Clenchwarton Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting 2nd November 2017

Present: Cllrs James, Swietonowski, Winter, Gipp Howlett, Smith, Pell and Mace

There were 18 members of the public present

The Chairman welcomed Cllr Mace to his first meeting

  1. To receive apologies for absence. Cllrs Tordoff, Impey, Hunter and Borough Cllr Whitby
  2. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda and any application for dispensation. Cllr Winter in item 6, wages
  3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 5th October 2017. Signed as a true record with a correction in item 4 that the photographs supplied by Cllr Gipp were of dykes in Holland and not local flooding.
  4. To receive reports from Borough and County Councillors: Clerk read a report from Cllr Whitby which had been circulated to all Councillors. Cllr Kemp reported on the flooding meeting she had called in Hall road, her email had been circulated to all Councillors. She stated that Freebridge had cleared quite a lot of dykes. She had written objecting to the proposed deletion of PCSO’s as had the Parish Council. The waste advisory group would not be restored.She reported on the flying tipping problems, the cuts to children’s centre funding.
  5. Open Forum; 15 minutes during which time residents may speak. Representatives from the Bowls club and residents asked questions regarding the new community centre. All residents were invited to attend any of the community centre meetings. A resident raised concerns regarding a tree over hanging her property.
  6. Finance: to approve the monthly payments, finance report and invoices circulated by the RFO: Total monthly payments of £2,942.89 were agreed. There was a request for a donation by a 4x4 response organisation, but there was no charity number: It was resolved not to make a donation.
  7. To resolve to accept a quote for CCTV camera for the back field. No quote as yet, agreed to agenda for the finance committee.
  8. To resolve on the Parish Partnership bid for next year. The clerk has the prices for ‘gateways’ it was resolved to agenda for the finance committee.
  9. Clerks report. Clerk reported that the SAM2 had been erected on the Main Road and seemed to be slowing traffic down. A 15ft Christmas tree had been ordered. The clerk reported that the contractor had moved the Linford/Clapper Lane light to the opposite side of Clapper Lane due to a misquote from the power company, the light will now be connected for the original agreed quote. Highways had advised that they will attend to the footpath by Margaretta House within six weeks.
  10. To consider a donation of £50 towards the refurbishment of the mile stone at 187 Main Road. It was agreed to donate £50 to the Milestone Society.


  1. To consider purchasing a new bin for the Victory PH area and new dog bins. It was resolved to agenda for the finance committee. There had also been requests for a bin in Station Road, Hall Road, Clockcase Road and Ferry Road.
  2. To consider tree works on the church yard boundary, Cllr Gipp. It was agreed to write to the Diocese for permission to do the works.
  3. To consider a quote to have the Christmas tree connection to the mains on the green area at the south/west end of Hall Road by the mini roundabout. It was agreed to discuss this next year as the streetlights there are not owned by the Parish. It may still be possible to connect to them.
  4. Planning: to make observations on planning applications received and circulated. 17/01934/F converting barn to kennels and cattery. It was agreed to object on the grounds of noise pollution. Too close to other residential properties. No explanation as to how foul sewer will work. No mention of soundproofing to the barn. It was also felt dog and cat mix was not a good idea.
  5. To receive on updates from committees: Community Centre working party committee. Fund raising events were discussed. Cllr Gipp stated the local businesses had been very generous in donating prizes.
  6. To receive updates from outside bodies: Memorial Hall. There had been no meeting.
  7. To receive items for the next agenda. There were none
  8. To resolve on whether the Council should move into closed session for the discussion of the following agenda items on the grounds of confidentiality (details of the discussion not for publication by virtue of section 100(a( para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972)

It was resolved to move into closed session.

This part of the meeting closed at 8.25pm