SB notes, 12/11/17

Present - Moe Brigham, Chris Jarvis, Carl Russell, Paul Vallee, Lindley Brainard, Greg Maggard, Therese Kirby, and Tim Mills.

Call to order, 6:00 pm

Approval of Agenda - Switch appointment times (Lazo first, Pion second.) Brigham, motion. Vallee, second. All in favor.

Public Comment/Inquiry
John Fago was present to request a non-binding referendum on the town meeting ballot asking the state to be more serious about energy mandates/improvements. Fago read draft wording aloud. SB will decide whether to include it on the Town Meeting warning when they have the final wording. Fago will submit final draft for consideration at 1/8/18 meeting.


6:15 - Jose Lazo, Energy Commission/Julie Hinman, BRI - Reviewed process involved in Better Connection grant using slide show. EC and BRI are submitting the application together. They are requesting $3500 per year for two years for matching funds. Grant total is for 67,500. The SB will make a decision regarding matching funds after receiving information from AARP.

6:30 - Nathan Pion from Aldrich and Elliot
Handed out copies of the draft agreement for engineering consultant services. This draft has been submitted to state for approval. Reviewed next steps in addressing the deficiencies in the water and waste water systems. Pion summarized the hydraulic analysis for the water system, and suggests a 20-year comprehensive master plan for improvements. Will submit a full report including alternatives for improvements, construction plans, and full project costs (including recommended bond amounts).

Reports Motions and Ordinances

1.) Fiscal year 19 Budget Discussion
Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds - Maggard covered some of the highlights of the funds document. (see budget in SB packet) The water and sewer fund owe the general fund repayments. Jarvis stated that the amounts were just over $200,000 from the water department, and sewer is just less than $200,000. Kirby said that basically the general fund was subsidizing the water/sewer when it wasn’t making enough money to pay its own bills. The town will develop a plan for the general fund to be paid back over the next twenty years. Jarvis summarized the origin of the deficits, including overdue bills and capital improvement projects.
Maggard discussed the proposed 12% or 15% increase in water bills. Therese noted that the hydrants need to be in operable condition, and with Tim Mills developed a plan to replace two hydrants a year. Chief Aldrighetti agrees with that plan.

Janice Punger asked the Select Board how the system got into the state it is in. Russell explained that the system got into this state because past select boards have decided that the recommended expenses/improvements were too expensive. Modest financial investments have resulted in a system that now needs extensive repair. Jarvis noted that past thinking was very short term (but kept the tax rate down), and we are dealing with the consequences now.

Russell noted that when Maggard was hired, part of the plan was to also hire a financial administrator. Kirby is now bringing a high level of expertise to the organization of the finances, which is how the finances are being reorganized for better efficiency and more accurate figures. Russell noted that many people have been involved in decision making since the 1940s, and he doesn’t feel that those decisions were made with ill intent.

Kirby also pointed out changes that are being suggested on the water/sewer finances, including penalties/interest for late payments. In addition,
$5500 of water department revenue will be moved to the general fund, to support the replacement of two hydrants a year, as a part of a twenty-year plan. Brigham, motion. Jarvis, second. All in favor.

Kirby updated the SB about the Irene debt. 1.7 million dollars note. Kirby provided the board with a spreadsheet explaining the debt. She submitted a list of small projects, and large projects. She has consulted with the state and the auditors. Between the state and FEMA there will reimbursements of over 200,000, which can be applied to the debt. But Kirby is not sure she will be able to specify where the money was spent. She is going to back through several audits to try to figure out details, but she is not optimistic about being able to specify how the 1.7m was spent. There was further discussion about the history of a town’s financial responsibility when natural disasters hit.
2.) Constables duties and statute - Maggard summarized information he has received from Constable Mark Belisle. The information includes potential duties, and required certifications. The board agrees that the constable has his directions from the board, and he has been working within those parameters. Russell pointed out that the position is now filled via appointment (historically it was voted on at Town Meeting). The SB would like to work on a written job description for the constable at their meeting on January 8th, 2018.

3.) Annual Town Report Discussion
Discuss pricing from Spaulding Press - Last year’s cost for around 1,300 reports was just over 6,000 dollars including postage). in consulting with Jean Burnham, Kirby brought up the question of sending reports to property owners who may not be registered voters in Bethel (those on the grand list). The report will also be available to the public in a PDF, and will be shared via FB, FPF, and the website. The SB would like it to be sent to all the registered voters. There was also some discussion about size of the report, and the SB agreed that the larger size was easier to read and more accessible.

4.) Resolution to Approve Line of Credit from Mascoma -
Kirby briefed the board on a line of credit 375,000 that will support the flow of money in and out of the town’s accounts. Kirby covered the specifics of pertinent legal language in the document. Jarvis, motion to approve the establishment of a line of credit for the Town of Bethel, from Mascoma Bank. Brigham, second. All in favor. The board signed the document this evening.

5.) Kevin Barry Revolving Loan Subordination Agreement -
Barry is trying to get a loan through Mascoma, and Mascoma is asking Bethel to subordinate their revolving loan to him. All in favor of allowing Maggard to sign the required forms.

6.) Human Service Advisory Board Discussion - Paul Vallee asked for guidance on the process of approving requests and amounts. Vallee noted that there are some significant increases this year in the requests. there was some discussion of the history of the requests. Russell and Jarvis encouraged the committee to consider the amounts of the requests first in the light of the service that is provided, and only then in regards to the impact on the town budget.

7.) Town Manager’s Report
a.) Status update on Action Items. - (see report in packet).
Maggard highlighted a meeting he had with FEMA re: some road damage during the flooding in July.
worked with Aldrich and Elliot on a waste water plan.
Waiting to hear on a grant from TRORC for the highway department.
There was discussion regarding winter driving conditions, and use of salt and sand by the highway department.
b.) Town Managers Admin Report (see packet) includes budget stat report.
c.) Constable’s Report - (see packet)

Minutes and Communications
1.) SB minutes of the 11/27/2017 Regular Meeting - Approved as written, Brigham motion. Vallee, second. All in favor.
2.) Committee minutes - DRB, testimony was not sworn in. Maggard will touch base with them.
3.) Other Communications -

Any other business necessary to come before the board? None.

Moved to Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Matters. Brigham, motion to move to executive session at 8:51 pm. Jarvis, second. All in favor.

Reconvened at 9:08.

Approved modification of salary for Town Clerk to $53,479 (which includes benefits, part time position at 18.00/hour). Brigham, motion to approve change. Jarvis, second. All in favor.

Recognized that the Town Manager’s probationary period is over. Brigham motion. Vallee, second. All in favor.

Adjourned at 9:10 pm.


Carl RussellMoe BrighamLindley Brainard


Chris JarvisPaul Vallee