Kirkham Town Council

The Community Centre

Mill Street



Tel 01772 682755


Present: Mayor Cllr. K. Beckett, (in the chair) Councillors E. Oades, M.Cox, J Cameron,

P Hardy. E.Duffy (Minutes)

2017/1/1 Apologies for absence-Cllr Silverwood, Cllr Hodgson.

2017/1/2 Declarations of interest – Cllr Oades-all planning matters

- Cllr Cox- Friends of Kirkham Parks/ KirkFest

2017/1/3Police-Themonthly email reports have now stopped and a report was given by PCSO 7413 Trevor Sterling. The currentissues reported were

  • Harvey’s take away- Drugs bust on Saturday 7th January resulting in suspected Class A drugs being seized, five arrests and one deportation pending. It is noted that Community information led to the raid. The Community has expressed concern that the shop was back trading. The Police do not have the authority to stop a business trading but it will go through the process with other agencies such as Fylde Borough Council’s environmental health department.

Council expresses concerns over other known drug dealers in the Town. Police need to gather enough information to allow them to act and appeal to the Community to contact them with information as they did with the Harvey’s case.

  • Attack on Escape Café- The person named on Social media did not carry out the attack in November and the culprit has not been identified.
  • The male found rough sleeping Station Rd woods was not from the area and has been transported back to where he came from.
  • Damage to allotments has now been reported and the area remains on the Police watch list.
  • Priorities for the coming month were identified as
  1. To be kept informed of developments in the Harvey’s case.
  2. Monitor Youth nuisance around the Station Rd and Pear Tree School area.

2017/1/4Minutes from the meeting dated 6th December 2016-Proposed that the minutes are accepted as a true record.


2017/1/5Matters arising from the minutes that are not on this agenda

  • 2016/12/5 (11/8ii) Greenfingers quote- The quote was noted and the exercise accepted as a necessary process. Closed
  • 2016/12/5 (11/17c)Network Rail- No further meetings have taken place. Still awaiting FBC decision on whether 106 money which is no longer needed for lifts can be transferred to use on car parking. Closed
  • 2016//12/8 Standard arbi letter- Sent to TPO Officer for checking and will be distributed to Council Action Clerk
  • 2016/12/18 Phone box adoption and project- Phone box was not a traditional red one so not worth adopting. Project defunct. Closed
  • 2016/12/19 Inspire Energy-Janet Thornton- The staff causing a disturbance at the Crib service were reprimanded and one suspended. Closed

2017/1/6Financial report and agreed payments of outstanding invoices

Proposed that the financial report is accepted and the cheques paid. Resolved

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416506 / RSS / Rem Sunday / 384
416507 / Crave / Xmas buffet / 54.4
416508 / NOMS / Xmas trees / 275
416509 / Band / Rem Sunday / 750
416510 / Aclass / Xmas/Gas / 3406.06
416511 / System Hygiene / Cleaning equip / 549.93
  1. Investment advice- Cllrs Beckett and Hodgson met with a financial adviser and we are awaiting his information. Cllr. Oades proposes we seek advice from other advisers Resolved

It is proposed the Clerk seeks advice from FBC Financial Officer Resolved

  1. Budget setting meeting- Proposed that subject to Councillors availability the date should be either Monday 30th or Tuesday 31st January. Clerk to confirm

2017/1/7 Mayor’s Announcements

  • The Mayor attended the KirkFestival at the Community Centre which was pleasant and raised money for the event.
  • The Mayor attended the Christmas panto produced by Fylde Coast Youth Theatre which considering the group only set up in September was a brilliant production. Next production Easter weekend at the Centre.
  • The Mayoral chain will be sent for repair between Mayoral engagements
  • The Mayor requests a heater for the Chambers and Cllr. Cameron may have one. Action Cllr.Cameron

2017/1/8 Leisure Parks and Open Spaces Committee Report-No Report

2017/1/9Communication committee report- No Report

2017/1/10 Staffing committee Report- No Report

2017/1/11 Planning applicationswere considered and recommendations made-

  1. 16/0926-Ribby Hall-Extension/play area- No Objection
  2. 16/0947- Kirkham Methodist Church- Extension – No Objection
  3. 16/0948-Kirkham Methodist Church-Signage – No Objection
  4. 16/0968-Post Office Hotel- Conversion- Kirkham Town Council object on the grounds that there is no provision for car parking in the proposal. The nearest car park in the Town is Market Square which is a short stay car park and not suitable for residential parking. The other car parks are full by 9am which already results in cars parking on the pavements along Poulton Street causing a hazard to pedestrians. The development is over intensive for the plot.

2017/1/12Report from the representative on Licensing- No report.

2017/1/13Rural Splash report- No complaints received

2017/1/14KWBG report-Council has written for a second time requesting an update on the status of the group but received no reply. It is proposed that the Clerk writes to the businesses who are members of the KWBG and suggest they request the Chair holds a meeting at his earliest convenience. Resolved

2017/1/15Update on Community Assets- Meeting with LCC Asset transfer team scheduled for Friday 20th January but awaiting confirmation.

2017/1/16Highways report and any issues- Complaints received from Wellington and Nelson Street about the Cricket Club proposing to change access gates which will cause further congestion. As the CC do not need planning permission alternative traffic calming such as a one way system is being discussed. LCC are not cooperating with the Community. Ongoing

2017/1/17Correspondence and recommended responses

  • Mr. Saba- Dog mess complaint- Refer to Wesham. Action Clerk.
  • Andrew Stell-Planning commentsNoted
  • Shaun Connors-grant Refused
  • Fylde Council-Local Plan has been submittedNoted

2017/1/18Clerks report

  • Review of Remembrance Sunday. It is noted that the Police have a statutory duty to man the procession. It is requested that the order of wreath laying is broadcasted through the PA system. An additional person to be recruited to help the Clerk direct the wreath layers clockwise around the garden bed. The PA providers are made aware of the safety issues when invoice is received.It is proposed that the order of procession is decided at the next Council meeting. Defer to next meeting
  • Christmas Day proposal- A member of the community would like to provide Christmas lunch for Kirkham residents who may be spending next Christmas Day alone. It is proposed that she puts a proposal to the next Council Meeting but is supported in principal. Resolved
  • WSH Pavilion- Floodlighting the car park would disturb the neighbours so awaiting a quote for bulkhead lighting. Damage to central heating boiler flue and safety cage due to it being used as a foothold for climbing onto the roof. It is proposed Clerk asks Andrew Dixon for advice on what will deter vandals and the flue to be mended before it damages the boiler. Resolved/Action Clerk
  • Signage/Branding It is proposed that the Clerk receives further designs for logo/branding and signage for Council’s consideration. Resolved/Action Clerk


  1. KirkFest- Thanks to Council for their support during 2016. Group compiling a progress/ financial report for Council.

Date and time of next meeting-7thFebruary 2017

Meeting closed at 9pm

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