Yavapai CountyWater Advisory Committee: December 16, 2009Regular Meeting
Agenda Item 5: Coordinators Report and TAC Report
Coordinators Report and TAC Report
From preliminary “November 2009Financial Report”:Account balance (November 30, 2009):$201,028.41; YTD Deductions: $156,733.66.(CountyFiscal Yearbegins July 1).
Recent and Pending expenditures:(Recent:NAU $35,000 (VerdeValley surface water model work); Verde Valley Water Festival ~$1,000; Pending: USGS $25,250)
Coordinator Updates:
WAC Agendas/Speakers:
Anticipated presentations include:
Scenarios – Population & Water Use Estimates for USGS regional model: Hoyt Johnson (H3J Consulting)
USGS Northern Arizona Regional Groundwater Flow Model – Update and Results: Don Pool/Jim Leenhouts (USGS)
VerdeValley Surface Water Modeling, NAU – Rob Ross/Charlie Schlinger/Abe Springer (NAU)
CYHWRMS full update: (Leslie Meyers (USBR), Leslie Graser (ADWR), John Rasmussen) (November 2009 meeting was Phase 1 update)
The WAC has indicated that speakers must be directly relevant to WAC projects, in order to maintain focus on defined WAC objectives. The following list is from 2008. While interesting, many of the topics may not meet the “WAC-Project relevance test”. The TAC has not reviewed this list.
Agenda Items under consideration:
- USGS Model Report (Don Bills and Jim Leenhouts) – Update on completed model and timeframe for scenarios
- ADWR Verde Programs (Leslie Graser, ADWR) (Will need further definitionNeed to link to a need of the WAC (e.g. Monitoring in VerdeBasin, General Programs Review, RWI, Conservation, etc)
- Scenario Development Project (Hoyt Johnson, H3J Consulting, TAC first)
- CYHWRMS – Update/Progress report (Phase 1 Results) (Leslie Meyers, Reclamation)
- LDIG Report Presentation
- Conservation Easements and Purchase of Development Rights
- TAC issues (e.g. USGS Model interpretation; Adequacy rulemaking issue paper; science/monitoring results, etc.)
- “Conservation Survey Results and next steps” (Shaun Rydell, City of Prescott)
- “Conservation effort by Coalition” (e.g. Intent and findings, and applicability to the rest of the County)
- Legal Issue (Federal position, State Process)
- Agua Fria Needs assessment and plans (TAC first)
- Phase II VerdeValley Surface System - NAU work (TAC first)
- City and Town Updates
- Monitoring – Data, Maps, Needs, Plans (review WAC sites and others) (TAC)
- TNC, VRBP, UVRWPC, and other groups.Verde River Ecological Flows Study (Jeanmarie Haney, TNC)
- “HCP’s follow up” – USFWS John Nystedt, Brenda Smith
- Water Quality (e.g. arsenic updates)
- Colorado River Water Issues (NAMWUA – Herb Dishlip)
- Coconino Plateau WAC issues (regional planning)
- ADWR Water Adequacy follow up
Reclamation Appraisal Level Water Supply Study(WAC, ADWR, USBR)
The Technical Working Group (TWG) has nearly completed a draft of the Demand Analysis Table (Phase 1).The unmet future demands are estimated based on the Phase 1 analysis. The group has prepared assumption documents and other background materials that document the thinking that led to the current draft.
The WAC website has information on the study (
A sheet for tracking staff time on the project was distributed to the TWG (For tracking in-kind service contributions). This time will count as in-kind services (cost share). The ADWR has contributed $150,000 in cash to the project (it is not spent yet, but is in a dedicated account at Reclamation). The budget will be reconciled after each year of the study. In December 2009, Coordinator Rasmussen will prepare a letter to Reclamation with a summary of our in-kind services. The Cost Share Agreement was signed in July, 2008.
Meetingsof the TWG will typically be on the first Thursday of each month at 10:30 AM in either Cottonwood or Prescott (usually a video link will be established between the County Buildings). The next meetingis scheduled for January 7, 2010 in the CottonwoodCountyBuildingat 10:30 AM.
Local drought Impact Group (LDIG)(WAC, Coop Ext, YavCounty, ADWR, NRCS)
Pending budget, it appears ADWR will make an effort to revive this process again soon (mainly beginning by resurrecting the draft Preparedness report). Meanwhile the Arizona State Drought Monitoring technical Committee continues to produce month drought status updates. The following are excerpts from the October2009 update.
Short-term Drought Status Update
Short-term conditions continue to be very dry as precipitation was well below average in both September and October. The monsoon did not bring improvements as anticipated. The few storms in September brought little relief. Twelve watersheds are in severe drought, and two are in extreme drought. Vegetation statewide is very stressed, water hauling has increased as stock ponds are dry, and ranchers are reducing their herds due to poor forage and the high cost of supplemental feed. Forecasts still predict a moderate El Niño, but the effects may not be seen for another couple of months.
