Port of Ridgefield

Regular Meeting Minutes

April 14, 2010

Present:Joe MelroyScott HughesBrent Grening

Laurie OlinBruce WisemanJeanette Ludka

Scott FraserGary AdkinsWonder Baldwin

Randy MuellerMarie StephensonVicky Ridge-Cooney

Michael WilliamsBill ElingTracey Ruff

Todd JohnsonLee WellsRon Onslow

Alan HughesJohn Barbieri


Chair Scott Hughes called the Port of Ridgefield Commission meeting to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m.


Chair Hughes led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Joe Melroy made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 24, 2010 regular meeting. Commissioner Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


Comments on the following were made by Brent Grening:

Erosion and Sediment Control Awareness Training: This training is from 8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. and will be held on May 20, 2010 at the Port of Vancouver.

2010 CERCLA & MTCA Advanced Sediment Conference: This conference is held on April 22, 2010 at the Washington Convention Center in Seattle.

Integrated Planning Project: The Integrated Planning Group preparation meeting is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Friday April 23, 2010. The first public Open House for the Ridgefield Downtown/Waterfront Integration Project is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Ridgefield Community Center.

Ridgefield City Council: The Ridgefield City Council will meet in a study session tomorrow at the Ridgefield Community Center at 6:30 p.m.

Concerned Citizens In Action: Brent stated that he was invited to attend the Concerned Citizens In Action public meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the Washburn Auditorium in Washougal High School. He stated the guest speaker is Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag. Commissioner Melroy stated he plans to attend.

Columbia River Economic Development Council: Brent stated he was invited to attend the CREDC Regional Economic meeting on April 15, 2010 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Columbia Tech Center.

Greenlight Greater Portland: The Greenlight Greater Portland Regional Economic Summit will be held on June 22, 2010 at 7:30 a.m. Brent stated he is unable to attend.

WPPA 2010 Spring Meeting: The meeting will be held at the Campbell’s Resort in Lake Chelan on May 12-13, 2010. Port staff plans to attend this meeting.


No public comments at this time.


Cash Balance: Commissioner Melroy stated he reviewed the bills for the month of April and found them to be properly prepared. The bills totaled $1,220,409.16. He made a motion to pay the bills for the month of April. Commissioner Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried to pay the bills. Jeanette Ludka stated that the purchase of the 45th Avenue and FDIC properties in the amount of $640,000 is paid in full and included in the total amount of the bills.


Chair Hughes announced that the May 12th Commission regular meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 5th due to port staff attending the 2010 WPPA Spring Meeting in Lake Chelan on May 12 – 13, 2010.


Business Development Report: Randy Mueller reported on the following items:

Houses on 45th Avenue Property – Three houses currently sit on 13 acres of the 45th Avenue property that the port recently purchased from the FDIC. These houses have sat vacant for years, and would require significant renovation in order to be usable.

He distributed an attachment of a chart summarizing the three most feasible options for dealing with these houses. Those options are (1) demolition, (2) renovating and leasing as residences, or (3) renovating and leasing as commercial space. Port staff recommends demolishing the houses and preparing the site for future development. No action was taken on this item. There was much discussion and Brent stated that Port staff will come back with more details for a decision from the commission. He stated the Port will explore more options. It was noted that the cost for renovation might be $100,000 to make the houses usable. Commissioner Melroy stated in his opinion, the houses should be demolished. Commissioner Wiseman stated he would like to take a look at the houses before a decision is made. This item will be carried over to the next commission meeting.

Ridgefield School District Building Study – Randy stated that the Ridgefield School District owns a 10,000 SF maintenance building at the northeast corner of 3rd and Pioneer. The Port is interested in whether or not this property might be viable renovated and converted to a use that would enhance economic development opportunities for the downtown Ridgefield area.

He stated recently the Port solicited proposals for firms to evaluate this building and produce a renovation analysis and feasibility study. After reviewing dozens of proposals, staff recommends that the Port contract with Group Mackenzie to do the work.

Commissioner Wiseman made a motion to allow the Executive Director to contract with Group Mackenzie for a renovation analysis and feasibility study of the Ridgefield School District maintenance building. The contract shall not exceed $22,500. Commissioner Melroy seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

Chair Hughes asked about the timeframe of this project. Scott Moore from Group Mackenzie stated the project should take 4 – 6 weeks to do the analysis.

Ridgefield Rail Overpass Project Update: Plans continue to move forward on this project.

Property Payment: The Port of Ridgefield made a payment of $1.00 to purchase a parcel of property from the City of Ridgefield. Chair Hughes presented the check to Mayor Ron Onslow for the purchase of these properties.

Resolution No. 2010-210: A Resolution Further Delineating the Scope of Authority of the Executive Director in Initiating and Negotiating Real Property Acquisition Located within the District Boundaries Near Pioneer & 45th: Bill Eling stated that this resolution relates to ongoing negotiations regarding property at 45th & Pioneer. He stated that having this resolution will assist the Port in being compliance with the WAC’s, RCW’s, and other laws and regulations.

Commissioner Melroy made a motion to approve Resolution No. 2010-210. Commissioner Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

Sediment Update: – Alan Hughes stated that sediment sample testing will start at Lake River and Carty Lake on April 15. He stated the sample testing is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology.

Commissioner Wiseman stated that the Washington State Department of Ecology continues to move forward with their continual support of the clean-up process here at the Port.

Group Mackenzie Updates: Todd Johnson stated that meetings are scheduled with the City of Ridgefield regarding permits for the Shoreline Master Plan. The contractor will be able to move soil without permits as part of the clean-up.

Scott Fraser Updates: He stated that there are new manufacturing users in the market in the Chehalis area.

Barbieri and Associates: John Barbieri stated he has located the vegetation line on Lake River. He received answers to his grading questions from Group Mackenzie. Randy stated the water line survey has been ordered.

Commissioner Melroy invited everyone to attend the Annual Commissioner’s Picnic on Friday, August 20, 2010. He noted that the Ridgefield School District Foundation may hold a Barbeque Cook-off Fundraiser event to support the foundation. The Port of Ridgefield will still serve hot dogs and root beer floats at the picnic.


Mayor Onslow inquired about the testing and results regarding the samples from Lake River and Carty Lake.

He voiced his concerns regarding the chemical impact from the previous Pacific Wood Treating Company and wanting to ensure the human environment was safe after the testing was completed.

Gary Adkins asked the risk of dredging in Lake River. Alan Hughes inquired about the dredging that was done when the Pacific Wood Treating existed. Randy stated that the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted the dredging in Lake River.

Marie Stephenson invited everyone to attend the Annual Ridgefield Junction Association meeting. The meeting will be held at the Dollar Tree facility in Ridgefield on Monday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. She stated the meeting will be informational.

Mayor Onslow stated the sewer consortiums are moving forward with business plans and that interviews have started.


The meeting adjourned at 3:52 p.m. with no further business or public comments.

The next Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 3:00 p. m. The meeting will be held at the Port of Ridgefield office in the downstairs conference room, located at 111 West Division Street in Ridgefield.


Joe MelroyScott Hughes


Bruce Wiseman

Respectfully submitted by

Wonder Baldwin

Administrative Assistant