Agricultural Cooperatives AGEC 3463 Course Syllabus
Spring 2002 Dr. Phil Kenkel
744-9837 (Norma)
Lectures: 10:30-11:45 TTR, Rm 408 Ag Hall
Office hours: 8:00-10:00 TTR, by appointment or anytime I’m in the office
516 Ag Hall
Secretary: Norma Eddington, Rm 513 744-9837
Class TA: Amy Gilbert-317 Ag Hall 744-6171
Catalog Description of Course: Prerequisites: 3323 and 3423 or permission of instructor. An evaluation of the fundamental principles, objectives, structure, finance, and management associated with the cooperative organization. An analysis of the cooperative business organization within the modern economy — history, legislation, and evolution. An examination of careers related to cooperatives.
Introduction to Course:
I have the good fortune to hold a position made possible by an endowment created by the cooperative industry. One of the goals of the endowment was to give students a better understanding of the cooperatives and cooperative career opportunities. In AGEC 3463 we will learn about how cooperatives are structures and discuss what is different and what is not different about managing a cooperative. We will also be discussing some of the exciting new development in cooperative businesses including new value-added other non-traditional cooperatives. During the course of the semester we will also have a number of presentations by cooperative professionals who will share their personal viewpoints on the topics we are discussing. Attendance will be recorded on the days scheduled for guest speakers.
The objective of AGEC 3463 is to help you gain a basic understanding of:
· The basic principles and unique management, marketing and finance strategies of cooperatives
· The scope of the cooperative industry and alternative structures for cooperative firms
· The rationale for the appropriate role of cooperatives in a market economy
· How “New Generation” cooperatives differ from traditional cooperatives and how this structure is being used to develop new value-added businesses and other efforts.
· The basic steps in establishing a new cooperative.
The types of career opportunities available in cooperatives.