Long-term Drought Status Update
The summer season was significantly drier than average, resulting in no improvements to the long term drought situation. Eight watersheds dropped to a worse condition, mostly in the eastern half of the state, as the monsoon was shifted eastward into New Mexico. Three watersheds dropped from moderate to severe drought and five watersheds dropped from abnormally dry to moderate drought. Seven watersheds are unchanged from the spring. The long-term dryness is having adverse impacts on forest health, wildlife habitat and groundwater recharge. The effects of the past 12 months of drier than normal conditions are unlikely to be reversed unless precipitation statewide during the next year is significantly above the long term average.
This and previous drought status reports can be found at the ADWR website:
Education: Cooperative Extension Position (Project WETand other Programs)
No Change from Previous Report
Private Well Owners
A U of A sponsored website for well owners is available: The website has a great deal of information for well owners including, but not limited to water quality testing, the “well owners guide” and a link to the “Arizona Wells” website information about registered wells in the state can be found.
The WAC contributed funds and volunteer time to the October 22 Verde Valley Water Festival at DeadHorseRanchState Park. Chris Moran led a successful program again this year. Excess funds are being held in the WAC account for future Water Festivals. The Verde Independent produced a photo gallery of the event (link:
Other Project WET
Project WET and Cooperative Extension are working on several things including promoting the water educators guide to Arizona. A water education module is being prepared and tested for school water audits. They are also working towards developing a curriculum module that examines the connection between energy and water.
Northern Arizona Regional Groundwater Flow Model(NARGFM)(USGS)
No change from PreviousThe goal for completing the model report is September or October, 2009. The results of model runs using our specific scenarios will be separate from the model report.
The steady state version of the model is complete (matching predevelopment conditions). The USGS is doing some sensitivity analysis on portions of the model. The USGS is attempting to have the transient model and model report complete by late summer 2009. Following this, scenario runs will occur and be reported to the WAC and others.
WAC is preparing a set of scenarios for some of the initial models runs. One scenario is complete, and work on additional scenarios is complete and a report is in preparation.The report will be reviewed by the TAC. Also,the additional scenarios will be presented and explained to the WAC prior to submittal to the USGS.
In addition to testing and evaluating the model as constructed, the primary purpose of the initial runs will be to provide decision makers with some preliminary results and a sense of the models capabilities. More detailed runs and analyses will occur after the model report is assembled.
Long-term Scenario Development Project(H3J Consulting - Hoyt Johnson)
No Change from Previous Month: The TAC has received all of the point files for the scenarios. The report is in preparation. The models runs have been made and the results are being “gridded” and compiled for input into the USGS model (when it is ready). Ithas been a standing agenda item for the TAC. All results and products will be reviewed by TAC and WAC prior to distribution. The WAC will receive aninformational report sometime in the next few months.
VerdeValleyGeospatial Database – Phase II and Phase III(Rob Ross, Dr. Abe Springer, Dr. Charlie Schlinger NAU)
The TAC will receive an update on January 7, 2010 at the regular TAC meeting in the County Board Room in Cottonwood.
The project is moving forward with field work and model work by Rob Ross (NAU).
The Cottonwood Ditch Association declined to allow instrumentation on their ditches. Rob will work around by gaging the river at appropriate locations to obtain river diversion information. They are in process of obtaining permission to directly gage the PecksLake diversion.
Based on the update in January, the TAC may recommend an update to the WAC.
The model is under construction. Model software has been determined (HEC-RAS in WMS (watershed modeling system), and population of the model has begun. Data is being obtained related toelevation profiles, stream bed characteristics, stream cross sections, and flow.
Flow monitoring devices have been or will be installed soon on inputs and returns from some of the ditches (Eureka, Diamond S, OK, and Verde).
The WAC has approved continuing with the third phase of the project in FY 10. The Coordinator has communicated with the NAU team regarding the concerns of the WAC on permission with the ditch companies and the PecksLake diversion. It appears that the appropriate communication is and will continue to occur between the study team and the ditch companies. Also, the NAU team is looking for an additional pressure transducer to monitor the PecksLake diversion at no additional cost to the WAC. If one is not available, spot measurements can be taken to obtain useful information.
A phase 3 contract will be sent to the WAC this month. (Done and signed)
Sustainable Planning (e.g. “Conservation Subdivisions”) (County Planning & Zoning)
No Change from previous month: The purpose of the development options is “to provide an alternative, voluntary method of land division that encourages sustainable development and the preservation of open space through flexible lot sizes and locations of single-family residential dwellings”
The latest draft documents are available on the County website (Sustainable Planning Committee Information (
An “Open Space and Sustainable Development Option 8/19/09” and a “Cluster and Open Space Option 8/19/09”was discussed at the Sept 8, 2009 BOS meeting.
The text of the agenda item is below (supporting documents are at the links provided):
Please contact Margie Bryan () at the County for more information on meeting dates and agendas (e.g. to be added to the email list).
