John Bates

Deputy Chief Executive and Treasurer

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside

I started my career with Kingston upon Hull City Council in 1970 and became CIPFA qualified in 1975. I am now a fellow of the Institute.

Whist working for the City Council, I held series of posts in payroll, accountancy, internal audit, financial planning and treasury management before becoming Joint Acting Chief Financial Officer. I was a regular member of the Unitary Treasurers’ Group.

The Council also gave me the opportunity to become involved in business support and partnership working, as well as urban regeneration projects. Latterly this included preparing and implementing a series of successful Single Regeneration Budget projects. At this time, my role involved acting as Finance Manager for CityVision, the City's Regeneration Partnership, in addition to my work with the local authority. Hull is now benefitting from a new renaissance as the 2017 European City of Culture.

In December 2005, I moved to the former Humberside Police Authority as Director of Performance and Resources before becoming Deputy Chief Executive and Treasurer. In 2012 along with the other Police Authority staff I transferred to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

I live in the City with my wife Dianne as does our son, daughter-in-law and two beautiful granddaughters.

I am a Hull man through and through and a passionate Hull FC fan. I have maintained a keen interest in local amateur football and have been a club secretary for over 40 years.

I am actively involved in work on the Police and Crime Commissioners Treasurers' Society (PACCTS) as Secretary and Vice President, having previously held the role of Honorary Auditor.

PACCTS is an excellent professional and support network and, under the Buddy Scheme, I am happy to help aspiring, new or existing Treasurers/CFOs either directly or as acting as a point of contact to make connections with other colleagues. Please contact me by e-mail or phone if you need my assistance.