Present: Cllrs: N Wookey, V Smith, C Stockdale, M O’Halloran, S Burton, Borough Cllr J Bone, Ms A Palmberg (Clerk) and one resident.

071/17Opening Procedures

a)Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr Graham and Borough Cllr Hallam. Cllr Payne did not attend.

b) Declarations of interest from members – None

c) Approval of the minutes from the meeting held on Monday 3rd April 2017

Members approved the minutes from the ordinary meeting held on Monday 3rd April 2017.

072/17 Public Time

To receive comments from members

Ms Pat Hall enquired why the speedwatch data recently collected had been done during the Easter holidays when schools had been shut? The Chairman observed that school holidays would likely mean fewer cars being parked on North Street than there would be in term time thus increasing the opportunity to speed.


a)Borough Councillor

Sywell Aerodrome/Harpers Yard:

Cllr Bone advised the meeting that she has received the latest aircraft movement figures which have been circulated. She also confirmed that since the restructuring at WBC, the new managing director, Ms Liz Elliott has been in contact with Mr Bletsoe-Brown. Cllr Bone went on to say that Ms Julie Thomas, Head of Planning at WBC has advised her that there have been no complaints with respect to aircraft movement and noise. Cllr Smith urged Cllr Bone to request that formal discussions should resume regarding the joint action group.

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Parish Council would write to Ms Elliott at WBC and copy in Mr Tony Watts stating their dissatisfaction to date I BCW’s handling of the JCC situation at the Aerodrome and in their handling of planning enforcement generally. The Parish Council is particularly concerned by their reliance on retrospective applications and the time they take to follow these matters up (e.g. in the situation of caravans in Harpers Yard where there has been flagrant disregard for the conditions set by BCW).

Cllr Smith informed the meeting that it has become apparent following the departure of Alex Stephenson, and unbeknown to us, BCW has removed the reference to the need for Article 4 Direction from the Village Character Statement Management Plan before it was adopted. Whilst this may suit BCW, she is not convinced it is in Mears Ashby’s best interests, the purpose of the Article 4 Direction being to protect the conservation area of the Village.

Members RESOLVED: Cllr Bone confirmed that she would look further into this on our behalf.

b)Police and Crime Report

There was no report available but a letter from Inspector Daryl Lyon has been circulated which includes the following extract:

“As from 1st May we will not routinely be attending all parish council meetings. Where we identify an issue with crime which we feel would benefit from discussion we will also seek to proactively contact you. We will come to Parish Council Meetings as and when you have issues to discuss with your local police or we may provide a written response. Please contact your local SCT email address to request attendance/a response. If you have a Parish Council Meeting that you’d like us to attend please advise for any within Wellingborough. Please give us at least one month’s notice and if we have someone available we will allocate them to attend. At the moment, we are not able to send to you monthly crime stats for your parish council area, however we have a new computer system being introduced as I write this which will allow us to share this information more easily by later this year. It is important to me that you all know who you can contact in your local team. Please get in touch with me if you are not aware of who your local contact is. Another important way to get involved is the JAG meetings. Wellingborough’s next meeting is on 19th July 2-3.30pm at Wellingborough Police Station. For further details please email .

For your ease please find below our local SCT email addresses if you wish to email us. Please can I urge you not to use these to report crimes. As usual please use 999 in an emergency and 101 when not an emergency”.

For Wellingborough:


074/17To receive an update on the proposed repairs and insurance claim of the Streetlight on North St/Glebe Road junction

The Clerk reported that she has received compensation from the insurers totalling £1,358. This includes the insurers excess of £250.

075/17 To receive an update on problems with Village Speeding/proposed Speed Watch Scheme

The Chairman advised the Parish Council that he has been in contact with Mr Paul Fell of Northamptonshire Police. Mr Fell has responded as follows:

“When I met you with the PCC recently I said that at an operationally convenient time I would see if I could get the Force to undertake an additional period of speed measurement at Mears Ashby.

This has now been undertaken and concluded.

The measurement took place at two locations, North Street and Earls Barton Road. At both locations, the measurement took place between 11th and 20th April.

Before I give you the results there are a couple of points to make.

The speed enforcement team work on something called the 85th percentile. This is the speed at which 85% of measured vehicles were travelling at or BELOW. This is then one of the things that is considered when they then make decisions in relation to whether mobile speed enforcement van activity will take place at any specific location.

In any speed limit, there is also a limit beyond which National Police Chief Council guidelines suggest enforcement in terms of prosecution might be undertaken. In the case of 30 mph this is 36mph as in these two locations.

Results were:

North Street

Vehicles measured7050

Exceeding 30mph84 (1%)

Exceeding 36mph4 (0%)

85th percentile speed – 26mph

This shows that largely speeding is a perception rather than a reality issue at this location. No enforcement activity will take place here.

