The Monthly Board meeting of the Kewanee Park District Board of Commissioners was held at the Baker Park Office, Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM.

PRESENT: PresidentAl Salisbury, CommissionersMike Nichols,Jacque Verscha, Bob Dybdaland Jim Heberer. Also present was Brian Johnson, Director, Michelle Anderson, Secretary and guests Courtney and Brenda Conley, Angie Zarvell, Jeff Nimrick, Will Bruno and Scott Stauffer.


President Al Salisburycalled the regular Board meeting to order. The minutes of theNovember 2013Regular Board meetingwere reviewed and discussed. Jim Heberermoved to accept all minutes as written. Mike Nicholsseconds the motion. All in favor.

The November 2013 Financial Statement wasreviewed and discussed.Bob Dybdal moved to accept the November 2013 Financial Statement. Mike Nichols seconded the motion. All in Favor.The November/December 2013 Bills for Approval were also reviewed and discussed. Bob Dybdalmoved to approve the bills for December. Jacque Verschaseconded the motion. All in favor.

TAX LEVY ORDINANCE 313: President Al Salisburythen presented and called for a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 313, the Annual Tax Levy Ordinance for the tax year 2013 payable in 2014. Bob Dybdalmoved to adopt Ordinance No. 313 as written. Jim Hebererseconded the motion. All in favor.

TAX ABATEMENT ORDINANCE 314: President Al Salisbury presented and called for a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 314, an Ordinance abating the tax heretofore for the year 2103 to pay debt service on General Obligation Park Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2012 of the Kewanee Park District, Henry County, Illinois. Jim Heberer moved to adopt Ordinance No. 314 as written. Jacque Verscha seconded the motion. All in Favor.

OPEN BUSINESS: President Al Salisburycalled for open business and recognized Courtney Conley, head coach of a 10U travelling boys baseball team from Kewanee. Mr. Conley, Jeff Nimrick, Brenda Conley, Angie Zarvell, Will Bruno and Scott Stauffer were all present to request permission from the Board to host a 10U boys baseball tournament at Northeast Park on May 24 and 25, 2014. Mr. Conley was the spokesperson for those present and requested the tournament be allowed to use the Pool North and Pool South Diamonds at Northeast Park. Mr. Conley informed the Board he had contacted Brian Johnson, Director of Parks, in regards to this request. At the time Mr. Johnson informed Mr. Conley the diamonds would already be reserved for Park District Baseball teams for practices. Mr. Johnson also explained at that time he had been advised by the Park District Board of Commissioners that travelling teams may reserve the baseball diamonds for anytime before May 15 and after July 15 each year as to not interfere with the Kewanee Park District Baseball/Softball programs. Mr. Conley stated he understands the policy but would like the Board to approve an exception. Mr. Conley explained to the Board that most travelling tournaments are held from Memorial Day weekend through the month of June and that most teams in the surrounding areas do not play in tournaments after the State tournament held in June. Mr. Conley emphasized that for the tournament to be successful the requested weekend of May 24 and 25, 2014 is the team’s best option. Mr. Conley’s team hosted a successful tournament at Northeast Park this year during the Kewanee Park District’s Baseball/Softball season. However, the tournament games were scheduled to start after the morning’s T-Ball games were completed. On the weekend of May 24 & 25, 2014, the Kewanee Park District games will not have started yet, only practices. The Commissioners all agreed that the request from Mr. Conley was being presented at an early enough date that permission may be granted. Jim Heberer moved to allow the Kewanee Heat 10U travelling baseball team be allowed to use the Pool North and Pool South Diamonds at Northeast Park on May 24, 2014 and May 25, 2014. Mike Nichols seconded the motion. All in Favor.

President Salisbury then informed the team representatives that charging an admission to enter the park on those dates will not be allowed. Mr. Salisbury stated that Northeast Park is a public park which the taxpayers of Kewanee pay for and does not feel it is right to ask the citizens of Kewanee to pay a fee to use one of their own parks. Many of the team representatives responded to this stipulation and after a lengthy discussion with the Commissioners, came up with a compromise. The team representatives offered to make that weekend Kewanee Day to encourage Kewanee citizens to come out and watch the tournament without being charged, while still allowing the team to charge those spectators coming from other towns. After another lengthy discussion the Board agreed to the compromise and gave Mr. Conley the go ahead to charge out of town spectators a gate fee for parking at the tournament. The Board thanked the team’s representatives for coming to the meeting and following the proper channels to accomplish this agreement.

DIRECTOR JOHNSON’S REPORT: Brian started his report by reminding the Board that the annual Christmas Party will be held on Saturday December 14, 2013.

Brian next asked the Commissioners to look over the new Board Meeting Schedule for 2014. Bob Dybdal asked that the January meeting be held on a Wednesday instead of Thursday. There was also a request in time changes for the January and February meetings. Mike Nichols moved to accept the new Board Meeting Calendar for 2014 with the requested changes being made. Jim Heberer seconded the motion. All in Favor.

