PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, P Baildon; Clerk; G Simpson.

Seven members of the public were present.

7.20pm Public Session

Several concerns were again raised regarding speeding through the village and continued dog fouling issues. Questions were asked regarding the proposed village signs and whether speed aware notices should take precedence. Concerns were expressed about the planning application for land at Laburnam Cottage.

7.37pm Council meeting opened

15/145] Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman thanked those present for the public participation and opened the meeting.

15/146] Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Richmond and District Cllr Harrison

15/147] Declaration of Interests and applications for dispensation in relation to DPIs


15/148] Notes of the meeting held on 19 May 2015 to be approved as the minutes

Cllr Baildon proposed to accept the presented notes as the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by Cllr Williams. Resolved and signed by the Chairman Cllr Whitehouse.

15/149] Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

The annual return was completed and returned on time, Grant Thornton acknowledged receipt. The Employers Liability Certificate was received from Community Lincs along with the cheque receipt for the insurance. ELDC elections team were contacted about who was offered the opportunity to vote at the parish council election as reports have been received of ineligible people being offered ballot papers at the polling station, investigations are ongoing. The latest register of electors has been received. The Dog Warden had responded to a request for a visit and signs have been posted regarding dog fouling. Stephen Brookes from LCC has agreed to attend a public meeting to be held on 13 July in the Village Hall at 7.00pm to discuss the broadband plans for the region. A donation from Louth Playgoers has been received for continued support in the newsletter. A place on new councillor training for Cllr Baildon had been booked with LALC which he duly attended. Mr Trevithick from the LRSP was contacted to discuss the speed notices and they will require an inspection with a £40.00 fee, documentation was also provided which has been distributed. Mablethorpe Police have reported their speed sign is under repair and there is a lengthy waiting list for its use, but they will inform when it becomes available. Lincs Community Voluntary Services have been approached and they will provide details about their organisation and how they can assist in finding funding for certain projects. LCC Highways have provided details about their grass verge cutting schedule for the village which involves a tractor flail mower 3 times a year but not within the 30 mph zone other than the wide verge on the bend near the Service Station. Historically they have not cut amenity areas in the village and have no money to take on additional work. ELDC planning enforcement are investigating the legal agreement attached to an earlier planning application at Grange Leisure Park and have received the requested information from the site but are unwilling to comment until discussions with Senior Officers are complete.

15/150] Reports from Outside Bodies

Cllr Harrison had emailed updates on topics as she was unable to attend the meeting. ELDC Officers were putting pressure on Highways to address the problems with the drains in the village as soon as possible. Regarding dog fouling, ELDC enforcement section would be pleased to take matters further if photographic or other evidence can be provided. With regard to the Parish Council election, it was acknowledged there had been an error in the information given at the Polling Station. Updates about the issue at Grange Leisure Park will be presented when available. The Parish Council is welcome to contact the Planning Department to arrange a tour and be shown how the process works.

15/151] Meeting Dates

The dates of Council Meetings for the coming year were agreed as; 11 August, 22 September, 3 November, 8 December, 19 January 2016, 8 March and 10 May (ACM). The date for the Annual Parish Meeting was set as 12 April 2016.

15/152] Financial Matters

The quarterly budget report and bank reconciliation were accepted. Cheques resolved for signing; G Simpson £297.02, R Aldrich £180.00 and J Alldridge £40.00

15/153] LRSP Traffic Survey

There was a lengthy discussion about the results of the LRSP traffic survey which had been carried out in May and the possible availability of speed notices which could be posted at various sites through the village. It was agreed the first step was to clarify the position with Withern PC regarding them loaning some of their notices to Maltby le Marsh and then arrange an inspection by the LRSP of the selected locations for the notices, either passive or interactive, at a cost of £40.00. If interactive devices are to be used they will require permanent brackets at a cost of £49 for each site location. A number of other proposals to help alleviate the problem were put forward and it was agreed a meeting with a representative from LCC Highways was required to discuss the matter; the clerk to arrange at the earliest opportunity.

15/154] Dog fouling

The Dog Warden has erected signs and it is hoped this will have a positive effect and ELDC enforcement officers will pursue cases if suitable evidence is provided. The Council decided not to purchase its own bins due to costs and the problem of emptying them but suggested an item in the newsletter highlighting the problem might be effective.

15/155] Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

The Chairman gave a brief history of the scheme and highlighted the fact that since Mrs Lambe retired in 2013 it lacked a co-ordinator. Cllr Baildon was persuaded to take on the position and will liaise with PCSO’s at Mablethorpe.

15/156] The Leader of ELDC

The Leader of ELDC, Cllr Craig Leyland, had distributed correspondence expressing a wish to work more closely with parish councils and would welcome the opportunity to meet Councils. As such it was agreed to provide him with the diary of our coming meetings for the year and let him choose which one he would be able to attend, also offering to start at 7.00pm to allow extra time.

15/157] Public Meeting regarding broadband

Stephen Brookes of LCC has agreed to give a talk on the plans for broadband in our region and the meeting on Monday 13 July at 7.00pm has been advertised on notices around the village, in the newsletter and on social media. Attempts to have a microphone available will be made.

15/158] Village Signs

The Chairman will continue to liaise with Mr Norwood-Witts regarding the design of the sign so that some idea of costs can be provided and additional finances sought, with a preference for 3 signs.

15/159] Planning

The Council is still waiting for a report from ELDC regarding the legal agreement concerning the provision of a cycle way to Mablethorpe connected to an earlier planning application at Grange Leisure Park.

ELDC’s decision to refuse planning permission, ref N/112/00037/15, for the erection of 4 dwellings relating to Laburnam Cottage has been appealed to the Secretary of State. All representations already made have been forwarded and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal, so the Council decided no make no further representation.

15/160] Correspondence

The following list of correspondence was noted;

ELDC; planning N/112/00828/15 Plot 3 land adjacent to Hollybrook Cottage

Eibe and HAGS SMP; play ground and parks equipment

Lloyds Bank; online for business information

Society of Local Council Clerks; courses and training events

Glasdon; special offers for local councils

ELDC; electoral register request form

ELDC; update on possible breach of planning control

ELDC; area committee meeting agenda and minutes

Community Lincs; receipt of insurance renewal and certificate of employer’s liability

ELDC; register of electors

ELDC; Leader of the Council willing to attend parish council meetings

The Chairman gave a reminder that representatives from Woodthorpe Hall Garden Centre would be judging the Garden Competition during mid July

Date of next meeting

This was confirmed as the 11th August 2015


There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.12pm.

Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811 Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131

Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD