Minutes of Weeton-with-Preese Annual Parish Council meeting held 17th May 2017 at Weeton Village Hall commencing 7-15 pm.

Present: CouncillorMrs. J. Graham, Chairman

Councillors Mrs. D. Ansell,Miss J. Davies, Ms J. Irving, County Councillor P. Hayhurst and Mrs. J. Kirkham (Clerk).

18/18 - Apologies – None received

18/19 - Close meeting for open discussion

No matters arising.

18/20 - Re-convene meeting

18/21 - Declaration of interest – No declarations made.

18/22 - Police Reports –The following reports received from ‘In The Know’:-

Tourists Targeted by Fake Police Officers – There has been series of recent incidents reported to Action Fraud where a lone fraudster has approached victims whom they believe to be unfamiliar with the local area.

Crack down on Rogue Traders – Lancashire Police and Trading Standards have joined forces to disrupt dishonest traders and scammers as part of a UK-wide crackdown, Operation Liberal.

Reports read and noted.

18/23 - Appointment of Chairman for 201/18 - Proposed by Councillor Mrs. J. Ansell, seconded by Ms J. Irving, all in favour, that Councillor Mrs. J. Graham is appointed Chairman for the ensuing year.

Councillor Mrs. Graham accepted the appointment and signed the Declaration of Office.

18/24 - Appointment of Vice-Chairman for 2017/18 - Proposed by Councillor Mrs. J. Graham, seconded by Ms J. Irving, all in favour, that Councillor Mrs. D. Ansell is appointed Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.

Councillor Mrs. D. Ansell accepted the appointment and signed the Declaration of Office.

18/25 - Appointment of Parish Councillor - Having received notification from Fylde Borough Council that the Parish Council is allowed to co-opt a new Parish Councillor it was resolved that:-

Having applied for the position, John Woosnam is appointed Councillor for the Parish of Weeton-with-Preese. John accepted the appointment and signed the Declaration of Acceptance.

18/26 - Minutes – Proposed by Councillor Mrs. D. Ansell, seconded by Councillor Mrs J. Graham all in favour that the minutes of the meetings held 19th April 2017 having been circulated be accepted as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising from the minutes:-

(a)Fly tipping – Information required from Fylde Borough Council as to how much costs/visits were involved in collection of fly tipping, once received, Parish and Town Councils to be asked to support Weeton in their request that Lancashire County Council remove charges at waste disposal depots.

(b)Match Funding – To be discussed on June agenda.

(c) 106 monies – Response from Andrew Stell at Fylde Borough Council:-

The Committee resolution on the application was to grant planning permission subject to an s106 agreement relating to 3 elements:-

(1)30% of the properties to be affordable housing

(2)A primary school contribution of £135,000 to Weeton Camp Primary to increase school place capacity

(3)A secondary school contribution of £81,000 to Carr Hill Secondary School

We are still working on that agreement with the developer but will issue the planning permission once concluded.

(d)Councillor Mrs. Ansell submitted a report for Weeton St. Michael’s School:-

Currently (academic year 16/17) there are 44 children in school. This number well reduce slightly next year (17/18) as the school will lose 7 year six pupils and gain 3 reception children giving a number of 40 on roll.

Published admissions number is 8 per year group, so a total of 56 children in school. However, the net capacity, when considering our square footage, is 60 children.

Hope this clarifies the situation and demonstrates that we do, indeed, have scope to accept more children into school.

18/27 - Correspondence– Carriageway Surface Dressing, Back Lane, Weeton – Lancashire County Council have made an order under Section 14(1) (a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, the effect of which will be to temporarily prohibit traffic on the roads set out in the notice.

The prohibition will be operative daily between 0600 – 1700 hours from Wednesday 17th May 2017 until 7th June 2017 or until completion of the works within this period.

Councillor Hayhurst reported temporary roadworks had been carried out on this stretch of Back Lane the work to be carried out now is scheduled carriageway surface dressing, even though this part of Back Lane is the better part. The remainder of Back Lane requires re-building, at the present time there is no money available for the work to be carried out.

Highways for England – Due to the general election, we have decided to postpone events until after 8th June when we will be in a better position to discuss out future plans for the Strategic Road Network. Noted.

District Parish Liaison Meeting – Been postponed with a provisional date of 28th June 2017, 6-30 pm at the Town Hall, St. Anne’s. Councillor Mrs. Ansell is to attend. Noted.

