Society of Loss Prevention

In the Oil, Chemical & Process Industries (Singapore)


On behalf of the Executive Committee I am pleased to present the annual report for 2007/2008 covering the period from 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008.


In accordance with our Constitution, the Executive Committee is elected for two years, with the exception of the Treasurer who is elected annually. The term of this Executive Committee will expire on 30 June 2008. I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the members of the Executive Committee who have worked hard and made sacrifices of their precious time for the benefit of the society.


The main activities of the year were as follows:

Technical Talks

  • Talk on Case studies and Lessons learned from Industrial Accidentdue to Gas, Vapour & Dust Explosions and Electrostatic HazardsBy: Mr. Ian Pavey, Principal Electrostatic Specialist with Chilworth on 22 May 2007 at Singapore Polytechnics Graduates’ Guild.
  • SLP and SCIC jointly organised a Talk on Process Safety Performance Indicators (Metrics) by Mr. Mitch Krutilek of Chevron Philips Chemical on 20 Nov 2007 at EDB Learning Centre.

Training Courses

  • A two-day course on Gas, Vapour and Dust Explosion & Electrostatic Hazards by Mr. Ian Pavey, Principal Electrostatic Specialist with Chilworth on 22 and 23 May 2007 at Singapore Polytechnics graduates’ Guild.
  • SLP in collaboration with IChemE, orgainised a two-day course on Incident Investigation-Root Cause Analysis by Mr. John R. Lockwood, Senior Risk Consultant and Mr. Tan Kian Hock, Consultant on 26 and 27 Nov 2007 at Singapore Polytechnics Graduates’ Guild.

Technical Visit

  • A half-day Technical Visit to CivilDefenceAcademy on 15 Nov 2007.


  • SLP gave a presentation on the Guidelines for Emergency Response Planning at the Launch of the CERT Assessment/Audit Seminar by SCDF on 28 Nov 07 at SCDF. We also set up a booth in the display area.


The financial report for 2007/2008 is attached. We have recorded a surplus of $17,458.96. As reported in the 2004/2005 annual report, the Executive Committee invested approximately $50,000 to increase the returns on our accumulated funds. Our guiding principles then were to be long-term investors and to invest in relatively secure instruments that paid steady and reasonable dividends. These have not changed as are our investments.

a)140 units of DBS 6% NCP

b)100 units of OCBC 4.5% NCP

c)7000 units of Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust

d)7000 units of Capitamall Real Estate Investment Trust

e)4200 units of CapitaCommercial Real Estate Investment Trust

Our net dividends for 2007/8 gave us a return of 6.8% based on our original investment of $ 48,893.60. This is mainly due to our investments in REITS.


As of 31 March 2008, our membership status is as follows:

  • 4 Honorary Fellows
  • 25 Corporate Members
  • 40 Ordinary Members
  • 2 Absent members
  • 1 Associate Members

As it is a challenge for the Membership Sub-committee to increase membership, any suggestions and ideas from the members are most welcome. Members can submit their suggestions or ideas to the Secretariat via email.


SLP published 3 issues (April, July and Dec 07) of the Newsletter over the last year. The editor would appreciate any articles you may wish to submit. We hope members have found the newsletter to be informative and easy to read.

We would also like to appeal to all members to contribute articles for the newsletter. Articles related to loss prevention or personal experience and achievement in implementing safety, health, and environment and loss prevention programs of your company are especially welcome.


A Members’ Survey exercise was recently carried out to collect feedback and suggestions on how to further improve the services we are providing our members. The outcome of the survey has been analyzed and will be published.


Praveen Arora stepped down as Honorary Treasurer in Nov 2007. The Executive Committee then unanimously elected Sam Tsen to replace him until 30 June 2008.


2007/2008 was a challenging period for the Executive Committee in sustaining the interest of members in SLP's activities. The Executive Committee will continue to work hard to organize events and activities such as technical talks, technical training courses, technical visits, technical information sharing and exchanges.

A strong support from Ordinary Members and Corporate Members is of critical importance to ensure we continue to provide a forum for members to meet, discuss and exchange loss prevention ideas, knowledge and experience, thereby meeting SLP’s objectives.

In closing, I would like to record the passing away of our Immediate Past President, Richard Gillis, in August 2007 in Melbourne, Australia. He was our second President and held this position for 6 years. He made many contributions to the SHE profession in Singapore in general and to SLP in particular. We will remember him.

Ong See Hee

SLP President – 2006/2008

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