- Call to Order
●Vice President Jamaludin called the meeting to order at 9:08 PM.
- Quorum Roll Call
Roll Call
Name / Present / Absent / Excused/Late
Executives / President Josh Dalavai / 1
VP Adilla Jamaludin / 1
O/R Gurjot Gill / 1
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Daniel Nagey / 1
Jose Meneses / 1
Anastasia Ruttkay / 1
Simran Grewal / 1
Matthew Yamaguchi / 1
Michael Gofman / 1
Khadeja Ibrahim / 1
Rahi Vijay Suryanwanshi / 1
Marcos Ismael Rodriguez / 1
Yajaira Ramirez Sigala / 1
Total / 11 / 1 / 0
Commission Chairs / AAC - Hemali Patel / 1
GASC - Alison Tam / 1
BFC - David Heifitz / 1
IAC - Nick Flores / 1
EAC - Sara Williams / 1
ECAC - Julienne Correa / 1
EPPC - Sarah Risher / 1
●With 11 Senators present out of 12 seated, quorum was established.
- Presidential Address
●President Dalavai: Exec office will have an open door policy. Adilla will run a tight ship in terms of organizing the senate and chairing. Please refer to execs as resources. Not here to impede senate. Would like to see senators carry out their amazing ideas and would love to help folks out. Basic needs security is one of our pressing issues. Senate also plays a role in which businesses occupy the new areas in the MU and has the final say in it. COSAF has an extremely important role in fees. Unitrans, Entertainment Council, and ASUCD are planning on potentially passing a fee referendum.
●Senator Chiang: when can we expect a new controller and when are budget hearings?
○Dalavai: can’t speak in terms of budget hearings. Putting the listing up for a controller tomorrow, and will know by the first couple weeks of spring quarter.
- Senate President Pro-Tempore Election
●Senator Meneses nominated Senator Chiang. Senator Chiang accepted her nomination.
●With no objections, Senator Chiang was elected as Senate President Pro-Tempore.
- Unit Director Report: The Pantry
●Maria Chang: Get most of the food from yolo county food bank. Needs are better storage. Gave out scholarships through the coho and the nugget.
●Senator Grewal: consider partnering with Trader Joe’s
- Consideration of Old Legislation
- SB #62 Evard
●Chair Flores: the amendment is essentially a repeat of a few sections.
●Senator Chiang moved to overturn the veto on ASUCD Senate Bill #62. The motion was seconded. With no objections, the motion to overturn the veto on ASUCD Senate Bill #62 carried.
- Public Discussion
●Rebecca Young: Trying to get a plot at EC gardens, haven’t been able to contact them. Growing season is happening now and apparently there was some issue with UCD legal.
○Senator Meneses: EC director is still working on contracts.
- Unit Adoptions
●Aggie Reuse: Senator Ruttkay
●Bike Barn: Senator Ruttkay & Senator Suryawanshi
●CCE: Senator Gofman & Senator Sigala
●Coho: N/A
●CM: Senator Yamaguchi
●Entertainment Council: Senator Gofman & Senator Rodriguez
●XC: Senator Suryawanshi
●EC Gardens: N/A
●HAUS: Senator Rodriguez
●KDVS: Senator Suryawanshi, Senator Meneses, Senator Ibrahim
●OASR: Senator Ibrahim
●Picnic Day: Senator Suryawanshi & Pro-Temp Chiang
●RS: Senator Rodriguez
●STS/Tipsy Taxi: Senator Yamaguchi & Senator Suryawanshi
●Aggie: Senator Ibrahim
●Pantry: Senator Ruttkay
●Unitrans: Senator Rodriguez
●WEF: Senator Sigala
- Public Announcements
●Recorder Kaleem: Reports form will be sent out every Thursday morning and folx are expected to fill it out by 6:00 PM of the meeting. Bullet points and paragraphs are accepted, and remember to include the commission meetings you attended. Reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
●Vice President Jamaludin: deadline for legislation will be Wednesdays at 12:00 PM and that is a hard deadline. It is upon the senators to inform authors/folx who are speaking on the bills as to when they should attend the meeting. Always feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Will make an effort to be transparent in everything that is done this term.
- Adjournment
●Vice President Jamaludin adjourned the meeting at 10:40 PM.
Minutes taken & completed by:
Naeema Kaleem | ASUCD Senate Recorder