Ford, Debra J.1



Ph.D.Communication StudiesUniversity of Kansas1999

M.A.Communication StudiesUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha1990

B.A.Communication University of Nebraska-Omaha1985

Honors Program Graduate



Research Asst. ProfessorSchool of NursingUniv. of KS School of Nursing2006-Present

Courtesy ProfessorCommunication StudiesUniversity of KS Comm. Studies2015-Present

Research Asst. ProfessorSchool of MedicineUniv. of KS School of Medicine2008-Present

Dept: Health Policy & Management (Joint Appointment)

LecturerCommunication StudiesUniversity of Kansas2001, 2004, 2008, 20102013-2015

Basic Course DirectorCommunication StudiesUniversity of Kansas2003-2006

Assistant ProfessorCommunication StudiesCreighton University1999-2003

Asst. Basic Course

DirectorCommunication StudiesUniversity of Kansas1996-1997

Grad. Teaching AssistantCommunication StudiesUniversity of Kansas1995-1997

Grad. Teaching AssistantCommunication University of Nebraska-Omaha1985-1986


Program Director, Leadership Major, Graduate Programs University of Kansas School of Nursing


  • Coordinate course offerings, program requirements, and faculty and student needs in organizational leadership, nursing informatics, clinical research management and public health nursing MS and DNP specializations.

Graduate Advising Specialist, University of Kansas School of Nursing, 2014-Present

  • Serve as project manager to offer advising information to approximately 400 MS, DNP and PhD students through website development, regular online advising sessions, and individual advising appointments.

Associate Dean, Student AffairsUniversity of Kansas School of Nursing1/2012-9/2013

Assistant Dean, Student Affairs, University of Kansas School of Nursing8/2006-1/2012

  • Collaborate with associate and assistant deans in the School of Nursing in strategic planning, policy development, annual budgeting and fiscal monitoring, developing and implementing new initiatives, reviewing and revising admission requirements and evaluating quality of all missions for the school.
  • Provide leadership for all activities in the Student Affairs Office.
  • Develop, implement and evaluate comprehensive recruitment plan for all nursing programs.
  • Coordinate development and implementation of online application processes for all SoN programs.
  • Recruit and manage admission process for doctoral students, as well as all programs when needed.

Basic Course DirectorCommunication StudiesUniversity of Kansas2003-2006

  • Coordinated an average of 85 sections per year of public speaking, including development of course objectives, administration of course policies, plagiarism policy implementation, exemption exam, and textbook selection.
  • Supervised approximately 24 GTAs and 2 assistant directors, including orientation, coaching and performance evaluation.
  • Oversaw approximately $250,000 in credit hour generation for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

Graduate Recruiter/School of NursingUniversity of Kansas1997-1999

RN AdvisorOffice of Student Affairs

  • Developed, implemented and evaluated recruitment plan, including marketing, interviewing prospective students, academic advising, follow-up and assistance through the graduate admission process, including web-based programs.
  • Coordinated student services programs for students in web-based programs, including admissions, financial aid, academic advising and enrollment.

Advisor/RecruiterSchool of NursingUniversity of Kansas1989-1994

  • Increased number of applications to program by 87% through recruitment activities; average accepted student GPA increased from 3.01 to 3.5.
  • Developed, implemented and evaluated recruitment plan, including marketing, interviewing prospective students, academic advising, follow-up and assistance through the college admission process.
  • Managed enrollment for 300 students per year, including academic advising, registration, coordination with faculty and administrators, student retention and degree audits.

College Field Representative Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health1986-1988

  • Tripled enrollment of freshman class through recruiting activities.
  • Represented Methodist to diverse individuals and groups during college fairs, high school visits, agency staff meetings, office visits and hospital inservice sessions.
  • Coordinated the design and implementation of a performance appraisal system for college faculty.


Best Research Poster Presentation: 2014 Nursing Research Council Symposium, University of Kansas Hospital

(Peltzer, Ford, Shen, & Teel)

Outstanding Service Award, Central States Communication Association, 2013 Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, for Local Arrangements Chair

Top Paper, Organizational & Professional Communication Division, Central States Communication Association,

2007 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN (Bisel, Ford & Keyton)

Top Paper, Interpersonal Communication Division, Central States Communication Association, 2007 Annual

Conference, Minneapolis, MN (Koesten, Schrodt & Ford)

Donn W. Parson Graduate Faculty Mentorship Award, Communication Studies2006

University of Kansas

Twice-nominated for the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence

Creighton University’s highest award for teaching 2002, 2003

Touchstone Award Winner (with co-authors E. Kirby & L. Harter), Communication Teacher2001

Omicron Delta Kappa, leadership honorary1985


2014OGR Faculty Research Grant$2000

Co-PI with L. Manos to support Language, Power & Identity Project to conduct focus groups;

July, 2014-December, 2015.

