TYSL BOD meeting
january 8, 2013
Present: mike cahill, JONATHAN Ciampa, Arnie
Eskenas, nicole fields, stacey finnegan, John macmullin,
Serg Sessa, Brenda Surowiec, Denise Welch, Lou barinelli,
laura catanzano, Paul Figucia, Ann Marie Veits
absent: Mike Paige, John MacMullin
Guests: Patrick Slattery, Nader Kalkorian (? sp)
Agenda Item / Discussion /Action
Call to orderMinutes / Serg asked for a motion to open the meeting. Jonathan motioned and Laure second. All approved, meeting began.
Brendadistributed the November 2012 meeting minutes and asked if there were any questions. No changes requested. Laura made motion to accept the minutes and second by Arnie. All accepted. Minutes passed. / NA
Treasurer Report
/ Lou handed out the report and reviewed it for all present.Serg asked if the website fee was the same as last year and Lou confirmed yes.
Lou stated that the MYSL fee has increased but not substantially.
Lou is still working on what the cost is per player.
One of the past board members returned the $50 gift card. It was decided it would be used by Facilities so Lou will give this to Paul.
In fu/ to the last meeting Lou confirmed that there is no line item for fundraising on the budge and we the BOD can change this if needed.
Motion to approve the report, Brenda, second by Arnie. All approved, report passed. / NA
Purchasing / AA shirts:
Jonathan used the promo $ from Under Armor and had 27 shirts made with TYSL logo.
Paul suggested we give the shirts to U16-U19 players.
Jonathan suggested we sell at the snack shack
Decision was made to put them at the snack shack and a posting in March will go on the website with the pricing. A few sizes will be held for vendors and merchants who sponsor TYSL.
Nicole asked if cotton shirts could be made for the vendors.
U6 nets
Jonathan passed around some handouts with net options. Range from $50-210/net. 8 nets are needed. Jonathan will go to Sports Authority to see if they have any nets in stock.
Concern by the BOD was that most of the nets were too complicated to put together.
. / Jonathan will look for some more durable, permanent nets.
Player/Coach / Serg presented for John as he was absent. John would like the BOD to hear 2 presentations One by Player Coach Alliance and the other by the Director of Benefica Soccer Club. Lou made a motion to schedule 15-20 minutes for each of these speakers. Mike C second. All present agreed, motion passed.
Winter Soccer: Serg asked how the first few weeks of winter soccer went. Arnie stated the U8’s went good and Ann Marie stated that the younger kids start on ½.
Lou is still waiting for invoices. / Serg/Brenda will let John know its ok to schedule them.
Open board positions, Mass Cup / Tournament Director position is still open
Mike C talked to Franco and Franco will reach out to Serg re: the position,
Arnie and Pat Slattery both put in for the ref assignor assistant position. They’ve both taken the course and will shadow Serg this coming spring. These are non-voting positions.
Serg would like to start planning for the Mass Cup soon. He suggested we get fliers for the snack shack to hand out to visiting teams. The tournament will be held on 6/22 and 6/23. It will be a patch tournament and volunteers will be needed
Travel / Mike Paige was as the MYSL Board meeting so Mike C presented for Travel.
Mike stated that there was a new BU10 player at winter soccer and he’s never played before. He’s a U9 player and no teams have room for him. Mike is looking into something with Brian Kelly.
Mike asked if the BOD meeting could be changed so Mike P could attend. The current meeting schedule conflicts each month with MYSL. The BOD agreed that the second Wednesday of each month would work. Brenda will look for a room to have the meetings.
New travel registration policy was passed out a few changes were requested. Mike will make t he changes and they will re-distributed for approval.
Request to Transfer up
Mike suggested that coaches should be able to ask a player to move up. Current policy does not allow this. Players must request a move up and coaches may not “recruit” players.
A discussion re: single age teams began and Serg said we can re-visit that at a later meeting.
Nader asked to speak and wanted to know if the single age policy was still in effect. Serg reminded him that he had an opportunity to mix his team at the tryouts but Nader elected to stay with single age. Nader coaches the BU14-1 team and its single age but Nader would like to mix his team as he has a few kids leaving and some that are not at the appropriate skill level for a D1 or D2 team. Nader would like to drop a few players and pick up a few players from BU14-2 or BU14-3.
The policy that is in place is that coaches can not recruit players so Nader is unable to change his team as none of the players from BU14-2 or BU14-3 requested a move up.
The transfer up policy can be changed for next year but not now as there are a lot of coaches that may want to change their teams at this time. / Brenda will look for a room for the new meeting night.
Scholarship / Lou updated the scholarship form for 2013 and they are on the website.
Adjourn / Lou made a motion to adjourn at 9:23 PM, second by Arnie. All approved.
Next meeting in TBD @ 7 PM. Same location.