Curriculum Vitae for: Date 12/30/15
Amy Jo Burgin
University of Kansas and Kansas Biological Survey
Departments of Environmental Studies and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Takeru Higuchi Hall, 2101 Constant Ave., Lawrence, KS 66047
E-mail: or
Research Interests: Aquatic ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry; the effects of global change on biogeochemical cycles; microbial metabolic diversity.
2007 Ph.D. in Zoology and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior (EEBB) from Michigan State University and Kellogg Biological Station
Dissertation Title: Alternative microbial pathways of nitrate removal from freshwater ecosystems
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Stephen K. Hamilton
2002 B.A. in Biology and Environmental Science (minors in Chemistry and Spanish), magna cum laude, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA
Professional Experience:
01/2016 Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Departments, University of Kansas
Associate Scientist, Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas
08/2015 Associate Professor, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska
09/2011-15 Assistant Professor, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska
2009-11 Assistant Professor, Earth & Environmental Science, Wright State U
Adjunct Assistant Professor, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
2007-09 Postdoctoral Research, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY.
Advisor: Dr. Peter Groffman
2007 Participant, Marine Biological Lab (MBL) Microbial Diversity course
2002-07 Research Assistant: Lotic Intersite Nitrogen eXperiment (LINX2), Long-Term Ecological Research, KBS Land Use Planning Committee
2002-05 Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University
2001 Participant, Associated Colleges of the Midwest Costa Rica Term
2000 Participant, Institute of Ecosystem Studies (IES) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
2015 UNL College of Ag. Sci. and Nat. Res. Holling Family Junior Teaching Award
2014-2016 Co-Chair of the 2016 Annual meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science
2013 Excellence in Reviewing Recognition, Top 25 Reviewers for Biogeochemistry
2012 Young Alum Award from Coe College
2009 New Phytologist award from the Biogeosciences section of ESA
2008 Participant Eco-DAS VIII (Ecological Dissertations in Aquatic Sciences, formerly DIALOG)
Awarded Grants (2 active):
2015-2018: Connecting Soil O2 and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes. Co PI with T. Loecke (lead-PI). NSF-DEB-Ecosystems ($699,241)
2014-2016: Biogeochemical controls on saline wetland plant establishment in Nebraska’s Eastern Saline Wetlands. Sole PI. Saline Partnership and NE Game & Parks ($119,720)
2014-2016: Do phosphorus cycling time lags delay the response of lakes to ecological restoration? Sole PI. Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality ($93,007)
2013-2016: Co-Aerial Ecologist: Robotic Water Sampling and Sensing in the Wild. Co-PI with lead PI C. Detweiler (Computer Science, UNL). USDA-NIFA ($956,210)
2013 Assessing the impact of nutrient enrichment on ecosystem services provided by surface waters in Nebraska and beyond. Co-PI with lead PI S. Thomas. UNL Hatch Equipment Funds. ($66,000)
2012-2014: RAPID: Using a drought-enhanced nitrate pulse to understand stream N retention and processing. Lead PI with co PIs T. Loecke, D. Riveros-Iregui, S. Thomas (UNL), A. Ward (UI) and M. St. Clair (Coe). NSF-Ecosystems $197,568.
2012-2014: Use RUSLE2 to Assess Sedimentation and Water Quality Conditions in the Rainwater Basin’s Playa Wetlands. Co PI with Lead PI Zhenghong Tang (UNL) Regional Wetland Program Development Grants via the EPA ($135,722).
2012-2015: Fremont State Lakes Renovation Study: The Effects of Alum Application and Fishery Renovation on Water Quality; Role: Lead PI with coPIs S. Thomas, M. Pegg and K. Pope. NE Dept. Environ. Quality: $240,448 direct costs, $166,069 UNL match (total = $406,517); $20K supplement in 2014 to collect additional Al toxicity data; $50K supplement in 2015 to extend monitoring to a third year.
2011-2014: Converting aglands to wetlands: How do created wetlands affect global warming potential? ($648,798) Funded by the US Dept of Agriculture (USDA)/NASA joint program on Carbon Cycle Science. Lead PI submission with TD Loecke (EPA; Co-PI).
2011-2012: Does Alum Addition Affect Benthic Communities and Metal and Nutrient Cycling? ($29,695) Funded by Ohio Water Resources Center 104b program. Co-PI submission with C. Hammerscmidt (lead) and G. Nogaro.
