Minutes of Annual Assembly of Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th April 2016 at the Parish Hall, Addison Road Wimblington at 7.00 pm.
Present:M T Davis (Chairman), Mrs P Amos (Clerk), Cllrs: G. Bellard; E. Wright; P. Crawford; S.Coulson;
A.Knowles; D. Clarke; J. Rose; J. Dent;
Margaret Moulton; Kurt Allen (Police): Jillian Tuck (Doddington Patient’s Participation Group); Jo James (Community Car Scheme);
Number / Title / Action0053/16 / Apologies for Absence / None
0054/16 / Absentees
0055/16 / Declarations of interest / None
0056/16 / Confirmation of minutes / RESOLVED – that the minutes of meeting held on 8th March 2016 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record. Proposed: G Bellard. Seconded: J Rose.
0057/16 / Representations guest speakers: / Jillian Tuck from Doddington Medical Centre Patient’s Participation Group:Jill told the meeting that the last time she had spoken at Wimblington annual Assembly had been in 2013. Much had happened during the last 3 years. North WitchfordLodge surgery should open soon and the Group werecurrently fund raising for an ECG machine and a spirometer which is for asthmatics. She told the meeting that the Manea surgery was closed, but Dr Hamblin had become a partner there, so they are now part of the Group as well. A government survey showed that 88% of our users rate us as good, V good or excellent. However, one of the criticisms of Doddington Medical Centre was that the chairs are uncomfortable, they will be replaced. Another criticism was that it proves difficult get an appointment and that the telephone line is always engaged. She said that If you register with the on line system, you can book your slot on line.If anyone wished to do this, they should ask at the surgery for a password. Jill said that 2 years ago they had had a successful ‘living with diabetes event’. She said that the more understanding we have of this the more we can all help ourselves. The Group are to do a follow up event with a specialist nutritionist on 28th April at Doddington sports pavilion. Should anyone wish to go, but needs transport please contact her. Last year another self-help event was for sufferers of arthritis. The group had received criticism that people did not know about the event. She asked that if anyone had any ideas about advertising events to please let her know. It was suggested from the floor that both parish web sites could advertise this, also it may be worth asking at both Lionel Walden and Thomas Eaton Schools, to investigate whether leaflets could be put into school book bags. Jill asked those present to let the Group have their comments and needs, and suggestions for any other events She concluded by pointing out that if you are a patient you are automatically a member of the Group and that there was to be a Group meeting on Thursday14th April at 7pm.
Jo James from the Community Car scheme:.Jo said that the Community Car Scheme provided transport for those who did not have their own, and who struggled to reach appointments, or make other difficult or urgent journeys. She said that the Scheme made approximately 60 journeys a month to any venue, for anyone young or old, who could not get to their venue any other way. Residents can order a car for their children and the Group will also transport to village events, especially for those who need access to social events, as well as catering for emergencies. The Group has 6 volunteer drivers and would welcome more, and usually manage to fulfil all journeys requested. The charge is 30p per mile with a minimum charge of £3. The charge to go to Peterborough Hospital is approximately £15 and is about £9 to go to Wisbech. However, she pointed out that the Group is not a taxi service and that anyone applying must need the service. She said the Community Car Scheme would be hosting a tea party at Parkfield to celebrate the Queen’s ninetieth birthday and all were invited to attend.
Constable Kurt Allen started by passing on apologies from: Police: Sgt Lugg
for not being able to attend. The meeting was told that March and Chatteris problem solving team have recently taken over responsibility for policing Wimblington. This was due to many changes taking place within the local Police Force. Our PCSO is Carol Holloway. The purpose of the change we were told is so that local Police may be seen more locally, but also to save money. Officers now have i-pads with them, which enables them to complete paperwork remotely. A recruitmentdrive is taking place for special officers who should be on the streets soon. The Police Force’s priorities now are: Emergency response; if we get a 999 this is a priority, dwelling burglaries, child abuse, domestic abuse sexual offences, counter terrorism and modern day slavery. Constable Allen acknowledged that speeding through the village was of concern and whilst statistics used to be available, unfortunately this was not so now, but could be found on the Cambs. County Council web site. However, he knew that those for Wimblington are low. We were told that officers do not usually attend parish meeting as their priority was to be on the beat. However, as today, they try to attend public forums. Our inspector Will Davis is keen to get officers into schools, to student councils and try to establish trust with youngsters The force now has 2 strands: neighbourhood and problem solving, and response. The force’s focus recently has been on housing; reducing reoffending and trying to stop offences permanently. Officers would like more intelligence from the public as they can’t be everywhere, and rely on information from the public. The meeting was asked to use telephone number 999 for emergencies and 101 for non-emergencies. e-mails to go to: where the endeavour is to answer within 48 hours. There have been 2 local drug offences in the last month.
Question from the floor from S Coulson: how do you work with Countryside watch?
Answer: Fenland police target particular problems in allegiance with Countryside watch. One focus has been on Hare coursing, for which they now have the correct vehicles and more time. Alerts are put out to Countryside watch and they are of great help.
0058/16 / Chairman’s report / See appendix from MD / PA
0059/16 / Financial report / The clerk reported that:
Amounts of £1766.13 and £118,644.29 are held in the Parish Council’s Treasurer’s and Business bank accounts, as at 1st April 2016. This includes the first precept payment from FDC of £29,830.00 which was paid into the account on 1st April. There are still 3 cheques not yet presented which when presented willreduce the Treasurer’s account by a further £269.88. This will make a grand total of £120,140.54.
To date for the financial year 2015/16 a gross income of £71,992.64 including VAT and expenditure of £42,245.45 has been recorded. Whilst this appears healthy, we need to be mindful that we need savings, to pay for village street lights.
Included in the expenditure was a payment of £573.97 which was made to buy the Council its own laptop with a basic software package, wireless mouse and external hard drive. These have been recorded in the assets book.
0060/16 / Open forum / Jo James asked if the Council knew of a reason why King St. became so congested with cars.
MD: answered that this was a matter for highways and not something which Parish Council could address. Should there be a particular issue, the police would be best to deal with it.
JJ: Parking is an issue on this road.
MD: The reduction of the speed limit on Doddington Rd. to 30, had made for extra on road parking. Perhaps the next highways bid could be to ask for traffic calming which may reduce the numbers of speeding cars. The effect of more vehicles generally on the road, has a knock effect. Some houses on King St.do not have off road parking, so householders have to park on the road. Parking should be taken into account when planning consent is sought.
MD told the meeting that she thought it was a shame that more residents do not become involve with Parish Council, the village and its decisions.
0061/16 / Date of next meeting / Tuesday 10th May 2016 – AGM
Meeting closed at: 19.50