PRESENT : Mal Brown; Annette Dickinson-Flint; Chris Flint; Graham Jackson; Howard Jones; Max Lloyd; Cyril Nolan;

Lorna Rogers.

APOLOGIES: Chris Heath; Rosie Heath; Ryan Heath; Paul Mathieson; Gary Nolan; Guy Scott; Don Wallington.


[a] Sponsors Boards; to date 2 have declined, 11 have renewed and 2 are awaited. more 'sites' remain available.


[a] Both the Current and Savings accounts remain strong. All outstanding bills paid.

[b] 210 Members [including 61 juniors, 8 of whom are to be registered] have renewed their subscriptions. The fobs of

24 people were deactivated because of non payment of subscriptions.


[a] The Racketball team are playing in the National Club Championships against Edgbaston 'B' away on 5th December.

[b] The "non County player" team of Messrs Bailey, Picken & Whitehouse are playing at Chapel Allerton on 16th December.


[a] Junior listings to be culled to remove "inactives".

[b] The Junior Christmas party is to be held on 16th December - help would be appreciated.


[a] WEBSITE/Facebook/Twitter and Our IT presence : it was AGREED that we are lagging a little behind current young

members of the public's expectations in the former matters. It was AGREED that "re-invigorating" of our approach

to IT is required . All members are encouraged to give advice to the Chairman to help out with his inadequacies.

[b] EXTENSION : Quotations for Building Regulation Application [£600] and Structural Engineering [£1200] were

obtained. It was AGREED that it would be advisable to hold an open discussion about the "practicalities of access"

and day to day administration and security of the Club before embarking upon the Construction of the Extension.

To be arranged in January 2018.

[c] COURT BOOKINGS. It was AGREED that a broadcast email would be issued outlining changes on booking protocol to

reduce block and double session bookings at peak times; the new system to be trialled until the end of March 2017.

[d] TEAM TEE SHIRTS. 6 No. shirts in a lighter material are to be trialled. It was AGREED that the Club Badge be

retained. Sponsorship of 50% to be sought. "Metafit" variation of the Club Tee Shirt needed.

[e] GSJ to discuss our "marketing" approach with Mrs Wilson.


[a] Christmas "Party" Saturday 9th December. Thanks to some very unselfish volunteering and our musical maestros,

arrangements are all in hand for what promises to be a very lively evening . Free Entry by ticket ONLY;

Donations of all sizes politely requested for the Extension fund.

[b] Thursday 28th December : The Stuart Blaney/Barry Tweddle charity bash will be held at the Kingsland Club courts.


[a] It was reported that the "rebooting" of the Friday Night Social Squash on 1st December was not well supported.

We should all apologise to Paul for not supporting his efforts; consequently the next Social Squash Night on 5th

January 2018 will be very closely monitored and reviewed.

[b] It was AGREED that Committee Members in particular should be encouraged to take greater ownership or

responsibility for carrying out many of the little but important tasks necessary to keep the Club running efficiently

and happily.

If you wish to speak to or help a Committee Member they are : Tony Alvis; Dave Bailey; Malcolm Brown; Chris Flint

Annette Dickinson-Flint; Mark Fone; Howard Jones; Max Lloyd and as ever, your boring old Chairman.

Date of next Meeting MONDAY 8th JANUARY 2018 at 1940 hours