Present:Councillor M Saunby – stood in as Chairman

Councillors:C Baker, S George, J Fitchett, A Perryman, L Ingham, M Brookes (County)

Also Present: Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

3 members of Persimmon Homes came to give the Council a rough idea what they would be submitting on an outline planning application in a couple of months.

15 residents attended, 11 of who were there to speak about the Monarchs Road development.

The 11 residents were concerned that the village primary school is already full - where additional children would go to school. The residents were also concerned that there is a significant lack of play facilities in the village for the children and additional numbers in the village would highlight this even more. The residents also stated that they thought on the drawings to the application that play equipment had been shown on one of the green areas and this has not been put in. Mr Kirkland from Persimmon said he would look that up.

The access to the new site was queried and Persimmon confirmed that there would be one road in/out to the new area of development and that was through the existing Monarchs Road site (to the rear where the fence has been put in).

Persimmon told residents that the green area near to the new site will have to be reduced in size to accommodate widening of the existing roadway to allow access.

Residents were concerned that not only would the green area be reduced, but the wider road, coupled with the fact that this would now be a through road, would increase danger to the numerous children who played on it.

The residents stated that social housing had been addressed by the recent development on Greenacre Lane. They stated that they did not want any further social housing in the new development.

One resident also addressed flooding – she stated that her garden flooded and the development site is lower still than her property – Persimmon said this would be looked into by the flood risk assessment that would go with any formal application.

The residents also stated that the development goes against the Parish Plan as it stated that in the plan residents did not want further development. Cllr Brookes informed the meeting that the Parish Plan was not considered by the planning department when looking at an application, but Parish Plans are considered when the local plan is being prepared.

One resident came from Ropers lane to raise 3 issues:

  1. Speed has been reduced on the B roads but not on the C road – he also informed the meeting that he had arranged a meeting with a Highways Officer on site.
  2. He complained that the BT exchange is antiquated and that broadband was too slow. He was given the up to date figures by Cllr Brookes in that by the end of 2016, 98% of homes will be able to connect to superfast broadband (BT are not the only provider) due to an agreement with the County Council and the Government and broadband providers and the availability of more funds to enable this to happen.
  3. He complained that the field workers made unacceptable levels of noise (radios etc) early in the morning – he was advised to report this to Environmental Health at the Borough Council who dealt with such issues.

One resident came to voice his concerns regarding the planning application B/14/005/FULL – he informed the meeting that the plans were not scaled accurately still and that he had also been in touch with the planning department. Cllr Brookes said that he would speak to the planning officer and ask that he clarify matters.

Two residents came to complain that they had not received a planning notice through their door regarding the industrial development off Loves Lane. Cllr Brookes informed the residents that the planning guidelines state that the planning authority must post a notice – but it does not have an obligation to put one through every door in the local area – a notice on a lamp post is sufficient, for example.

33/14 / Chairman’s Comments
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. He thanked Cllr Brookes for his comments during the public forum.
(all the residents and representatives from Persimmon left the meeting)
34/14 / Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllr Thorpe and Cllr Mossman sent their apologies and reason for absence and these were accepted by members.
The Chairman informed members that Cllr Hemming has resigned with immediate effect, due to her business growing – this has meant that she does not have the time to give to the Council.
35/14 / Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
36/14 / Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 5th March 2014, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.
37/14 / Police Matters
No Police attended. Nothing to report to the Police.
38/14 / Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
Members felt that the Persimmon representatives were very open and honest by attending a meeting prior to an application being made formally.
The clerk will follow up on the play equipment issue with both Persimmon and the Borough and report back.
39/14 / Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report
  1. 30 mph speed reactive sign on Boston Road not coming on until vehicle nearly next to it – reported to LCC ref: 1253746
  2. Branches on verge brought down by heavy winds – reported to LCC ref: 1253748
  3. Request made to Technical Services Partnership to remove recycling sign from Station Road which points to Park Avenue’s former recycling site. Sign will be removed when operatives next in the area (expected to be by June 2014)

40/14 / Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council
No news on the tyre site as yet. No further action has been taken by the Enforcement Officers. The soil has been moved from the site. The Kirton site has been given until the end of June to stop activities there.
A pilot scheme is underway in Ancaster whereby a moveable speed activated sign is being trialed. It is thought that Parish Councils could purchase their own (the more Parish’s take this up the cheaper the cost of the signs). Clerk had not received this information – Cllr Brookes will forward it on to her.
Road closure – Love Lane – one day during the period 28.04.14-23.05.14
41/14 / Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
  1. Copy of 2 letters to Planning Department objecting to B/14/0059 from neighbours
  2. CPRE – Best Kept Village Competition 2014 – consider entering this year. Consider appointing councillor/councillors to oversee the village and ensure looks best for the competition.
It was resolved that the Clerk should put an advert in the rna asking for volunteers.
  1. Offer from Mayflower to do what they can towards this year’s Sutterton in Bloom including an offer to sponsor the roundabout. They have offered to sponsor the roundabout in the centre of the village and have pledged £100 towards plants and flowers for Sutterton in Bloom.
Cllr Fitchett will follow this up.
42/14 / Planning applications:
B/14/005/FULL – Construction of rear extension and conservatory and attached garage to side of the property and conversion of original garage to play room at The Willows, Wigtoft Road, Sutterton (resubmission of application after original had wrong dimensions shown on drawings) – MEMBERS FELT THEY COULD NOT COMMENT ON AN APPLICATION IF THE PLANS ARE WRONG.
B/14/0084 – Erection of single-storey rear extension, septic tank and creation of car port with biomass boiler to the rear at Beverley, Waterbelly Lane, Sutterton – NO OBJECTIONS
Application Decision Notices
B/14/0039 – Land between The Bungalow and Tysdale, Boston Road, Sutterton – GRANT
42/14 / Accounts for payment
It was resolved that the accounts as per payment sheet 1 of 12 dated April 2014 should be paid.
43/14 / Parish matters
  1. Receipts and payments list
No further action required
  1. Inspection Rota for cemetery and play equipment.
Nothing to report.
  1. Noticeboard
To carry forward to next meeting as it was Cllr Thorpe who wanted to update members.
  1. Brickwork on Roundabout
The quotes were discussed. A contractor was appointed – Clerk to inform contractor.
  1. Cemetery – Pill Box
To be carried forward to next meeting
  1. Appointment of judges for Most Pleasing Garden competition 2014
Cllr Fitchett and a resident will shortlist properties and the Council will make the final decision.
  1. Matters for report (none working lights/potholes etc.)
  2. Matters for inclusion on the next agenda.
-Best Kept Village Competition.
44/14 / Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held Wednesday 7th May 2014at 7.15pm in the Lounge of the Village Hall, Suttertonwith the public forum at 7.00 pm or at the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meeting which will commence at 6.30pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

Dated :Chairman: