A meeting of the Publications & Heritage Committee was held in the Parish Office on Wednesday 8th July 2015

Present: Cllrs Mrs M Chapman (Chairman), Mrs S Watson and Mrs P van Gelderen

Clerk: Mrs J Murray

15/07/16 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

15/07/17 Election of Vice-Chairman

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Watson, seconded be Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVEDfollowing a vote that Cllr Mrs van Gelderen be elected Vice- Chairman of this Committee.

15/07/18 Apologies

On a proposal from Cllr MrsChapman, seconded by Cllr MrsWatson, it was unanimously RESOLVEDfollowing a vote to accept apologies from Cllrs Greenwayand Pikett, having considered and accepted their reasons for absence.

15/07/19 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Mrs Chapman declared an interest in agenda item 9.

15/07/20 Minutes

On a proposal from Cllr van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Watson, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on4th March 2015were approved and signed as the minutes.

15/07/21 Clerk's Report

The Clerk had nothing to report.

15/07/22 Correspondence

33 entries for the Flag competition

15/07/23 Financial

Councillors were provided with a financial report to date.

15/07/24 Flags

Welton Flag - 33 entries had been received. On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Watson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that the winner is Aidan Jarvis, aged 7 from Class 2T at St Mary’s Primary Academy, they praised him for his innovative design which depicted four well know connections with the village. The Clerk was requested to obtain quotes for having the flag made up and reproduced as a tea towel with an acknowledgement to the artist.

Commonwealth Flag – Monday 14th March 2016 is Commonwealth Day - Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth was inaugurated on Commonwealth Day 2014. Flags were raised at over 750 places across the Commonwealth in 2015. With the support and involvement of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) they are encouraging all the town and parish councils in England and Wales, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man to participate in 2016 and on a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Mrs


Watson, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to purchase a flag at a cost of £38.00 and arrange an event to fly the flag on that date. An invitation will be sent to the Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire and if not successful the matter will be discussed at a future meeting. A letter will be sent to the PCC asking for permission to serve refreshments in the Church following the flag raising ceremony.

England Flag – the Council does not own an England flag and on a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Watson, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to purchase one.

15/07/25Future Projects

  • Postcards – it was agreed to use the winning flag design as a postcard with acknowledgement to the artist – quotes to be sought for the next meeting.
  • Tea Towels - On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Watson, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to use the winning flag design for a tea towel to be offered for sale. Quantities to be decided when the costs are known. An acknowledgement to the designer “Designed by Aiden Jarvis, age 7, St Mary’s Primary Academy, Welton, Lincolnshire” following receipt of permission from his parents.
  • Welton, I remember – still no response from anyone – Cllr Mrs Chapman will put another request in her Welton News article for the next issue. The project will be put on hold for the time being.
  • It was suggested to install two commemorative benches for WW1 & WW2 and a new litter bin on the corner of Hackthorn Road and Ryland Road to replace the ones that are there and now looking rather old and dilapidated. On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Mrs Watson, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to agree in principle the purchaseonce the three Committees have all met and made a final decision.

15/07/26 Councillors’ Reports
