Dispatches From The Aerodrome… December 2006 Page 5



Dispatches From The Aerodrome… December 2006 Page 5


President’s Message…

Well the year has literally flown by – no pun intended. It’s been a terrific year for the club. Thanksgiving is around the corner and, as a club, we have a great deal to be thankful for. First, there were no serious accidents. For that I want to thank our safety officer Bill Vassallo who placed a lot of time and effort into making safe flying a religion at our flying field. The entire membership deserves accolades for always placing safety first and for using common sense in their flying activities. Once again, we have racked up another outstanding safety record. Other notable accomplishments of 2006 include: streamlined bylaws; issuance of photo ID cards; porta-potty rental; and improved club administration. Of course, the on-going enhancements to our flying field are absolutely terrific! Obviously, none of this progress would have been possible without several individuals stepping forward and taking the initiative to get the jobs done on our behalf. Collectively, we owe them a great deal of thanks. Great clubs don’t just happen – they are made. If your personal circumstances prohibited you from actively participating in club activities this year, please make a New Year’s resolution to be proactive in 2007.

I want to personally thank all of the club officers, administrators and volunteers, who helped make 2006 a memorable year for our club. The only remuneration you received was the satisfaction of helping our club. Thank you.

Finally, I want to wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous and joyful New Year.

In the meantime, fly safely and have fun!


December Meeting

The next club meeting will be held on Thursday, December 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the banquet room of Soulman's Bar-B-Que, 691 E Interstate 30, Rockwall.

Minutes of the November Meeting

The November meeting of the club’s general membership was held on November 9, 2006 at 7:00 PM at Soulman's Bar-B-Que, 691 E Interstate 30, Rockwall. There were 16 members in attendance. President Bill Lenk called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Minutes of the October meeting: The reading of the minutes of the October meeting was dispensed with without objection.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Larry Wells reported a balance of $1,110.54 in the club’s treasury. Larry distributed copies of the accounting records of the club’s treasury account. Very professional and greatly appreciated.

Safety Committee Report: Safety officer Bill Vassallo was not able to attend the meeting but sent notice that he no safety issues to table.

Field Marshall Report: Field Marshall Clint Brunson reported that his school schedule has precluded his participation in field maintenance activities in recent months. However, he applauded Doyle Evans for taking the lead and managing the on-going field enhancements.

Flying Proficiency Committee: No issues were tabled.

Old Business

The October Fun-Fly

The only item of old business on the meeting agenda was to thank everyone who participated in the October Fun-Fly. It was an outstanding success and probably the best event of its kind in the club’s history. In a departure from the past, there were no contest events, so guys had a terrific time simply flying their airplanes. Many family members and friends of pilots attended which added to the day’s festivities. Roberto Short, Mike Troje and Doyle Evans performed brilliantly at the grill. Many, many, many hotdogs and hamburgers with sides of baked beans and chips were veraciously consumed. For dessert there were donuts and cookies. Cold drinks were available throughout the day. The youngsters of several visitors tried their hands at flying on a buddy-box. Their parents were amazed and thankful. One father said to me, “I can’t tell you how grateful I am. My son really enjoyed it. Your club’s hospitality is commendable.” Bill Lenk did a terrific job of flying his trainer while the kids were connected via a trainer cord – they actually believed they were flying the airplane – that’s the ticket! I’m sure they will be excitingly talking about their experience for a long time to their buddies. Oftentimes, it’s memories created by these small experiences that make future RC pilots.

The weather was perfect, the food delicious and the camaraderie outstanding. Thank you to all who helped make the event a memorable one.

New Business

Nominations for 2007 Club Officers

Nominations for 2007 club officers were taken at the November meeting. The following individuals were placed into nomination for the following offices: Bill Lenk -- President; Chris Brown -- Vice President; Larry Wells -- Treasurer; and David Hoye -- Secretary. Additional nominations can be made at the December prior to the voting.

Chris Brown was appointed to serve as interim Vice President until December 31, 2006, to replace Tom Dupont in accordance with paragraph B of Article II of the bylaws.

Proposed Bylaw Amendment – Reducing the Grace Period for the Payment of Annual Dues

David Hoye, the nominee for Secretary and Newsletter Editor for 2007, made a motion to amend NOTE 5 of Article V – Membership of the bylaws to read as follow:

“NOTE 5: Any member who fails to pay their annual dues by January 15 of the membership year shall be automatically dropped from the membership rolls. Any individual whose membership was terminated for non-payment of dues and who desires to rejoin the club shall be required to pay the applicable “new member” initiation fee as well as the applicable annual dues. This returning member shall be placed at the end of the waiting list. “

The motion was passed by a vote of 13 For and 1 Against (two probationary members, including David, were prohibited from voting by the bylaws). Because the motion represents a change to our bylaws, a ratification vote consisting of a majority vote of the members present and entitled to vote is required at the December meeting for the change to become effective. However, if passed, the change will go into immediate effect.

