Minutes of the meeting of Barlestone Parish Council held on the 10th January 2018 at the Pavilion, Bosworth Road Playing Field.
Present : Mr. D. Burchell, Mr. D. Crane, Mrs. C. Watkins, Mr. J. Kendall, Mrs. C. Rahaman,
Mrs. A. Smith, Mr. P. Burchell, Mr. P. Enston
Apologies – Mrs. J. Roberts
The meeting held in the Bowls Club due to ongoing building work in the Pavilion.
1Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Having being circulated were confirmed as a true record by P.Enston, seconded D.Crane and agreed by all present.
2Matters Arising/Clerk’s update
- The Clerk reported that the Licence for the new Bus Shelter has been granted and the contractor has been informed.
- P.Enston wished it to be noted that the Borough Councilor’s expenses have increased by 32% although it was also noted that there had not been a rise for many years.
17/01281/FUL 32 Barton Road, Barlestone – two storey rear Ext. and first floor front extension. – this was an amended plan and again the councilors had no objections.
4Finance –
a) Accounts for payment – having been circulated, Proposed P.Burchell, seconded Mrs. Smith and all members in agreement the invoices listed are paid.
It was noted that finances are tight and all expense should be kept down at the present time
- Parish and Community Initiative Funds
- The Chairman is working on grant applications towards the cost of lighting for the car park and quotations are being obtained.
The Bowls Club were submitting an application towards the cost of new fencing.
The Elohim Church were submitting a grant application towards the cost of new toilet facilities.
5 Neighbourhood Plan Report
The December meeting had to be cancelled due to sickness. At time of writing this report, the January meeting hasn’t taken place but it will be attended by the RCC who will outline the format of the Stakeholder meeting. They have not yet confirmed how many responses they have had; if there are lots of attendees then we may need parish councillors to help with “hosting” the sessions where attendees split into small working groups to look at the issues which matter most to them.
The Stakeholder meeting (where land owners, groups and businesses are invited to attend) will be going ahead on 16th January at the football club, invitations have been issued by the RCC to all the contacts we could come up with. The format is similar, but more structured, than the community drop in sessions held in September. Anyone unable to attend will have an opportunity to input via a response proforma sent with the invitation. A facebook appeal has been done to see if there are any other businesses not captured (assuming they are on facebook Barlestone News or New News).
We had a grant earlier in the year from Groundwork UK for the NDP expenses and had to apply for a minimum of £1000 even though we doubted we could spend that before the end of December 2017. This proved to be true as the main expenditure was printing of community questionnaires and this can’t be done until we focus in on the key issues (drawn from output from both the drop in sessions held in September and the Stakeholder event). I am working my way through the on line end of grant reporting system and in due course we will have to return the unused money and then re-apply when we need it again.
We have made a slow start on a Parish character assessment. This involves identifying distinct areas of the Parish by their individual characters; for example - Croftersvale Park is very different to the centre of the village (the older part) and both are different to the housing estates.
If the lack of involvement continues then we should seriously consider if it is worthwhile continuing with the project… as reported last month, we have a village of keyboard warriors continually saying they should be asked for their opinions but then fail to turn up at any events organised for them to do so. The people we have on our circulation list have all been emailed over Christmas to see what areas (if any) they are interested in – no responses have been received !
Mrs. Watkins recorded her thanks to Mrs. Roberts for her assistance with the financial side of the plan.
6Allotments – Report
Mrs. Watkins reported that all allotment gardens are now let.
The back allotments towards the stream are currently waterlogged with large pools of standing water on most; nothing can be done to work these and the only people currently visiting the allotments are mainly doing so to harvest Brussel sprouts, parsnips, etc from last year.
The tenant who requested a slightly larger shed had been given permission by Mrs. Watkins.
There had also been a request for a greenhouse but the members felt this was not appropriate. Should members wish to have a cold frame then this would be acceptable providing glass was not used.
7Playing Fields/Open Space Report
- The disabled access barriers have now been fitted at two entrances to the playing field
The builder had observed a resident walking with his dog across the wet concrete which resulted in the base having to be re-laid at a cost of £30. It was agreed by the members that an invoice for £30 should be sent to this resident who caused the damage.
The pointing work around the hard surface area had been done but the builder felt that some of the work was not needed, this was agreed with the Chairman. This to be painted when the weather is better.
- May Meadow – it was reported that horses had been seen in May Meadow and had caused damage to the grass in the very wet weather. The Chairman had been to inspect it but it was felt that at the moment nothing can be done due to the weather conditions.
It was also noted that the boardwalk has again been subjected to vandalism and the gates are in need of repair.
8Cemetery Report
Mrs. Watkins reported that the pedestrian access gate into the cemetery was being left open. Agreed a sign will be obtained to be fitted asking for the gate to be closed.
Social Media in the village had caused problems and this is to be looked into.
Mrs Rahaman and Mrs. Smith wanted to know when progress was to be made on the extension to the Memorial Garden. It was recognised that it was down to cost and P.Enston is to look at what needs to be done.
9New Village Hall Report
Following the site meeting last Friday work appears to have moved forward.
The Chairman is working on grant applications towards the cost of lighting for the car park and quotations are being obtained.
J.Kendall and P.Burchell to meet with the electrician re timers etc.
D.Burchell to meet with the builder this week and also to reiterate the fact that the height barrier at the entrance to the car park must be locked at all times
10Citizen of the Year
P.Burchellto make Forms available around the village and also on line. Closing date 9th February.
11Any other Business
- Highways have been requested to fill the grit bins but as yet this has not been done. Grit also required for the church pathway. Mrs. Watkins to organise this.
- The gate into the Spinney at the Roundhouse is broken – Maintenance officer to fix this.
- The notice board is broken, D.Burchell to check on this.
- Funday to be organised again, this to be 5th August.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50 pm
January 2018 meeting104657 / Clerk / 368.25 / Salary
104658 / Financial Officer / 137.52 / Salary - tax
3.60 / Mileage 8mls @ 0.45 Banking
104659 / Maintenance Officer / 218.90 / Salary - tax
12.37 / Mileage 27.5mls @ 0.45
104660 / Caretaker / 64.60 / Salary less tax
104661 / Gatekeeper / 111.15 / Salary less tax
104662 / HMRC / 33.20 / Tax from salaries
104663 / Groundwork UK / 1355.54 / NDP repay unused funds
104664 / HBBC / 494.68 / Empty waste bins quarterly
104665 / Sams Flowers / 40.00 / Floral tribute in respect of the late Mr Enston
104666 / John Wm Preston / 3239.32 / Grounds maintenance Oct
104667 / DRG Builders / 1980.00 / Fit K Barriers/pointing work
104668 / J Symonds / 18.94 / BT telephone bill
104669 / DRG Builders / 30.00 / Concrete work
104670 / Benchmark / 28881.90 / New Village Hall construction
104671 / Leics County Council / 75.00 / License for Bus Stop New Street
104672 / D & B Electrical / 868.73 / Christmas lights
104673 / Columbaria / 98.40 / Sanctum 2 tablet
DD / HR4UK / 79.50 / Monthly sub
DD / PLUSNET / 34.20 / Internet monthly
DD / E ON / 0.00 / Electricity bill - Spinney
DD / E ON / 143.00 / Electricity bill - Pavilion (Monthly payment)
Total £ / 38288.80