2010-2014: Coupled C, N and S cycling in coastal plain wetlands: how will climate change and saltwater intrusion alter ecosystem dynamics? ($1.2 million total; WSU portion is $307,051) National Science Foundation, DEB-Ecosystems Joint with collaborators (PI) ES Bernhardt (Duke U) and G Poole (Montana State)
2011 REU supplement to support Sarah Harvey (total) and ROA supplement to support collaboration with K. Hopfensperger (NKU, total = $31,235)
2012 REU supplement to support Katie Schlafke (total = $6,125)
2010 Global Warming Potential of a Wetland Mitigation Bank in Southwest Ohio ($10,000). Funded by Wright State University Research Council
2007 Smithsonian Post-doctoral Fellowship ($42,000) (Funded, declined)
2007 Marine Biological Lab Scholarships ($3350) to attend Microbial Diversity
MSU Educational Enhancement Award ($2200) to attend Microbial Diversity
Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Cross-site Synthesis Grant ($7500)
Kominoski, J., Manhey, W., Adams, H., Ball, B., Burgin, A, Crenshaw, C., H., Jones, H., Kane, E., Loecke, T.,Prather, C., Robinson, T., Sobota, D., Solomon, C., The influence of changes in terrestrial plant community structure on aquatic ecosystem function across the LTER network.
2005 NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG; $12,000)
“Dissertation Research: Importance of novel microbial pathways of nitrate uptake in freshwater sediments”
Kellogg Biological Station LTER Graduate Student Grant ($1500)
MSU Zoology Shaver Award ($1700) for travel to the University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI) for research
2004 Sigma Xi Grant in aid of Research (GIAR; $693)
2001 Morris K. Udall Foundation Scholarship for Environmental Science and Policy ($5000)
Grants Under Review or Unfunded (since 2011):
System responses to variable water and nutrient availability: from microbial to societal scales. Burgin Co-PI with 33 other collaborators across 4 universities. Submitted 5 August 2015 to NSF EPSCoR - $20M requested.
Saline wetland plant community and biogeochemical feedbacks as controls on restoration success in Nebraska. Submitted 5/21/2015 to EPA. ($174,928)
Collaborative Research: Iron oxide-organic matter coprecipitates and controls on N2O yields? Submitted 1/16/15 to NSF Geobiology. Co-PI with lead-PI Tim Vadas (UConn) ($267,108) Unfunded.
Influence of Climate Variation on Carbon Cycling in the Prairie Pothole Region. Submitted 7/31/13 to USDA/NASA/NOAA joint program on Carbon Cycle Science. Co-PI with Lead PI T. Loecke. ($1,134,792) Unfunded.
Coupling of Copper Dynamics and Denitrification Activity in Wetland Systems: Impacts on Cu Mobility and N2O production. Submitted 7/16/13 to NSF Geobiology. Co-PI with lead-PI Tim Vadas (UConn) ($245,544) Unfunded.
NSF Preliminary Proposal: Coupling greenhouse gas emissions to soil O2 dynamics at the aquatic-terrestrial interface. Submitted to NSF Ecosystems, Jan 2013, not invited.
NSF Preliminary Proposal: RUI: Hydrologic regulation of nitrogen dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions in wetlands: respond and recovery to drought-induced pulsing. Submitted to NSF Ecosystems, Jan 2013, not invited.
Predicting the occurrence and ecological effects of chemicals of emerging concern (CEC) in aquatic environments. ($499,819) Co-PI with lead PI D. Snow. Submitted Feb 2013 to USDA-NIFA (recommended, unfunded, 23 August 2013)
The Greenhouse Gas Balance of Restored Wetlands in Nebraska: A Landscape Analysis ($99,745) lead-PI with collaborators T Loecke and D. Riveros-Irequi. Submitted to UN – Nebraska Research Initiative competition. (submitted October 2011, unfunded)
Sustainability of wetland ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes with different adaptive capacities ($413,610). Primary mentor for the Science Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES) post-doctoral fellowship application of Ms. Jennifer Schmitz. (Submitted December 2011, unfunded)
Managing Wetlands for Multiple Uses in Developing and Emerging Countries: Balancing Food Production with Other Ecosystem Services. Submitted (4/12) to UNL Water for Food Grant via Daugherty Water for Food Institute. Lead PI with Co-PIs Ed Harvey, Steve Thomas, Kenneth Irvine, Gretchen Gettel and Anne van Dam ($15,000; May 2012 unfunded)
Coupling of copper dynamics and denitrification activity in wetland systems: impacts on Cu mobility and N2O production. Submitted 7/16/12 to NSF Geobiology. Co-PI with lead-PI Tim Vadas (UConn) ($253,063) Unfunded.
