Present: Cllrs: N Wookey (Chairman), V Smith, O’Halloran, T Graham, D Payne, S Burton, Ms A Palmberg (Clerk) and four residents.

156/17Opening Procedures

a)Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr C Stockdale. Apologies were approved.

b) Declarations of interest from members – None

c) Approval of the minutes from the meeting held on Thursday 9th November 2017

Members approved the minutes from the ordinary meeting held on Thursday 9th November 2017.

157/17 Public Time

To receive comments from members of the public

Mr Damien Keane attended the meeting and updated the parish council on the proposed youth club. He said that since a public meeting in the village hall, there had been a considerable number of adults and young people in attendance. As a result of the meeting, a number of adults have come forward to offer their help. A youth club committee has since been set up and Mr Keane said that a grant will be applied for once a bank account and other due diligence has been done. Cllr Smith enquired what items would be on the youth club “wishlist”? D Keane replied that there has been a request for an overhead projector which would be used to watch films, presentations etc. Cllr Smith enquired whether the youth club would benefit from having broadband in the village hall. Cllr O’Halloran said that he may be able to provide some equipment for the youth club too. D Keane mentioned that there will be a youth club open morning on 27th January and the hope is to formally start the running of the youth club in mid-February. The Chairman asked for a parish council volunteer to help liaise with D Keane with future developments.

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr O’Halloran would be the parish council representative for the youth club.

Mr Keane took the opportunity to thank the parish council for their contribution and support towards the youth club.

Mr D Callis mentioned that Gravel Lane is rather overgrown.

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the landowner responsible.

158/17 Reports


SID Mobile Speed sign – The Clerk reported that she is planning to meet with a Highways representative on 18th December to establish locations for the SID in both Mears Ashby and Wilby villages. She has also requested that those who have volunteered to re-locate the device will be in attendance. The Clerk will request that Highways liaise with Pandora Technologies (the supplier) to ensure that the most suitable device is ordered.

Streetlight (Glebe Road) - The Clerk reported that since a survey on Bakehouse Lane took place requesting views from parishioners regarding re-locating an existing streetlight to Glebe Road, it has been agreed that the light should remain and a new light should be requested.

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact E.on and request a new streetlight to be erected.

b)County Councillor

No report available

c)Borough Councillor

No report available

159/17 To vote on a request from Mears Ashby PCC to replace the church lights at All Saints Church.

As the request from the PCC has already been circulated some weeks ago and the matter had been discussed at the November parish council meeting, it was agreed that a contribution of £3000 would be made towards the replacement of the lights subject to the PCC obtaining the balance of £2000 as agreed at the meeting.

Members RESOLVED: All but one Councillor were in favour of the proposal.

160/17 To receive, discuss and decide on new applications:

There are no new planning applications

161/17Financial Matters:

a)To receive the receipts and payments account to 30th November 2017

b)Balance at bank before payments have been deducted: £12,177 (This includes £5k Lark Energy grant)

Mears Ashby Parish Council

Monthly Bank Reconciliation

Month Ended 30th November 2017

Bank Account:

Yorkshire Bank Current Account

Balance as at 30th November 2017:£12,199.87

Unpresented Cheque:

Royal British Legion / 000700 / Remembrance Day Wreath / £22.50

Total Balance:£12,177

Parish Council accounts:

Balance as at 30th November 2017£12,177

Total Balance:£12,177

c)Payments to be authorized

Payments December / £ / VAT
Anna Palmberg / 000703 / First Class Stamps Expenses / £7.80
Anna Palmberg / 000704 / Office use (Broadband, gas, electricity) Jan-Dec / £200.00
S&L Garrett-Harvey / 000705 / Grounds Maintenance / £240.00 / £40.00
Anna Palmberg / 000706 / Clerk's Salary (November) / £278.85
PC First AiDd.com / 000707 / Laptop repairs and new external hard drive / £93.50
£820.15 / £40.00

The above payments were approved. All were in favour.

d)To discuss budget items for 2018-2019. The draft budget was circulated prior to the meeting and it was agreed to approve the budget in January 2018.

The meeting closed at 20:37pm

Date of next Parish Council meeting – Thursday 11th January 2018





Please note, this is a public meeting and you may be filmed, recorded and published