Earls Barton Road

Vehicles measured14448

Exceeding 30mph11248 (78%)

Exceeding 36mph7976 (55%)

85th percentile speed – 43mph

As a result of this, there will be arrangements made by the safer roads team from Northamptonshire Police to undertake speed enforcement at this location. I don’t have a timescale at this moment. This might also support you as a Parish Council in securing support from local volunteers for a Community SpeedWatch Scheme.

The Chairman stressed that speeding issues are required to be resolved before a Children’s play area can be considered. Cllr Bone suggested contacting Mr Robert Gough, County Councillor in Earls Barton to discuss the possibility of parishes working together to enforce speed calming measures.

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Mrs Rosina Thornton to update her on recent communication regarding the Speedwatch scheme. The Clerk would also ensure that the contact at Northants. Police is Matt O’Connell (as advised by Paul Fell) and contact Rob Gough to encourage liaison between other parishes to co-ordinate resources available cost effectively.

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Steve Barber 01604 364304 at NCC to find out more about availability of speeding signs and their costs.

076/17 To receive an update on Highways matters

The Clerk read out an email from Helen Howard regarding “park nicely” signs. Ms Howard has confirmed that once these signs are back in stock, she will provide Mears Ashby with some.

077/17 To receive an update on the parking concerns on Sywell Road junction at school bus pick up time

The Clerk advised the Parish Council that she has tried to contact Northamptonshire County Council but has not had a response.

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would seek assistance from Rob Gough to resolve the issue.

078/17 To receive an update on the proposed streetlight in Church Walk

The Clerk read out a letter from a resident as follows:

“As the Council will be aware, and as noted in the recently issued Village Design Statement the centre of the village including the land either side of Church Lane is a designated conservation area, the size of which is apparently unique within the local area. This has been achieved by property owners allowing the area to develop naturally over a period of years, with minimal artificial intervention and development. I feel that introducing street lighting would detract from this and make it more akin to atypical suburban environment.

I would also like to highlight that the wooded areas and spring-land along the valley is a long- standing feeding area for a sizeable bat population. Bats are a protected species and I have attached a document produced by the Bat Conservation Trust describing the potential impacts of artificial light on their habitats. Again, adding artificial light will be to the detriment of this bat population.

Finally, I would like to point out the use of Church Lane as ashortcut between the top and bottom of the village is not a necessity but a choice. There are alternative walking routes with existing lighting and footpaths which would be only marginally longer for most residents”.

079/17 To discuss a regular bus service to Earls Barton

Cllr Smith advised the meeting that she has received a letter from a resident enquiring about a bus service from Mears Ashby to Earls Barton and other destinations. She went on to mention an article in Village Life which mentions the “Wellibus”. It can be contacted on the following number: 01933 223 636,

080/17 To discuss a proposal to close village roads to stage a “Victorian Market”

Cllr Smith advised the meeting that she has received a request from a parishioner to stage a Victorian Market. She suggested contacting the resident and ask about funding for such an event. Please contact the Editor of Village Life Magazine or Sylvie Campos-Tilaks 07960 041 575,

081/17 To receive, discuss and decide on new applications:

New Applications:


Proposed front porch extension

34 Manor Road, Mears Ashby, NN6 0DU

Existing Applications:





082/17Financial Matters:

a)To receive the receipts and payments account to 30th April 2017

b)To approve the accounts for the fiscal year: 2016-2017

c) Balance at Bank before payments have been deducted: £14,306.51 (less £5k Lark Energy Grant

d) Payments to be authorised

Payments May 2017 / VAT
E.ON / 000660 / Streetlight Maintenance / £123.19 / 20.53
SLCC / 000661 / SLCC Registration for CiLCA / £100.00
Came & Co / 000662 / PC Insurance Annual renewal / £744.56
Anna Palmberg / 000663 / Clerk's Salary (April) / £353.40
HMRC / 000664 / PAYE and NI / £19.20
Barbara Osborne / 000665 / Payroll (January-March 2017) / £60.00
E.ON / 000666 / Electricity / £423.18 / £20.15
SSE Southern Electricity / 000667 / Church Floodlights / £109.22 / £5.20
S&L Garrett-Harvey / 000668 / Grounds Maintenance (April + Jan 2017) / £480.00 / £80.00
£2,412.75 / £125.88

The above payments were approved. All were in favour.

The meeting closed at 21.08pm

Date of next Parish Council meeting – 15th June 2017

Please note that subsequent Parish Council meetings will be held every 2nd Thursday of each month starting from 15th June 2017.





Please note, this is a public meeting and you may be filmed, recorded and published.

Copies of all council papers are available at:

Please note that these minutes are in draft format until formally approved and signed by the Chairman.