Annex 1

2 (a) NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUYER (Block letters)


By signing and lodging the declaration the declarant accepts responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the particulars given on this form and on any continuation sheet lodged with it and the authenticity of any documents produced in support. The declarant also accepts responsibility to supply any additional information or document necessary to establish the customs value of the goods. / 3 Terms of delivery
4 Number and date of invoice
5 Number and date of contract
6 Number and date of any Customs decision concerning boxes 7 to 9
7 (a) Are the buyer and seller RELATED in the sense of Section 12.2 (*) of the Code?
If ‘NO’, go to box 8
(b) Did the relationship INFLUENCE the price of the imported goods?
(c) (reply optional) Does the transaction value of the imported goods CLOSELY APPROXIMATE to a value mentioned in Section 13.2 (b) of the Code?
if ‘YES’, give details: /

Enter x where applicable

YES / NO
8 (a) Are there any RESTRICTIONS as to the disposition or use of the goods by the buyer, other than restrictions which:
-are imposed or required by law or by the public authorities in Kosovo,
-limit the geographical area in which the goods may be resold, or
-do not substantially affect the value of the goods?
(b) Is the sale or price subject to some CONDITION or CONSIDERATION for which a value cannot be determined with respect to the goods being valued?
Specify the nature of the restrictions, conditions or considerations as appropriate:
If the value of conditions or considerations can be determined, indicate the amount in box 11 (b). / YES
YES / NO
9 (a) Are any ROYATIES and LICENCE FEES related to the imported goods payable either directly or indirectly by the buyer as a condition of the sale?
(b) Is the sale subject to an arrangement under which part of the proceeds of any subsequent RESALE, DISPOSAL or USE accrues directly or indirectly to the seller?
If ‘YES’ to either of these questions, specify conditions and, if possible, indicate the amounts in boxes 15 and 16 / YES
YES / NO
(a)they are officers or directors of one another’s business;
(b)they are legally recognized partners in business;
(c)they are employer and employee;
(d)any person directly or indirectly owns, controls or holds 5% or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares of both of them;
(e)one of them directly or indirectly controls the other;
(f)both of them are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
(g)together they directly or indirectly control a third person; or
(h)they are members of the same family.
2. The fact that the buyer and the seller are related need not preclude the use of a transaction value (see section 13.2 of the Code and the Interpretative Notes on that provision). / 10 (a) Number of continuation sheets D.V. 1 attached
10 (b) Place:
For official use
Item / Item / Item
A. Basis of calculation / 11(a) Net price in CURRENCY OF INVOICE (price actually paid or price payable for settlements at the material time for valuation for customs purposes)…………………………………………………………………………………...
(b) Indirect payments – see box 8 (b) …………………………………………….…...
(rate of exchange: )
12 Total A in EURO
Costs in EURO NOT INCLUDED in A above (*)
QUOTE BELOW previous relevant Customs decisions, if any: / 13 Costs incurred by the buyer:
(a) commissions, except buying commissions ………………………………….…….…...
(b) brokerage ………………………………………………………………………….…..
(c) containers and packing ………………………………………………………………...
14 Goods and services supplied by the buyer free of charge or at reduced cost for use in connection with the production and sale for export of the imported goods:
The values shown represent an apportionment where appropriate.
(a) materials, components, parts and similar items incorporated in the imported goods…
(b) tools, dies, moulds and similar items used in the production of the imported goods …
(c) materials consumed in the production of the imported goods …………………………
(d) engineering, development, artwork, design work and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than in Kosovo and necessary for the production of the imported goods ……...
15 Royalties and licence fees – see box 9 (a) ……………………………………………..
16 Proceeds of any subsequent resale, disposal or use accruing to the seller – see box 9 (b) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
17 Costs of delivery to (place of introduction)
(a) transport ………………………………………………………………………………..
(b) loading and handling charges ……………………………………………….…….…...
(c) insurance …………………………………………………………………….………....
18 Total B ……………………………………………………………………….…….…..
C DEDUC- TIONS:Costs in EURO INCLUDED in A above (*) / 19 Costs of transport after arrival at place of introduction ……………………………….
20. Charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance undertaken after importation ………………………………………………………………
21. Other charges (specify) ………………………………………………………………..
22. Customs duties and taxes payable in Kosovo by reason of the importation or sale of the goods …………………………………………………………………………………..
23 Total C …………………………………………………………………………………
24 VALUE DECLARED ( A + B – C) …………………………………………………………………….
(*) Where amounts are payable in FOREIGN CURRENCY, indicate in this section the amount in foreign currency and the rate of exchange by reference to each element and item.
Reference Amount Rate of exchange

Annex 2


For official use
Item / Item / Item
A. Basis of calculation / 11(a) Net price in CURRENCY OF INVOICE (price actually paid or price payable for settlements at the material time for valuation for customs purposes)…………………………………………………………………………………...
(b) Indirect payments – see box 8 (b) …………………………………………….…...
(rate of exchange: )
12 Total A in EURO
Costs in EURO NOT INCLUDED in A above (*)
QUOTE BELOW previous relevant Customs decisions, if any: / 13 Costs incurred by the buyer:
(a) commissions, except buying commissions ………………………………….…….…...
(b) brokerage ………………………………………………………………………….…..
(c) containers and packing ………………………………………………………………...
14 Goods and services supplied by the buyer free of charge or at reduced cost for use in connection with the production and sale for export of the imported goods:
The values shown represent an apportionment where appropriate.
(a) materials, components, parts and similar items incorporated in the imported goods…
(b) tools, dies, moulds and similar items used in the production of the imported goods …
(c) materials consumed in the production of the imported goods …………………………
(d) engineering, development, artwork, design work and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere than in Kosovo and necessary for the production of the imported goods ……...
15 Royalties and licence fees – see box 9 (a) ……………………………………………..
16 Proceeds of any subsequent resale, disposal or use accruing to the seller – see box 9 (b) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
17 Costs of delivery to (place of introduction)
(a) transport ………………………………………………………………………………..
(b) loading and handling charges ……………………………………………….…….…...
(c) insurance …………………………………………………………………….………....
18 Total B ……………………………………………………………………….…….…..
C DEDUC- TIONS:Costs in EURO INCLUDED in A above (*) / 19 Costs of transport after arrival at place of introduction ……………………………….
20. Charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance undertaken after importation ………………………………………………………………
21. Other charges (specify) ………………………………………………………………..
22. Customs duties and taxes payable in Kosovo by reason of the importation or sale of the goods …………………………………………………………………………………..
23 Total C …………………………………………………………………………………
24 VALUE DECLARED ( A + B – C) …………………………………………………………………….
(*) Where amounts are payable in FOREIGN CURRENCY, indicate in this section the amount in foreign currency and the rate of exchange by reference to each element and item.
Reference Amount Rate of exchange