Carr Hill High School Invitation to a Private View of Art – Councillors Ms Irving is to attend the event on Friday 30th June 2017, commencing 6-00 pm. Noted.

Lancashire County Council – Prevention Matters: How Elected Members can improve the health and wellbeing of their communities for a safer, fairer, healthier Lancashire – Friday 15th June 2017 – No one available to attend.

Invitation to all Councillors to visit the Cuadrilla Operation of at Preston New Road – Monday 22nd May at Maple Farm – up to individual Councillors to attend if they wish to accept the invitation.

18/28 - Contractor’s Representative Report– Councillor Miss Davies reported a road sweep had been carried out on the 26th April 2017 and that a future road and pavement sweep has been arranged.

18/29 - Village Hall Representative Report – Fashion show raised the sum of £400.

A recruit is being carried out to attract new members for the Committee.

Prices are being obtained to carry out internal painting of the hall, Councillor Hayhurst reported that a small grant is available, which could be applied for towards the cost of painting.

18/30 - CLG Representative Report – Councillor Mrs. Ansell reported on meeting attended on 26th April 2017, it was reported that convoys of trucks are exiting from junction 3 as opposed to junction 4 of the M55, going to the site on the A583 - this is in contravention of the approved traffic plan.

Date of next meeting 22nd May 2017.

18/31 - Payments and finance – Documented onAppendix 1.

(a)Internal audit had been carried out and signed by Mrs. Margaret Taylor, documents approved and signed by the Chairman of Weeton Parish Council, which will now be forwarded to the external auditors BDO; relevant documents will be placed on Parish Council Web and notice boards.

(b)Spid equipment – Extra payment of £72 to be forwarded to Mr. Pawson for siting during financial year 2016/17. Information received that the equipment is not be to be placed on the concrete posts, Lancashire County Council is to be contacted as to where the equipment can be sited.

18/32 - LALC –Effective meetings workshop – Tuesday 14th June 2016

18/32 - Planning decisions

17/0188 – Application for prior approval under class R of part 3 to GPDO for change of use of agricultural building to gin bottling and distribution facility at Shippon 6, Preese Hall Farm, extension of Todderstaff Road, Weeton – application refused.

18/33 - Planning applications The following applications have been received for Parish Council recommendations:-

17/0313 – Two storey side extension with balcony details to side, single storey extension to rear and alteration to porch canopy at 2 Mythop Lodge Cottage, Mythop Road, Weeton – Parish Council has no objections to the application.

17/0350 – Prior notification under part 18 class A of GPDO for consideration of construction of footbridge at Preese Hall Crossing at Network Rail – Preese Hall Footpath Crossing, Weeton –Parish Council has no objection to the application.

18/34 - Highways –Councillor Hayhurst is to contact Councillor Singleton for a survey/audit of Weeton Village to be carried out.

Fence, Church Road – Lancashire County Council is to be contacted re dangerous condition of the fence, Councillor Woosnam has offered to draft a letter.

Councillor Hayhurst reported that a new Beat Officer has been appointed for rural areas.

18/35 - Items for agenda – 106 monies

18/36 - Date of next meeting – Wednesday 14th June 2017



MONTH: May 2017

STARTING BALANCE: 5,228. 68 – current account at 5th April 2017

FBC Paid in 7th April 2017 8,471. 00

13,649. 68

Less unpresented cheques 114. 50

13,535. 18

Less May proposed S/O 82. 00 – 28/5/2017

13,453. 18

Less proposed May payments 589. 16

12,864. 02

Monthly proposed S/O – 28/5/17 Unpresented cheques

10. 00 – Web site 114. 50 – cheque 001014

72. 00 – Spid equipment

82. 00 Proposed May 2017 payments

386. 37 – Clerk’s salary *

75. 80 – Tax April 2017

54. 99 – Maplin - computer

72. 00 – A. Pawson – spid 2 x 36. 00 (2016/17)

589. 16

Proposed C/A balance 31/5/2017 12,864. 02

Balance reserve a/c 31/4/2017 1,179. 47

14,043. 49

…………………………………………………………………………………………17th May 2017

Mrs. J.Kirkham – R.F.O.ChairmanDate

Note: Clerk’s salary will paid by cheque until new tax code has been issued – S/O has been cancelled