Peer-Reviewed Publications (*denotes invited paper, postdocs, grad or #undergrad students)
2015 Detweiler, C., J.P. Ore, D. Anthony, S. Elbaum, A. Burgin and A. Lorenz. 2015. Bringing Unmanned Aerial Systems Closer to the Environment. Environmental Practice 00: 1-13.
Jarecke, K.M., T.D. Loecke and A.J. Burgin. Coupled soil oxygen and greenhouse gas dynamics under variable hydrology. In revision for Soil Biology & Biochemistry.
Herbert, E.R., P. Boon, A.J. Burgin, S.C. Neubauer, R.B. Franklin, M. Ardon, K.N, Hopfensperger, L. Lamers and P. Gell. Salinization of freshwater wetlands: A cross-ecosystem synthesis. Accepted at EcoSphere. This manuscript is a synthesis product of a special session I co-organized (with S. Neubauer) at the 2012 SWS/INTECOL meeting.
Ore, J.P., S. Elbaum, A.J. Burgin and C. Detweiler. Autonomous Aerial Water Sampling. Journal of Field Robotics 0:00 1-19. DOI: 10.1002/rob21591.
2014 Schoepfer, V.A., E.S. Bernhardt, and A.J. Burgin. Iron-Clad Wetlands: Soil iron-sulfur buffering determines coastal wetland response to salt water incursion. Accepted pending revision at JGR-Biogeosciences.
Payn, R., A.M. Helton, G.C. Poole, C. Izurieta, A.J. Burgin and E.S. Bernhardt. A generalized mechanistic model for applying thermodynamic, kinetic Ecological Modeling 294: 1-18.
Nogaro, G., and A.J. Burgin. Influence of bioturbation on denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) in freshwater sediments. Biogeochemistry 120: 279-294.
Davis, C.A., A.S. Ward, A.J. Burgin, T.D. Loecke, D.A. Riveros-Iregui, D. Schnoebelen, D. Just, S.A. Thomas, L. Weber, and M. St. Clair. Antecedent moisture controls on stream nitrate flux in an agricultural watershed, Clear Creek, Iowa. Journal of Environmental Quality 43: 1494-1503.
Hopfensperger, K.N., A.J. Burgin, V.A. Schoepfer, A.M Helton. Impacts of saltwater incursion on plant communities, anaerobic microbial metabolism and resulting relationships in a restored freshwater wetland. Ecosystems 17: 792-807. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9760-x
2013 Burgin, A.J., J Hyman, P.M. Groffman, A.J. Gold and D.Q. Kellogg. (2013) Balancing nitrogen retention ecosystem services and greenhouse gas disservices at the landscape scale. Ecological Engineering 56: pp. 26-35 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.05.003
Nogaro, G. A.J. Burgin, V.A. Schoepfer, M.J. Konkler, K.L. Bowman, C.R. Hammerschmidt. (2013) Aluminum sulfate (alum) application interactions with coupled metal and nutrient cycling in a hypereutrophic lake ecosystem. Environmental Pollution 176: 267-274.
Bertilsson, S. A.J. Burgin, C.C. Carey, S.B. Fey, H.P. Grossart, L. Grubisic, I. Jones, G. Kirillin, J.T. Lennon, A. Shade, R. L. Smyth. (2013) The under-ice microbiome of seasonally frozen lakes. Limnology & Oceanography 58 (6): 1998-2012.
Kulkarni, M. V., A. J. Burgin, P. M. Groffman, and J. B. Yavitt (2013), A comparison of denitrification rates as measured using direct flux and 15N tracer methods in northeastern forest soils. Biogeochemistry. (Online DOI: 10.1007/s10533-013-9876-7)
Ore, J., S. Elbaum, A. Burgin, B. Zhao, C. Detweiler, Autonomous Aerial Water Sampling. The 9th Intl. Conf. on Field and Service Robots (FSR). Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 2013.
Dodds, W.K., J.R. Webster, C.L. Crenshaw, A. M. Helton, J. M. O'Brien, E. Martí, A.E. Hershey, J. L. Tank, A.J. Burgin, N. B. Grimm, S. K. Hamilton, D. J. Sobota, G. C. Poole, J.J. Beaulieu, L.T. Johnson, L.R. Ashkenas, R. O. Hall Jr., S. L. Johnson, W. M. Wollheim, and W. B. Bowden. (Accepted) Strategies for successful collaborative ecological research: the Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiments. Journal of Freshwater Science.