This is what the change will mean: The grace period for the payment of dues will be effectively reduced from 60 days to 15 days. Your RSF membership dues for 2007 must be in the hands of RSF Treasurer, Larry Wells, by January 15. After that date, a $100 new member “initiation” fee will be assessed to any existing member who wishes to renew their membership. There was very strong support for this proposal at the November meeting and the likelihood is that it will be ratified at the December meeting. Accordingly, it is strongly suggested that you plan to attend the December meeting and renew your membership at that time. If you are not able to attend, please make a note to yourself to send your dues for 2007 to Larry Wells before year-end. Annual membership dues are due and payable on January 1, 2007.

Keep in mind that we are currently at our membership cap of 70 members. I believe there are two individuals already on the waiting list. If any memberships are open on January 16th, the individuals on the waiting list will be given priority on a first-come-first-served basis. So, in the event that you are late paying your dues and are willing to pay the extra $100 initiation fee, there is no guarantee that your membership will be approved.

Please use the Membership Application form on our website when submitting your dues to Larry for 2007. Do not give your check to anyone at the field and ask them to pass it along to Larry -- send your payment directly to Larry. Remember, if the bylaw change is passed, January 15, 2007, is the absolute deadline for the payment of dues. There is a holiday (New Years Day) and weekends included in that time period – so be sure to allow for the associated delay in postal delivery when mailing your check.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Membership Profile:

Spotlight on “Limey” Bob Leserve

At our October fun-fly, I happened to notice an aircraft construction manual sitting on the large table at the north end of our field. Out of curiosity, I began glancing through it. I was impressed with the detailed instructions and the many accompanying photos. Then it suddenly dawned on me that what I was looking at was the manual for “Limey” Bob Leserve’s JetMach Trainer 60 turbine-powered aircraft. Obviously, Bob has started to kit and market the jet he designed. OK. I’m impressed. It must be quite a satisfying feeling knowing that you have taken an aircraft from the conceptual stage all the way though not only building it – but kitting it! I suspect the vast majority of modelers will never experience that pleasure.

“Limey” Bob taking a break at our October fun-fly

“Limey” Bob got started in RC in 1973. Job and family responsibilities required a 10-year hiatus in the mid-eighties, but after that, Bob jumped back in with two feet. It was only a short time ago, in June 2005 that Bob earned his turbine waiver and now -- less than a year and a half later -- he is designing and marketing his own turbine-powered aircraft. Fellow member Doyle Evans, who worked with Bob at Texas Instruments for many years, once remarked to me that, “Bob is one of the most intelligent individuals that I have ever met.” (I believe that both Doyle and Bob designed integrated circuits employed in calculators used by rocket scientists – they are both scary smart!)

Typical of “Limey” Bob’s ingenuity and creativity, at our October meeting, Bob showed a “nifty little gadget” that he put together. The nifty little gadget is an electronic sensor that actuates a powerful strobe light when the fuel in a tank starts running low. How many of us have a wish list of imaginary items we would like and have said, “You know what I wish, I wish they’d make…” “Limey” Bob is one of those talented individuals who possess the wherewithal to attempt to turn wishes in practical RC products. As the effort he has placed into his JetMach Trainer 60 demonstrates, when Bob decides to do something -- he will attempt to do it better than it has ever been done before. Every part in his laser-cut kit is also laser etched with its unique part number for easy identification.

Close up of “Limey” Bob’s prototype fuel sensor.

Close up of “Limey” Bob’s prototype fuel sensor

“Limey” Bob is not the typical, obsessive, compulsive, befuddled, absent-minded professor (although he does teach electronics) that can explain the meaning of E=MC² (although he can do that, too) -- he is a master modeler, terrific flyer and understands aeronautics in a way most of us could never aspire to. You can learn more about RC airplanes chatting with Bob for several minutes than you can by pouring over a RC manual for hours. He is a very friendly guy who is fun to talk to and with whom to shoot the bull.

When he’s not teaching nights, Bob always attends our monthly meetings and is a regular personality at the field. On several occasions, I have witnessed Bob with his head buried deep in the innards of his jet aircraft -- obviously very busy -- immediately drop what he was doing to assist someone who asked for help. Club assets come in many shapes, sizes and forms. “Limey” Bob Leserve is certainly counted among our best.

Alexander Judd, the club’s youngest pilot, talked to the members who attended the October meeting about his training experience. Good job, Alexander!

Vice president, Chris Brown, clowning with his daughter. Fun-Fly Day is a really a Family-Fun Day at RSF field. Chris was recently appointed interim vice president and was nominated to run for that office in 2007. He does a terrific (and difficult) job of preparing the club’s

photo ID badges.

Howie Stevens enjoys a burger between flights. From the smile on his face it may have been the last one off the grill.

Back L-R: Gerald Thompson, Bill Darst, Roy Allen, Jr. and John Barnett appear ready to give chase.

L-R: Doyle Evans, Rob Short and Mike Troje spent most of the day in the gazebo grilling burgers and dogs for our guests to enjoy. They preformed brilliantly and the results exceeded everyone’s gastronomical expectations. The gazebo needs a vent -- several times the occupants were almost smoked out. “Cooking always makes me cry,” explained Rob.

L-R: Miss Brooklyn Harmon, little sister Raelyn and mom Tracy enjoyed the day’s events. Tracy made cookies which Brooklyn helped distribute to attendees. “Watching airplanes fly makes me hungry,” said Brooklyn.