Present: Councillors J.Downes (Chairman), R.Nutter (Vice Chairman), B. Baker, B.Beales

Present: Councillors J.Downes (Chairman), R.Nutter (Vice Chairman), B. Baker, B.Beales


e mail:

Minutes of the meeting of the Leverington Parish Council held in the Leverington Primary Academy, Church Road on Tuesday, September 8th 2015.

Present: Councillors J.Downes (Chairman), R.Nutter (Vice Chairman), B. Baker, B.Beales, Mrs.S.Davey,

A.Sutton. Clerk B.Boyce

District Councillor S.Clark; District Councillor M.Humphries( 7.40pm).

4 members of the Public.


1. Opening of meeting by the Chairman.

The Chairman welcomed councillors and guests. The meeting was closed for the Public Forum.

A. Mr. Bob Smith. Dangers at Peatlings Lane.

Mr. Smith gave a summary of the increased problems over the years highlighting the

increase in the traffic, inadequate signage and the hazards of walking and cycling.

A copy of Mr Smith’s paper had been circulated to all councillors previous to the meeting and

will be debated at the October council meeting.

B. Mr. Chris Clarke. Leverington Road Safety Campaign.

Mr. Clarke asked the Council for its support and requested help in a number of aspects of the


A copy of correspondence between Mr. Clarke and S.Barclay M.P. was circulated to all

councillors previous to the meeting and will be discussed at item 8.1 on the agenda.

The Chairman reopened the meeting at 7.08 pm. and asked for any Declarations of Interest on agenda


A non-pecuniary interest in item 12.2 was declared by Councillor R.Nutter.

2. Police Report.

The Wisbech North Rural Forum will take place on Friday, 18th September at 4.00pm on the

Outreach vehicle outside the Village Hall at Newton. Councillor Nutter will attend. The time and place

of the bus will be put into the notice board.

3. To agree the amended minutes of the meeting held on 16th June 2015.

The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

4. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 28th July 2015.

The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

5. Matters arising not included in agenda items.

  • An update on the computer and publication (page 6, item 18) will be given at the October meeting.
  • Confirmation of the Public Meeting to be held on 22nd September in the Village Hall at 7.00pm. Posters advertising the event have been displayed and also notification printed in the Leverington Letter.

6. To receive a Financial Report.

A Bank reconciliation was circulated with the agenda.

Current Account 14386.57

DD for July (clerk) 476.67

Closing balance 13909.90

(Checked with Bank statement)

No changes in Cemetery or Reserve Account.

7. To receive all inspection logs and note and/or action any issues.


Following an inspection of the allotments on 12th August by J.Downes, A.Sutton and R.Taylor, a

report had been circulated with the agenda and the following recommendations were agreed

by the Council.

7.1.1. Church End.

Allotment no.2 to be given 7 days to clear the allotment of all rubbish or

the tenancy will be terminated.

7.1.2 Ringers Lane.

Mr. Taylor had given up his tenancy. The council resolved to offer Mr. Collins the

tenancy on a yearly basis until a decision has been reached on providing a skate park

in this area.

7.1.3 Common Gardens.

Plots 9 & 10 are in an appalling state and trading was taking place without

permission. Photographs had been circulated to all councillors and immediate action

taken. A registered letter plus ordinary mail letter had already been sent but trading

was continuing. It was proposed by R. Nutter, seconded by A.Sutton and agreed by

the council that tenancy should be terminated with immediate effect. M.Humphrey

will contact the Environment Agency regarding an enforcement notice.

Plot no.16. Mr. Stimson is giving up his tenancy and will leave the plot ploughed.

Plot No.17has not been cultivated during the year. The council resolved to give the

tenant 7 days to get the allotment in to a reasonable condition. If not the tenancy will

be terminated.


No outstanding items to report.


A breach of the Rules by Burial plot no. B026 had resulted in a hand delivered letter to the

family plus a registered letter to the owner. It was proposed by B.Baker and seconded by

S.Davey that the family are given until the end of the month to remove the gravel but all other

items must be removed immediately. This resolution was agreed by the council.


7.4.1 The broken and removed branches are still lying about.

7.4.2 The plinth is still not erected.

It was agreed that a meeting with the maintenance contractor would be beneficial.

7.4.3 The dead ivy on the trees needed removing. The Tree and Garden Service to be


7.4.4. The wire fencing is bent and needs maintenance.

7.4.5 The hedge needs another cut.

7.4.6 A proposal to investigate the cost of improving the entrance was proposed by

B.Baker and seconded by S.Davey. The play area development will be actioned

after the public meeting.


Damage along Roman Bank by motor cycles has been reported. The police have been called on 3 occasions. No report as yet regarding the project by English Heritage and Mr. Proctor to bring the area back to a reasonable standard.


No problems.


7.7.1 There has been further damage – some planks removed but at this time they do not

need replacing.

7.7.2 The Disability Compliance paper has been scrutinised and points brought to the

attention of the council i.e Are the signs clear with good colour definition, are they

pictorial as well as graphical and could other play experiences be accessible to children

with disabilities. The council felt that the signs were in good colour and as this

playground was for primary school age, children were always accompanied by adults.

There are play experiences such as large hands of a clock and a ground trail to follow

therefore the council considered that at this time, facilities were available for all


7.7.3 With reference to the painting of equipment, only one reply had been received at this

time. It was confirmed that the picnic tables should be included in this report.

