Present:Councillor P.Burton(Chairman)

Councillor S.Ashton(Vice-Chairman)

Councillors J.Cooper, J.Deane, D.May

G.Reams, G.Royce

Cllr. A. AustinCounty Councillor

Apologies:Cllr. E.King, C.Rylott, J.Edwards

7/17 Receipt of declaration of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the

Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensation in relation to members’ pecuniary interests.

No interests were declared.

8/17 Notes of the last Meeting held on the 18th May 2017 (previously circulated), to be

Approved as the Minutes.

Approved by Cllr. Reams and seconded by Cllr S.Ashton and signed accordingly.

9/17 Matters arising.

The Chairman opened the Meeting by once again thanking Cllr. Reams for his twenty six years service as Chairman to Frampton Parish Council, Cllr. Reams replied by saying that it had been an honour to have been elected as Chairman for so long.

Cllr Cooper reminded the Councillors that the Chairmans Board need changing, and it was suggested that Hutsons be contacted. Clerk to ring.

The Chairman commented on the Pot holes along Fen Road to which he had emailed Andy Wharf Highways officer at the Borough, but had still not had a reply.

The 40mph Sign at the junction of Frampton Lane and Station Road has still not been erected, Clerk to contact County Council again for the third time over this sign.

10/17 Police and Public Matters.

There were no Public or Police present at the Meeting.

Cllr. Cooper reported on a property along Silvertoft Lane, where a bag had been stolen while the residents were in the garden, also another resident had left a window open slightly and a thief stole £3000 worth of goods.

11/17 Correspondence.

The Clerk had received a letter from a Mr. Andrew O’Shea of Frampton West, regarding the

Poor visibility at the Junction of Silvertoft Lane and Fen Road, it was suggested that a site meeting should be held and to try and get Mr. Andy Wharf of the Highways Department to attend, with a view to solving this problem. Clerk to instigate.

The Clerk had also received an email from Tracey Banks of Boston Borough Council stating that as she had received no objections to the name of the development off Fen Road, the road has been named Claymont Court, the Parish Council did suggest other names but were unsuccessful, The Clerk informed the Council that due to the fact Kirton have a Roadnamed ClaymondChase, this is bound to cause some confusion with the Post.

A further email had been received from Alison Garfoot concerning the Speed Device. A new one has been received, Cllr. Burton and Cllr. Ashton are to have a meeting regarding the siting of the device.

12/17 Village Notice board

The Clerk had received a Quotation from Mr Paul Dawson, for a new Notice Board. It was proposed by Cllr. May and seconded by Cllr. Deane to accept the Quotation and have it erected at the West End Road bus Stop as previous.

13/17 Planning Applications.

Application No. B/16/0399

Outline Application with some matters (layout, scale, appearance an landscape) reserved for the erection of 2 dwellings with associated access at Frampton Fen Lane, Hubberts Bridge, Boston.

Letter informing the Council that this application has gone to appeal.

Application no. B/17/0242

Approval of reserved matters (access appearance, landscaping, layout and scale)

Following outline approval B//16/0099 (the erection of 9 dwellings) to reduce to 8

As approved under B/16/0030 at Land between Bungley Lane and West End Road, Frampton.


The Council has no objections provided there is no adjoining road between Bungley Lane and West End Road, also that the hedge remains.

Application No.B/17/0199 FULL

Erection of precast sectional concrete garage at Hawthorne, 137 Swineshead Road, Frampton, Boston. Lincs.

No objections but would have like to have seen a brick built one. Also they would prefer some sort of screening.

Application No. B/17/0231

Proposed first floor extension at 1 Elm Cottage, Boardsides, Hubberts Bridge, Boston.

No objections

14/17 Environment of the Parish

Councillors Comments.

Cllr. G. Reams reported some very bad Pot Holes downFrampton Bank/Silvertoft Lane

And the road falling away towards the drain opposite the Walnuts property.

Cllr. Cooper reported the Millfield West sign on the A16 has been erected over the “House for Sale Sign” and is leaning over. Clerk to report to Nigel Hall at the Borough council.

Clerk to report again the missing Lighton Ave Sign that has gone missing to Nigel Hall at the Borough Council.

Cllr Cooper reported a hedge towards the Village Hall, needs cutting back. Clerk to write to Mr. Tom McFarland, at Bannisters Farm, Clatterdyke Road.

Also Cllr Cooper reported the hedge from the Moore’s Arms down to Hall Lane needs cutting back Clerk to report to Dennis’s again.

Also a sign has been knocked down on the Middlegate Road junction with the A16 needs erecting, this is a “Clear Way” sign.

The Chairman reported that Church House Village Hall, may have space to store some of the old Parish Council files in the future, but we would need to purchase some lock up cupboards.

15/17 Chairman’s Honorarium.

The Clerk proposed that it is normal practice for the Chairman of a Parish Council to receive an Honorarium, to cover his expenses, meetings away etc.

It was proposed by Cllr. SAshton and seconded by Cllr.G.Royce that the Chairman be awarded £200 annually.

16/17 Any Other Business that the Chairman considers urgent.

Due to the fact that these Plans had arrived after the Agenda had been circulated, the Chairman considered that they were urgent and needed to be discussed.

County Councillor A. Austin suggested that we ask for an extension of time, but this was refused.

Application No. B/17/0174

Outline Application for the erection of up to 195 dwellings with all matters Reserved (scale, layout, appearance and landscaping except access reserved. With public open space and drainage infrastructure (revised application to B/16/0380) At Land at Middlegate Road, (West) Frampton, Boston, PE20 1BX.

It was requested that these Plans be called in to be discussed at a full Council Meeting,

It was resolved that Councillor S. Ashton would speak on behalf of Frampton Parish Council at the Planning Meeting schedule for the 18th July 2017 in the Meeting Room at the Borough Council Offices.

It was also resolved unanimously that Frampton Councillors still had the same objections.

1. Middlegate Road has a huge problem with Drainage/sewage. Over the past few days of heavy rain, residents of Middlegate Road had complained that water had entered their back gardens and flooded sheds. Water was also bubbling up in the drains on the Middlegate road,and they were again afraid to leave their properties in case of flooding.

2. The road is not wide enough to take heavy construction vehicles.

3. There is no facilities in FRAMPTON

4. Inappropriate development according to Draft local Plan.

5. Inadequate Infrastructure.

6. Development of Quality Agricultural Lane.

7. Extra traffic going onto A16.

8. Infill sites to fill first.

There being no other Business the Chairman closed the meeting at approximately 9.15 p.m.

Date, time an Venue of the next Meeting, Thurday July 20th 2017 at Church House Village Hall, at 7.30 p.m.