Calculus 3
Math 225Section 2
Fall 2004
Instructor: Dr. John PolhillClass Location: Bakeless 107
Office: McCormick 1123Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
E-mail: ffice Hours: MWF9:00 – 10:00
Phone: 389-4508TR8:30 – 9:30
This course is the third in a sequence of 4 calculus courses, and the material begins with the introduction to sequences and series that began the last week of Calculus 2. The content also includes power series, vector analysis, and the calculus of real-valued functions in several variables.
TEXT: Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 7th Ed. By Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards.
Calculator: The TI-89 calculator is required for this course. They can be purchased for
$130.00 from the university (see Dr. Polhill).
Exam Schedule:Exam 1 Wednesday, October 6
Exam 2Wednesday, November3
Exam 3 Wednesday, December1
These exams may be given in class or at 6:30PM in a room TBA.
Final ExamThursday, December 168:00 –10:00
Percentage of Grade
Classwork/Homework /10%
Gateway Exam
/ 10%Evening Exams / 51% (17% each)
Final Exam / 29%
Group Assignments: Group assignments will occasionally be given in class or as take-home work. The assignments will involve problems somewhat more complex than routine homework. Grades will be assigned on the basis of Presentation, Completeness, and Correctness. The write-up of every problem should show (1) What was asked; (2) How you solved it; (3) What is your answer. Graphs should be carefully sketched on labeled axes.
Homework and Quizzes: Individual homework problems will be assigned daily. These assignments will be collected, and the grade will consist of a completeness and an accuracy part. You are expected to come to class EVERY day and participate by asking good questions and enthusiastically responding when called on.
Gateway (10% of final grade): There is a Calculus 2 gateway exam for this course. You have 5 attempts at passing the gateway, and your grade is a 100% for a pass and a 0% for a fail. Each of these will have 12 problems, which are graded right or wrong. No partial credit will be given. To pass the exam you must receive a score of at least 10.
Exams (51% of final grade): There will be three exams and a final in this class. These may or may not be night exams. See above for dates.
Final (29% of final grade): The Final Exam will be Thursday, December 18 at 8:00 AMin our classroom, Bakeless 107.
Review Session: There will be review sessions on exam days in a room TBA beginning at 5:00PM. I especially encourage you to take advantage of these review sessions for the gateway exams.
Make-ups and Missed assignments: No make-ups will be allowed unless you have talked to me before hand or if you have a school authorized excuse. You are responsible for getting any work that you miss if you are absent.
Breakdown of Grades:
EBelow 60