Port of Ridgefield

Regular Meeting Minutes

October 26, 2016

Present: Joe Melroy Brent Grening Scott Hughes

Bill Eling Jeanette Ludka Gary Adkins

Dave Kelly Wonder Baldwin Nelson Holmberg

Susan Trabucco Paul Young Allene Wodaege

Sandra Day Greg Thornton Patricia Thompson

Maureen O’Reilly John Barbieri Paul Lewis


At 3:00pm Chair Scott Hughes called the Port of Ridgefield Commission meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


October 12, 2016: Commissioner Joe Melroy made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Hughes seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


Luncheon for Jim Kuntz – Clark Regional Wastewater District is hosting a luncheon for Jim Kuntz, the new executive director of the Wastewater Association of Sewer and Water Districts, on Wednesday, November 2 at the Sportsman’s Restaurant in Ridgefield. Commissioners Melroy and Hughes and Brent Grening will attend.

City of La Center Planning Project Events: The events are scheduled on November 1 and 2, the Open House is November 7. The location is the La Center Public Works Building in La Center.

WPPA Legislative Committee Meeting: The committee meeting is Wednesday, November 9 at 10:00am. Commissioner Melroy and Nelson Holmberg will attend.

November 23, 2016 Port Meeting: This meeting is cancelled. The Port meeting will meet on Wednesday, November 30 instead.

Legislative Breakfast: The breakfast is hosted by the City of Ridgefield and Port of Ridgefield and is on Friday, December 9 at 7:30am at the Sportsman’s Restaurant in Ridgefield.

December 28 Port Meeting: The meeting is cancelled.


Patricia Thompson, president of the Ridgefield Art Association thanked the Port for allowing the association to display their signs on the Port’s 45th and Pioneer property for their family friendly holiday community events and fundraiser.


Cash Graph: Jeanette Ludka stated the weekly cash graph report is in the Commissioner’s dropbox and offered to answer any questions.

Monthly Finance Reports: Jeanette also stated the September 2016 Budget vs. Actual and the September 2016 Dashboard reports are also in the dropbox.



Motion to appoint temporary Commission Secretary: Brent Grening stated with Commissioner Bruce Wiseman out of town, the Port needs to appoint a temporary secretary for the signing of the bond resolution.

Commissioner Hughes made a motion to appoint Commissioner Melroy as secretary to sign the bond resolution. Commissioner Melroy seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Resolution 2016-315: A Resolution of the 2016 Lease Revenue Bond for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife: Brent stated the resolution for the revenue bond is in language process. Paul Lewis stated this was a tight timeline to get the agreement and resolution prepared and completed by this meeting.

He mentioned the bank and the Port are still working on the language for the agreement, once this is completed the Port will post a special meeting notice and present the resolution to the Commission in a brief meeting. He did mention that the agreed interest rate remains the same. The agreement will be for a 20-year financing instead of a 15-year and the ROI (return on investment) is higher for the Port with the longer financing. The closing date for the loan is November 10, 2016.

Discovery Corridor Presentation: Brent Grening conducted a PowerPoint on the Discovery Corridor with Knowledge Capitals that relates to our Dark Fiber Optics project. He stated Knowledge Capitals are the world’s leading knowledge creation centers. They compete in the highest value-added segments of the economy, relying on their significant stock of human capital, innovative universities and entrepreneurs, and relatively sound infrastructure connectivity. He stated the Port strategically use dark fiber and the Discovery Corridor to continue to innovate, deliver and capture value as a 21st Century Community Port.


Interlocal Agreement for Dark Fiber Optics: Nelson Holmberg presented the Interlocal Agreement between the Port of Whitman County and the Port of Ridgefield. The agreement is to jointly exercise individual district powers with the planning, development, construction, operation and maintenance of a dark fiber optics system within the respective district boundaries of the Port of Ridgefield and the Port of Whitman County as explained in the RCW.

Commissioner Melroy make a motion to approved this agreement as presented. Commissioner Hughes seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


WPPA Proposed 2017 Budget: Commissioner Melroy explained the annual WPPA budget proposed for next year.


Ridgefield Planning Commission: Paul Young had nothing to report.

Ridgefield City Council: Councilwoman Sandra Day stated the city council will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday for the months of November and December.

The Clark College Public forums regarding plans for the Boschma Farms met last night and will meet again in Battle Ground.

The Ridgefield City Council study session starts at 5:00pm tomorrow and the YMCA Market Feasibility will be discussed.

She also stated that the general meeting will start at 6:30pm and the topics to be discussed in the second reading are the Ridgefield mixed use overlay and commercial design standards. A resolution will be presented for the approval of the Ridgefield Outdoor Recreation Complex Project. She also stated there will be a motion presented for the approval of the Sargent Street Stormwater Improvements Project.

City of La Center: Mayor Greg Thornton stated Paul Lewis will do a second presentation on the city’s budget at their next meeting. The sub-area planning budget will also be discussed at the next meeting. He mentioned construction on La Center Road west of Timman Road.


Dave Kelly stated his new winery is moving forward.

Commissioner Melroy mentioned there has been a lot of semi-trucks and trailer parking on 11th Street. He mentioned talking with the Ridgefield Police Department to have surveillance in the area on a regular basis.

Commissioner Melroy asked the Port to do a follow-up with the school district to invite a high school student to attend the Port meetings for a year to gain knowledge of the Port’s projects in the community.


The meeting adjourned at 3:47pm with no further comments or business. The next regular Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at 3:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Port of Ridgefield offices in the downstairs conference room located at 111 West Division Street in Ridgefield.


D. Joe Melroy Scott Hughes

Respectfully submitted by

Wonder Baldwin

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