2012 Burgin, A.J., S.K. Hamilton, S.E. Jones and J.T. Lennon. (2012) Denitrification by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in a eutrophic lake. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 66: 283-293.
Izurieta C, G. Poole, R.A. Payn, I. Griffith, R. Nix, A. Helton, E. Bernhardt, and A.J. Burgin. (2012) Development and Application of a Simulation Environment (NEO) for Integrating Empirical and Computational Investigations of System-Level Complexity. 2012 International Conference on Information Science and Applications Proceedings.
Burgin A.J. and P.M. Groffman. (2012) Soil O2 controls denitrification rates and N2O yield in a riparian wetland. JGR-Biogeosciences
2011 Raciti, SM., A.J. Burgin, P.M. Groffman, D. Lewis, T.J. Fahey. Denitrification in suburban lawn soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 40: 1932-1940.
Burgin A.J., S.K. Hamilton, W. Yang, and W. Silver. Beyond C and N: How the microbial energy economy couples elemental cycles in diverse ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9: 44-52. *This is an invited paper for a special issue of Frontiers that grew from an NSF sponsored special session on Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles held at ESA in 2009*
Findlay SEG, PJ Mulholland, SK Hamilton, JL Tank, MJ Bernot, AJ Burgin, CL Crenshaw, WK Dodds, NB Grimm, WH McDowell, JD Potter, and DJ Sobota. Cross-stream comparison of substrate specific denitrification potential. Biogeochemistry 104: 381-392.
Beaulieu, JJ and 27 others including A.J. Burgin. Nitrous oxide emission from denitrification in stream and river networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108: 214-219.
2010 Burgin A.J, PM Groffman and D.N. Lewis. Patterns of soil O2 drive denitrification in riparian ecosystems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74: 1826-1833.
Larsen LG, S. Moseman, A. Santoro, K. Hopfensperger, and A.J. Burgin. Eco-DAS: A complex systems approach to predicting effects of sea level rise and N loading on N cycling in coastal wetland ecosystems. pg 67-92 in P.F. Kemp (ed.) Eco-DAS VIII Symposium Proceedings. Published by ASLO.
Harms TK, BL Reid, DJ Sobota, and AJ Burgin. Biogeochemical reaction and transport within hydrologic landscapes: crossing disciplinary and ecosystem boundaries. pg 146-165 in P.F. Kemp (ed.) Eco-DAS VIII Symposium Proceedings. Published by ASLO.
Bernot MJ, Sobota DJ, Mulholland PJ, Hall RO, Dodds WK, Webster JR, Tank JL, Ashkenas LR, Cooper LW, Dahm CN, Gregory SV, Grimm NB, Hamilton SK, Johnson SL, McDowell WH, Meyer JL, Peterson BJ, Poole GC, Valett HM, Arango CP, Beaulieu JJ, Burgin AJ, Crenshaw CL, Helton AM, Johnson LT, Merriam JL, Niederlehner BR, Potter JD, Sheibley RW, Thomas SM, Wilson KC. 2010. Land use homogenizes stream ecosystem function: inter-regional comparison of land-use effect on whole-stream metabolism. Freshwater Biology (55): 1874-1890.
Groffman PM, C Stylinski, M. Nisbet, C. Duarte, R. Jordan, A.J. Burgin, A. Previtali, and J. Coloso. 2010. Restarting the conversation: Challenges at the interface between ecology and society. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (8): 284–291. *This is an invited paper for a special issue of Frontiers sponsored by the Cary Conference*
2009 #Payne, E.K., A.J. Burgin and S.K. Hamilton. Nitrate stimulation of sulfur oxidation in freshwaters: evidence from sediment nitrate manipulation using porewater equilibrators. 2009. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 54:233-241.
Hall RO, Tank JL, Sobota DJ, Mulholland PJ, O'Brien JM, Dodds WK, Webster JR, Valett HM, Poole GC, Peterson BJ, Meyer JL, McDowell WH, Johnson SL, Hamilton SK, Grimm NB, Gregory SV, Dahm CN, Cooper LW, Ashkenas LR, Thomas SM, Sheibley RW, Potter JD, Niederlehner BR, Johnson LT, Helton AM, Crenshaw CL, Burgin AJ, Bernot MJ, Beaulieu JJ, Arango CP. Nitrate removal in stream ecosystems measured by 15N addition experiments: Total uptake. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 653-665.