Basement Inspections –
Proper Reporting and Avoiding Headaches

Basements present a huge liability for home inspectors because numerous basement problems exist and repairs are very expensive. Learn basement inspection techniques from an inspector who has reported on more than 7,000 basements and routinely works as an expert witness on basement problems. This session covers methods of properly inspecting a basement and documenting conditions. It includes statements that limit your liability. Discover how to document inspection restrictions and make referrals to a specialist. Review actual defects and potential repairs, and learn how they should be documented.

Primary Learning Objectives

·  Learn how to properly inspect a basement, analyze basic defects, document various conditions, and decide when to make referrals to specialists.

·  Learn about basement construction, causes of defects, and possible repair techniques.

·  Review actual basement defects and home inspector documentation; study how legal cases were resolved.

1½ to 2 hours

Formal presentation with PowerPoint, overhead visuals, and handouts

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