Minutes of the Meeting of the County Committee, held on Thursday 12th May 2016 at the Edgar Hall, Somerton

Present: D Mitton (Chairman), D Aldridge, R Losey, P Seib, T Philpott, A Carr,

In Attendance: Justin Robinson (County Executive Officer), Alistair Higton (SCC)

1) Introductions and Apologies

Apologies were received from Jean Allgrove, Loretta Whetlor, Jenny Lawrence, Deryl Rennie, Jane Moreton and Martin Lovell.

2) The Heart of the South West Devolution Bid

Members received a presentation from Alistair Higton (please see attached PDF). During the subsequent discussion, the following issues were raised by members:

  • The proposals appear Devon centric and, from Somerset’s perspective, too focussed on Hinkley Point
  • Delivery will prove far more difficult than the agreed aims
  • A lack of focus around the key issue of further education in the county, with only a single mention of a University of Somerset
  • How do you improve productivity in an area acknowledged for having an ageing population
  • It is difficult to see how parishes fit into this at this point

In response, Alistair Higton highlighted the fact that there are many other plans behind the prospectus that will flesh out these basic aims and ideas, so there will be more in it for Somerset than it currently seems. Infrastructure will be a key issue, together with the need to address housing growth; this may well prove to be challenging for some parishes.

The chairman thanked Alistair Higton for attending and members agreed that this issue would require further discussion as the matter progresses.

3) Minutes of the November County Committee

The minutes were approved as a correct and accurate record. The recommendations of the January Management Committee were also accepted, with the exception of the constitutional issue regarding the chairmanship of the association (see item 8).

4) Finance Report

The CEO reported on the draft end of year financial figures. There had been a net gain in membership during the year and an impressive increase in members attending training sessions. Together with the continuing drive to reduce core running costs, this had resulted in another strong financial performance for the year and a high surplus.

The budget for 2016/17 was received and unanimously approved.

5) AGM 2015/16

The CEO reported that the main hall at Edgar Hall would be available on the 17th September and it was agreed to accept this date. Somerset Waste Partnership would be willing to give a presentation, together with a representative from Tozer’s solicitors. It was agreed that the Police and Crime Commissioner should be invited to attend as a guest speaker, or a local MP if the PCC is unavailable.

6) Internet Banking

While the new system is working well, it was decided that it would be helpful to have an additional two members authorised to approve online payments. It was unanimously agreed that Jenny Lawrence and Terry Philpott would be added to the mandate.

7) IT Systems

The CEO reported that as some of the equipment was now quite old, it would be wise to consider replacing some of it during this financial year to safeguard against disruption to services. Provision for this had been made in the budget. It was unanimously agreed that the matter be delegated to the Management Committee for investigation and decision.

8) Status of the Association

The chairman stated that as the association is currently an unincorporated organisation, some risks and liabilities could ultimately lie with committee members, as the committee would be regarded as the “intelligent body” of the association, in law. The Cornwall county association has now become a company limited by guarantee, offering protection and a £1 liability in law to its company directors. The chairman stated that their new articles of association have many similarities to our constitution but it is clear that the chairman of the association will always be elected by the board or directors and not at the AGM.

At this point, it was agreed that there should be a chance for all county committee members to be consulted and this matter would require further discussion at the AGM and quite possibly at area meetings later in the year.

The chairman agreed to draft a note to all committee members in due course and the item will be further discussed at the next committee meeting.

9) Additional Website Material

The CEO gave a short verbal report concerning a request from a member council that minutes of committee meetings be made available on the association’s website. It was agreed that the minutes should be made available, together with details of committee membership, the annual report and the accounts.

10) Area Committees

The CEO reported that as it was a very quiet year in general, owing to the government’s focus on the EU Referendum and that there was no reason for him to call area meetings at this point. The chairman stated that each committee could convene whenever it wished and should ideally take more responsibility for managing its own business. It was agreed that there would be a likely need for a round of area meetings to discuss the future status of the association later in the year.

11) Reports from NALC and external organisations

There were no reports this time.

12) Service, Policy and Training updates

The chairman stated that the Taunton Deane BC task and finish group looking at the future of the unparished area had met again. It has been decided not to proceed with parishing at this point, as the council’s key priority is to focus on its own reorganisation and future relationship with West Somerset Council. In the future, all 22 Taunton Deane councillors who represent wards in the unparished area will oversee the management of the unparished area precept, with professional support from officers.

The CEO reported that the Transparency Fund was now operational again and that further applications were already being received, with over 40 councils receiving funding to date. The CEO has also met with representatives from the Somerset Market Town Forum to discuss closer joint working in the future. Following a meeting with a partner at Tozers Solicitors, it has been agreed to offer a free 30 minute consultation to councils requiring legal advice on specialist planning and HR issues. The CEO has updated the current training schedule and new planning courses, using a highly qualified specialist, will be added for the Autumn series. The clerks’briefing session had been well attended and well received, with a number of clerks requesting that it be held at least twice a year in future.

13) Items from County Committee Members

There were no items this time.

14) Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be scheduled for either the 19th or 23rd August.