Training Committee Minutes
June 28, 2012
Present: Kevlin, Sherab, Quanetta, Lisa, Amy, Melanie, Cheryl
Agenda Item #1
Should Tingting be replaced on the committee?
Cheryl asked Lisa how the administration feels about replacing her or what would be the protocol for doing so.
Lisa suggested that perhaps Tingting was brought on for her special skills—not just because she worked in the Teaching and Learning Department. There are procedures for replacing committee members—a call for volunteers.
Melanie asked how long her term is (until 2014). Quanetta volunteered to look at the original list of volunteers for the committee to see if anyone was not assigned who was interested.
If there is not a waiting list, we can put a call out for volunteers and then exec will need to approve the person.
We all agreed we should recruit someone for Tingting’s spot.
Agenda Item #2
The revised training form was sent out via e-mail.
Lisa asked for a refresher on who the intended audience for the form was for since it has been a few months since we last discussed it.
Is this for people who need help finding information for training? Melanie reminded the group that we will be referring them to training opportunities and not actually signing them up for classes.
Cheryl mentioned the coupons from Computer Workshop. Lisa wants us to look into the coupons to see if this is the best option. It is convenient, but they might not be the most effective way to help learners.
Purchasing a one seat subscription to was discussed.
Cheryl was concerned that the job of the committee might be seen as just referring people to different types of training.
Quanetta suggested our real work will come from the requests we get for things where training does not exist. Like e-timesheets, our switch to Outlook etc. that are library centric.
The question of who will get the completed form was brought up again since we did not resolve the issue last time.
Discussion decided that it should go to 2 people—the committee chair and backup. These two people would work together to make sure someone was always monitoring the situation.
The chair could take care of easy referrals—just answer question and point people in the right direction. If it is a bigger question, they can bring it to committee.
Sherab suggested we need to track these things and keep statistics. Would we do this in Excel or Google Forms (are there privacy issues with this?)
It was decided to table this until we can talk to Matt. Kevlin will contact him about how we can keep stats. Can we automatically populate it unto an Excel spreadsheet or Google Doc?
Cheryl suggested we add another sentence to the last portion of the form (on the thank you screen). “A training committee member will contact you.”
The sentence “The training committee can help you find the training vehicle for your needs” after the second sentence at the beginning of the document.
Agenda Item #3
Needs assessment interview document
Discussion ensued about changes need to the department heads list.
Ryan can take care of security and physical
Reference (Judy C.) should not be on as it is not its own department
Robert T. should not be on as he works under Wes and is not his own department.
No serials head needed since serials are now covered under ACQ and CAT
Matt J. is now Infrastructure Support so he should be on the list
Special Collections Coordinator is Nena Couch and should be added
Keep Beth Black to the list where she is.
For Department Library managers ask Craig.
Take off regionals since we are not responsible for their training
Take off Health and Law libraries—they are on their own budgets.
We need to keep this quick—we can’t have people go back to their constituents and survey them, etc. It would take too long.
Do we need to ask the second part of the list? Quanetta brings up the point everyone is represented by the department heads, so we don’t necessarily need to ask FAC and SAC.
Process of interviewing
Lisa will e-mail people to let them know that they will be contacted by someone from the training committee. Then a member will ask for interview time (30 minutes)?
We send out the questions for them to think about—do not have them e-mail you answers. We want to engage.
Lisa mentioned that we it would be a good idea to go to the interviewees space—interview them where they are comfortable.
We can use a recorder (they are available from Teaching and Learning). We will need to ask the people we interview ahead of time, but some might not agree.
If the interviewee wants to see the notes taken by the interviewer that is fine.
The question of how we report the information we learn was discussed.
Quanetta suggested that we have one sheet for each question in Excel so we can see all answers to question 1 together, question 2 together, and so on.
We discussed the complications that might ensue if you are assigned your own department head. There would be problems so we will try to avoid that.
Discussion of Interview Questions:
It was decided to insert a question for how the training was done—in person, online, and so on.
Question 7. Wish list—Lisa asked for more clarification on the question—why is training lacking? What has kept us from doing it? Funding? Resources?
Also, if people are asking for specific training, do they already have an idea of who offers that? Is there someone who already offers that? ALA? Or a local group? If they already know where they training is available that will help us.
Add a last question for additional thoughts or any questions they may have.
Have interviews conducted by September 7th and put answers on the J: drive and Quanetta will put the Excel spreadsheet for the questions.
We can draw names out of a hat in 155 to have 3 members of the committee to oversee.
Cheryl will get the revised questions done by July 15th; Amy, Melanie, and Cheryl will make the random assignments of interviewers to interviewees; and then Lisa will send out an intro email with questions and that will lead the way for the emails by individual committee member.
July 26th next meeting, but since we will be working on interviews, we may not have anything to discuss. Cheryl will let us know if we are having a meeting.