SB 1575 Water Adequacy Rules (ADWR)
No change from previous month: Rule making has been suspended
TheADWRwebsite contains information on the Water Adequacy Rulessuch as presentations and reports ( Clarkdale has adopted the rules. No other cities in YavapaiCounty or YavapaiCounty have taken action on the issue.
Legislative Updates
ADWR Budget cut proposal(s):
See agenda item 8 for information regarding the Prescott AMA office closure. The WAC sent a letter to the Governor and several legislators. As per his letter to the WAC co-chairs dated December 9, 2010, Senator Steve Pierce has spoken with Director Herb Guenther and apparently the closure will not happen.
Regarding the Rural Program, the WAC has sent a letter to the Governor (and copied several legislators) regarding this matter. The primary sentiment was that while we know times are tough, the Statewide planning section (i.e. Rural Water Program) is important to our citizens
Verde River Flood Hazard Assessment Study
No change from previous month: The Flood Control District with HDR Inc has begun a study to collect data, perform runoff analysis, investigate flood hazards and update the FEMA floodplain and floodway maps for the Verde River between Clarkdale and Beasley Flat.
Information was presented at a September 23, 2009 stakeholder coordination meeting. The study was approved by the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors on June 15, 2009, and is expected to be complete in June 2010. During the next year, the study team will be conducting field surveys, condition assessments, and inventories of drainage structures along the Verde River to accurately assess the flooding hazard(
Water organizations:
Upper Verde River Watershed Protection Coalition
Documents, Minutes and Agendas can be found on the website.
The next Coalition Board meeting will be January 27, 2009 at 2:00 PM at PrescottCity Hall.
Grant Writing Services: Potential grant opportunities are being monitored and a grant writer on-call (Melody Reisfsnyder of Sage Consulting).
Conservation:The conservation program is progressing with a public information campaign (Water Smart Cards, radio spots, other media advertising)Prescott conservation coordinator (Shaun Rydell) is involved with the Coalition conservation efforts. Conservation “information racks” have been placed in many public buildings.
Recharge: At the December meeting, the Coalition Board received an update on the “Recharge & Source Capture Pilot Projects Study”. Sites have been identified, and engineer designs have been prepared for pilot projects to investigate the ability to capture source water for recharge.
The sites include the ChinoValley wastewater treatment site (undeveloped areas); Possible airport area developed site (the ERAU site will not be used), and one is at ViewpointPark in PrescottValley (clay rich soils). The projects were reported on at the most recent Coalition Board Meeting. While progressing, they are still in the planning and permitting phase.
This pilot project (“proof of concept” phase) is the next phase of the overall recharge goals of the Coalition (after the recently completed mapping phase). Future large-scale implementation is yet to be determined.
The hydrologic monitoring task is on hold.
The Safe Yield Workgroup meets directly following the Coalition TAC meetings. Thepurpose is examining and creating recommendations regarding safe-yield in the AMA. The goal is to have a report to the coalition board by March 2010.
A recent meeting focused on a discussion with Tom Whitmer of ADWR regarding the history and issues involved with the Upper San Pedro Water District. It is an ongoing and complex process that involves a clear problem statement, recognition of principles, the legislative process, and the ability to adapt. More information and documents are at
The members of the working group are the TAC members plus Howard Mechanic, representing Citizens Water Groups; Gary Beverly, representing Environmental Concerns; Dirk Stingham, representing Private Water Companies; Jabe Willis, representing Private Wells owners, Steve Conrad, representing Growth Interests (Paul Daly is alternate); Charles Hildebrandt, Landscape and Nursery; and Agriculture is not represented at this time. Regular meetings will be held on same day as the Coalition TAC meetings (please confirm dates and time via website, above).
Upper Agua Fria Watershed Partnership
Meets 1st Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM usually at Arcosanti
The group is examining ways to partner with USBR and WAC, possibly by filling gaps in the work proposed by the US Corp of Engineers with Yavapai County Flood Control. (The USBR has some funds that could be matched with local partners for a planning study). Current conversations are focusing on better water budget information, and future scenario development and assessment.
Statewide Water Advisory Group (SWAG)
No Update
SWAG information including agenda, handouts and legislative information can be found at the ADWR website -
VerdeRiver Basin Partnership(
A meeting was held on November 2nd in Jerome. The minutes have not been prepared. A revised science plan has been published and is available on the website (Coordinator also forwarded it to the WAC previously).
Note: The “Northern Arizona Land Exchange and Verde Basin Partnership Act” (S 161) was enacted on November 22, 2005. This is the 4 year anniversary of the enactment. Title II established the VRBP (section 203 (a)). Section 203(b) states appropriations are authorized to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior “for each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2010”.
Coconino Plateau Water Advisory Council
Currently, the CPWAC is working on developing a sustainable water budget. More information will be forthcoming as that is developed.
Coconino WAC Website: (
The TAC and CYHWRMS TWG Meetings were cancelled for December, 2009. They will meet again on January 7, 2010 inCottonwood
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