“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Anticipation Guide

1. Do you daydream? Yes No

2. Why do you daydream?

3. How can daydreaming be helpful?

4. How can daydreaming be harmful?

5. Describe a time when daydreaming either helped you or caused trouble for you.

James Thurber

American Humorist

Inspiration for Snoopy

Influence of World War I and World War II

Use of Ellipsis (plural ellipses)


Jargon -- The specialized language of a group, organization, or profession. Unfortunately, those outside of each association may not understand the jargon of the other groups.

Story examples of JARGON:

Walter Mitty Syndrome -- 'Walter Mitty Syndrome' was put forward in a British medical journal as a clinical condition, which manifested itself in compulsive fantasizing. The title character is a meek, mild-mannered husband, who escapes his everyday existence in heroic fantasies.