8. Parish Plan items.


A Discussion Paper regarding the correspondence between M.P. S.Barclay and C.Clarke and

forwarded to the Parish Council wascirculated with the agenda.

Points covered from the paper and correspondence:

8.1.1. The council could also write to the Diocese of Ely and ask their formal views on the use

of the Glebe as a car parking facility.

8.1.2 At a Public Meeting some years ago, it was decided that this ‘field’ should be a

cemetery.Council is aware that the frontage is prime development land and is a huge

asset to thepeople of Leverington.

Councillor A.Sutton left the meeting at this point. 8.20pm

8.1.3 Although the council has a healthy reserve at this time, there is committed expenditure

not accounted for in the precept such as play equipment (family park), skate park,

publicseat renovation, Local Highways Initiative (half of any cost incurred), £90,000 to

find within 3 years for the street light category 2 repairs and renewals and Phase Two of

the parish cemetery. It has already spent £700 on cultivation work at the Church

Endallotments andconfirmed that it will support the Safety Campaign by

helpingwith any ground work expenditure such as matting.


The question of a Youth Club and commitment of leadership will be in the October Issue of the

Leverington Letter. Before committing to a Skate Park, the Council resolved to ask the young

people if they still wish for skating facilities. It was agreed that B.Beales and S.Davey

conduct a survey and report back to the next meeting. Forward steps will be taken after the

Public Meeting on 22nd September.


The proposal regarding the reduction of speed limits can be submitted under the Local

Highway Improvement Initiative. As there may be other submissions to consider i.e. Peatlings

Lane traffic calming and Ringers Lane proposal, a decision could not be made until after the

Public meeting. The County Council Local Infrastructure and Street Management has decided to

decommission the school sign as in their opinion there are other good safety features provided

on the approach to the school.


This will be discussed after the Public Meeting.

9. Development.

9.1 Applications

F/YR15/0624/O / 620 / J.Buckle / Land NW of 146 Leverington Common / Erection of 2 dwellings (Outline application with matters committed- Access)
Council observations:
F/YR15/0672/TRCA / 621 / A.Bennett / 31A Dowgate Rd. / Felling of pine tree in conservation area.
Council observations:

9.2 Decisions.

F/YR15/0371/F / 609 / Boston / Land E of Townsends Cottages, L.Comm / Erection of 6x2 dwellings (5x2-bed- 1x3-bed
F/YR15/0560/F / 614 / W.Maxey / Garage site, Rabbit Hill. 33a Dowgate Rd / Conversion/change of use to 2-bed dwelling with alterations. GRANTED
F/YR15/0580/F / 616 / J.Cannon / 3 Top Field / Convert garage to additional living accommodation
F/YR15/0592/F / 617 / M.Bonner / 67 Gorefield Rd. / single storey rear extension. GRANTED
F/YR15/0596/PNCO4 / 619 / Barns E of FendykeHse, Fendyke Lane / Change agricultural building to a dwelling.

9.3 Development meeting, LeveringtonVillage Hall, 11th August.

12 parishioners attended the meeting.

10. Street Lighting.

The proposal from CC of lighting to be turned off, has been inserted in the Leverington Letter

and will also be debated at the PublicMeeting. The replacement of Parish Council owned street lights

signifies that £90,000 has to be foundtoreplace Category 2 lights. The Chairman had attended a

meeting of all parishes in Fenland. The consensus of opinion was that it was unethical for the same

company to survey as has the contract to replace. It was proposed by R.Nutter that the Council agrees

in principle at this stage to contribute toward an independent survey. This was seconded by B.Beales

and agreed by the Council. Fenland District Council will also be informed that this council supports the

move to use the Concurrent Functions Grant for Street light grant.

11. Street Pride.

A contribution to our Street Pride Group was agreed by the council (minutes 28.07.15, page 5,

item 17). The Council agreed to the purchase of a hand cart at a cost of £94.99p

12. Highways

12.1 Local Highway Improvement Initiative 2016/17.

See item 8.3. To be discussed after the Public Meeting.

12.2 Peatlings Lane

The reported pot holeshave been repaired.

12.3 Paper from parishioner B.Smith and Public Forum presentation.

The paper had been circulated to all councillors before the meeting. As this paper needed

considerable time for study and discussion, the council agreed to it being an early agenda

item at the next meeting, 20th October.

13. Correspondence

  • Mr. Proctor has been thanked for cutting the family park hedge.
  • Mayor’s Ball, Friday 27 November. £30 per ticket.
  • Cambs Acre AGM 21 September at Mepal. 3.30 to 5.30pm
  • Cambs Fens Leader programme 2 to 4 or 5 to 7, 28 September Doddington Village Hall.
  • Local Council Public Advisory Service. A course on Rights of Way and Byways. 11th September. 10.00am to 12.30pm, Bury St. Edmunds. Cost £25 each. This course can be brought to us for £100. The Council agreed that this could be a good course for all councillors and a request would be made for an ‘in-house’ course.

14. Close of Meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm

Next meetings: 22nd September Public Meeting, Village Hall at 7.00pm

29th September Development plans, Village Hall, 3.30pm

20th October, Full Council at the school, 7.00pm