque and Black
5060 / N/A / 400ml / MACROPLEXX Medium and Slow Cure
ADV5 / N/A / 25ml, 50ml / 5 Minute Epoxy
EMPOX / Metal Epoxy / 25ml / METAL EPOXY
WILSTIK Kneadable / N/A / 180mm L x 20mm D / Epoxy Putty - Copper, Steel, Aluminium, Aqua and Plastic
Dyna Copper RTV / Copper MAXX / 108gm, 300gr / Advanced formula instant gasket, Sensor Safe Temp up to 371°C
Red RTV / High Temp Red / 108gr, 312gr / Resists oil, anti-freeze, Transmission fluid, Sensor Safe, Temp 343°C
Dyna Black RTV / Black MAXX / 108gr, 312gr / Excellent oil resistance, OEM Spec Sensor Safe, Temp to 329°C
Dyna Grey RTV / Gray MAXX / 108gr / For imported cars, Sensor Safe, OEM Spec, Temp to 329°C
128 / 225 / 310ml / Black, Windscreen/Direct Glazing/Sealant Neutral Cure
132 / 291 / 310ml / Black, White Structural andMarine
DP2246 / 221, 11FC / 310ml / Grey, Black, White, Structural and Marine
133 / 252 / 310ml / Grey, Black, White, Structural and Marine
A471 / 7471(T)/9190 / 200ml / Structural activator for Anaerobics
A649 / 7649 / 50ml / Structural activator for Anaerobics
A701 / 7701/770/9050 / 50ml / Primer for Polyoefin's/Cyanoacrylates
A113 / 255 / 200ml / Post assembly activator
GASKET REMOVER / 790 / 369g / Gasket Remover
Power Can/Brush Top / N/A / 200g / Aluminium, Nickel and Copper
AA 500g / 767 / 500gr / Screw Top/Brush Aluminium Antiseize
NA 500gr / 771 / 500gr / Screw Top/Brush Nickel Antiseize
CA 500g / C5A / 500g / Screw Top/Brush Copper Graphite Antiseize