The next item in Brian’s report involved all around pricing for the 2014 season, including program prices, food and alcohol prices, golf course prices and special event prices. Brian suggested to the Board an increase to alcohol would not be out of line as the Park District’s price to purchase the alcohol has increased. The Board agreed that even with an increase on the Park District’s alcohol prices, the prices will still be lower than most establishments in the area. The Board discussed that the Park District has increased prices very little over the years. The issue of a pricing increase for the 19th Hole Restaurant was then discussed. The Commissioners agreed that some items may need to be increased on the menu due to the increase of the products but asked that the issue be discussed further when the restaurant is closer to re-opening. However, it was brought up that if there was to be an increase it should be applied to scheduled playdays as most of the patrons involved with playdays aren’t loyal customers and wouldn’t be as affected by an increase. The Board informed Brian to increase golf playday pricing by $3.00 per person.

The 2013 User Fee structure was then examined. After a lengthy discussion, Jim Heberermoved to retain the User Fee rates as stated belowbut eliminate the $25.00 gift certificateto the 19th Hole Restaurant offered with a 2013 Season Ticket. The elimination of the $25.00 gift certificate will be in lieu to raising the Baker Park Golf Course pricing.Jacque Verschaseconded the motion. All in favor. The rate schedule for 2014will be as follows:

Kewanee Park District

2014 Rate Schedule

Week Day Rates Resident Non-Resident

9 Holes $10.00 N/A

18 Holes $15.00 N/A

Daily Cart Rental

9 Holes Per Person $ 5.00 N/A

18 Holes Per Person $10.00 N/A

2012 Season Tickets

Single $ 325.00 $ 425.00

Senior (62 and over) $ 260.00$ 365.00

Family $ 460.00 $ 555.00

High School/College (15 to 22) $ 245.00$ 315.00

Junior (14 and under) $ 140.00$ 185.00

Power Cart Season Tickets

Private Cart - 1 Owner $ 235.00$ 285.00

Private Cart - 2 Owner (Married Couple) $ 260.00$ 320.00

IndividualSeason Leased Carts

Individual Yearly Cart Rental - 7 days $ 335.00$ 360.00

Married Couple Yearly Cart Rental - 7 day $ 525.00$ 600.00


Pull Cart $ 3.00 $ 3.00

Club Rental $ 5.00 $ 5.00

Labor Day Tourney Fees

Men - 36 Holes $ 40.00 $ 50.00

Women - 18 Holes $ 20.00 $ 25.00

18 Hole Cart Rental Per Person $ 10.00$ 10.00

36 Hole Cart Rental Per Person $ 20.00$ 20.00

Oasis Swimming Rates

Daily Rates

Resident Non-Resident

7 YR & UNDER$ 4.00N/A

8 YR & OVER$ 5.00N/A

Season Tickets

Individual$ 65.00N/A

Family of 4$ 200.00N/A

Extra Per Person$ 35.00N/A

Kewanee Park District

Baseball User Fees

T-BALL$ 25.00$ 25.00

1 CHILD$ 45.00$ 55.00

2 CHILDREN$ 65.00$ 75.00

3 OR MORE$ 80.00$ 90.00

Soccer User Fees (Per Session)

1 CHILD$ 25.00$ 30.00

2 CHILDREN$ 40.00$ 45.00

3 OR MORE$ 55.00$ 60.00

Day Camp$ 30.00

Shelterhouse and Pagoda User Fees

For all day usage between the hours of 7 am and 10 pm

Windmont, Northeast & Chautauqua Shelterhouses$ 80.00

Windmont Pagodas$ 40.00

Brian then informed the Board that the Park District will no longer be able to offer bank drafts for season ticket purchases due to the local banks eliminating the service. Sponsor letters for the new golf scorecards have been sent out. The cards allow 6 spots for larger sponsor ads and 10 spots for name only sponsors. The larger ads are available for $250 and the name only spots are $100. At the time of the meeting 3 large sponsor ads had already been reserved, 2 for Pizza Hut and 1 for AmericInn. Brian told the Board that if all sponsor spots are filled the scorecard order will be completely paid for by sponsorships.

Brian next explained he was approached by a patron regarding the Labor Day Tournament Flight Payouts. It was brought to the attention of everyone that the lower flight winners barely have a chance to win their money back with the current payout arrangement. Brian presented the Board with a new Percentage Payout plan to implement in 2014. The Board agreed to the trying the new plan for the next Labor Day Tournament.

Jim Heberermotioned to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel. Bob Dybdalseconded the motion. All in favor. Al Salisbury motioned to adjourn from Executive Session back to regular session. Mike Nicholsseconded the motion. All in favor.

Upon exiting Executive Session, Mike Nicholsmotioned to approve employee bonuses and raises for 2014 as discussed in Executive Session. Jacque Verscha second. All in favor.

President Salisbury then asked for any further items to discuss. Brian informed the Board he purchased (6) 15mph speed limit signs to be placed along the Baker Park Pleasure Drive as a complaint had been received from a citizen. Brian also suggested caution signs be purchased to alert drivers of possible people walking their dogs and walking in general. Bob Dybdal asked if any decision regarding applying diamond sand early had been made. Brian informed him the park maintenance crew was receptive but cannot get the diamond sand from the quarry at this time. Bob suggested using part of the Walmart VAP money to fix the warning track on the Pizza Hut Diamond at Northeast Park and look at the Tennis Courts located there for possible renovations.

With nothing further to discuss, Jim Heberer motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mike Nichols seconded the motion. All in favor.