2013Nurse Faculty Loan Program$17,832

Dept. of Health & Human Services, Health Resources & Services AdministrationRole: PI

Competitive grant to provide loan funds to graduate nursing students planning careers as nurse faculty.

2013Nurse Educator Service Program$32,000

Kansas Board of RegentsRole: PI

Competitive grant to provide loan funds to graduate nursing students planning nurse faculty careers in


2007Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (SuRROuND Program)$201,000

U. S. Dept. of EducationRole: PI

Competitive grant to provide fellowships to underrepresented nursing students to pursue the terminal degree in nursing. Supported two students in PhD program through degree completion.

2000Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska$4000

Summer Faculty Research Grant

Competitive grant to conduct a case study of the Health Insurance Association of America’s strategies

during the Health Security Act Debate. Project presented to faculty in fall 2000.

2000Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska$500

Faculty Development Research Grant

Competitive grant to support research project comparing medical student experiences with computerized interactive patients and standardized patients. Final paper published in Communication Quarterly under Harter, L., & Kirby, E. (2001).

1994U.S. Public Health Service, Division of NursingApproved, but not funded.

Nursing Opportunities for Disadvantaged Students Grant

University of Kansas School of Nursing

PI: Rita Clifford, RN, Ph.D.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE____(U=Undergraduate; G=Graduate; C=Co-teach)______


Theoretical Fdtns for Leading & Communication in Orgs. GU of KS School of Nursing2010-Present

Applied Organizational Communication GU of Kansas2014

Writing & Speaking for Decision Makers GUniversity of Kansas1998 & 2015

Teaching with TechnologyU of KS School of Nursing2014 & 2015

Nursing & Informatics Technology Applications G, CUs of KS School of Nursing2013-Present

Organizational Foundations for Leading ChangeG, CU of KS School of Nursing2008-2009,


Organizational Communication & Program Planning G, CU of KS School of Nursing2007-2009, 2014

Organizational Rhetoric GU of Kansas2001, 2008, 2013, 2015

Guest Instructor: Health Services ManagementU of Kansas School of Medicine, HP&M2007

21st Century Organizational Communication GUniversity of Kansas2005, 2006

Organizational Communication UUniversity of Kansas2006

Seminar in Teaching the Basic Course GUniversity of Kansas2003-2005

Proseminar in Communication Studies GUniversity of Kansas2004, 05, 08, 10

Introduction to Communication Studies UUniversity of Kansas2005

Honors Speaker-Audience Communication UUniversity of Kansas2004

Directed Study GUniversity of Kansas2003-2006

Organizational Advocacy GUniversity of Kansas2001, 2004

Organizational Advocacy UUniversity of Kansas2003, 2004

Independent Study UUniversity of Kansas2004-2006

Organizational Advocacy UCreighton University2003

Health Communication UCreighton University2000-2003

Interviewing UCreighton University2002

Managerial Communication UCreighton University1999-2003

Communication Theories UCreighton University2000-2003

Independent Study UCreighton University2001; 2003

Freshman Seminar UCreighton University2001

Effective Business Communication UUniversity of Kansas1996-1997

Speaker-Audience Communication UUniversity of Kansas1995

Public SpeakingUUniversity of Nebraska at Omaha1985-1986

Ph.D. Committees (School of Nursing, University of Kansas)

Anderson, Della (Program Committee Member)Present

Boos, Virginia (Program Advisor)2011-Present

French-Bravo, Matthew (Program Advisor)2013-Present

Dresser, Susan (Minor Paper Advisor)Present

Hewins Kelly (Program Advisor & Dissertation Committee Member)2011-Present

Nelson-Bradley, Heather (Dissertation Co-Chair & Program Advisor)2012-Present

Pabico, Christine (Program Committee Member)Present

Savage, Marian (Program Committee Member)Present

Thompson, Diane (Dissertation Committee Member)2013-2014

Walters, M. Renee (Dissertation Committee Member)2013-Present

D.N.P. Committees (School of Nursing, University of Kansas)

Basara, Dana (Program Advisor; Residency Preceptor; Capstone Chair)2011-Present

Boykins, Alexandra (Program Advisor)2012-Present

Camp, Kiersten (Capstone Chair; Program Advisor)2011-Present

Corbett, Kathy (Program Advisor)2012-Present

Edinger, Caleb (Program Advisor)Present

Ellis, Paula (Capstone Chair)2011-2012

French, Rebecca (Program Committee Member)Present

Glen, Jennifer (Capstone Chair through Method; Former Program Advisor)2013-2014

Goodwin, Linda (Program Advisor; withdrawn Aug. 2014)2013-Present

Guinn, Halie (Capstone Chair; Program Chair)2010-2013

Henry, Kristina (Capstone Committee Member)2011

Huff, Deborah (Program Advisor & Capstone Chair)2011-2014

Herbert, Valerie (Program Advisor)2010-2014

Hulett, Becky (Capstone Chair)2014-2015

Imhoff, Daniel (Program Advisor)2014-Present

Israel, Paula (Capstone Chair; Exam Committee Member)2011-2012

Janes, Thu (Program Advisor & Capstone Committee Member)2011-Present

Knoeppel, Cynthia (Program Advisor)Present

Mejia-Johnson, Lydia (Program Advisor)2010-Present

Julian, Dawn (Capstone Committee Member)2010

Luger, Shelly (Capstone Chair )2014-Present

McGee, Jerrihlyn (Program Advisor; Capstone Member)2011-2014

Miquelon, Liz (Program Advisor)2013-Present

Moody, Linda (Program Advisor)2011-Present

Murray, Lori (Program Advisor & Capstone Chair)2011-2014

Ohrloff, Denise (Program Advisor)2013-Present

Pepper, Rachel (Capstone Chair, Exam Co-Chair)2009-2011

Pietrocola, Marlene (Capstone Chair; Program Advisor)2011-2014

Pimple, Cathy (Program Advisor)Present

Saim, Sharon (Capstone Chair, Program Advisor)2011-2013

Stanfill, Teresa (Capstone Chair, Program Advisor)2014-2015

Tyzckowski, Brenda (Program Advisor & Capstone Chair)2009-2011

Vail, Lisa (Program Co-advisor; Capstone committee)2009-2010

Wheeler, Lynette (Program Advisor; Capstone Chair)2013-Present

Whitney, Cynthia (Capstone committee member)2013-2015

Withers, Gail (Program Advisor; Committee member)2009-2012

Young, Christine (Program Advisor)Present

D.N.P. Capstones Chaired & Completed:

Ellis, Paula (2013). The Clinical Nurse Leader as Guide to Decrease Unnecessary Hospital Admissions: A Quality Improvement Project.

Guinn, Halie (2013). Perceptions of Health Culture Among Occupational Health Care Staff.

Huff, Deborah (2014).Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Education Component for Staff Communication in an Assisted Living Facility.

Hulett, Becky. Clinical Nurse Leader Implementation Program.

Israel, Paula (2012). Obstacles and Opportunities for Independent Nurse Practitioner-Owned Clinics in Missouri.

Murray, Lori (2014). Development and Implementation of a Clinical Summary Tool for Improving Patient Centered Communication in Primary Care.

Pepper, Rachel (2011).Exploring the Emotional Care Needs of Hospitalized Patients.

Pietrocola, Marlene (2014). Nurse Executives’ Perceptions of the Barriers & Facilitators Associated with Reaching an 80% Baccalaureate-prepared Nursing Workforce in Rural Kansas.

Saim, Sharon (2013). Exploring the Influence of Generational Communication Preferences on Teamwork Effectiveness.

Stanfill, Teresa (2015). Nursing Leadership Competencies: Identifying Best Practices Through a Metasummary of the Literature.

Tyzckowski, Brenda (2012). The Caring Journey: Staff Development in an Eden Alternative Facility.

Vail, Lisa (2010). Coherent Leadership: A Case Study of Nurse Executive Leadership.

D.N.P. Capstones In Progress, Chair:

Basara, Dana. Feasibility Plan for Advanced Practice Nurse at City Union Mission.

Camp, Kiersten. Evidence Synthesis: Diabetes & Workplace Policy.

Luger, Shelly. Nurse Leadership Residency Program Design.

Wheeler, Lynette. Implementing Advanced Practice Support in an Acute Care Facility.

Ph.D. Committee Member (Communication Studies, University of Kansas)

  • Dissertation Co-Chair: Alison Berry (with Dr. Adrianne Kunkel); Chuck Russell (with Dr. Tracy Russo); Alexandra Wages (with Dr. Adrianne Kunkel)
  • Dissertation Committee Member (Completed): Attig, Heather; Bisel, Ryan;Blasdel, Tracy; Carver, Leilani;Clune, Katie Fischer; Garner, Benjamin;Guthrie, Jenny; Haugen, Jenna; Helens-Hart, Rose; Kennedy, Pamela; Jones, Ginny; Leonard, Lynnette; Lewis, Jenifer;Lueders, Allyn; Mabachi, Natabhona; Manning, Jimmie; Menzie, Kathie; Messersmith, Amber; O’Toole, Thomas; Peterson, Cindy; Pilgram, Mary; Shim, Cheongmi; Villamil, Astrid; Webb, Nathan
  • Dissertation Committee Member Ongoing: Hodgson, Abbie

M.S. Committees (School of Nursing, University of Kansas)

Programs completed:Arthur, Jenny; Barrows, Ann; Boos, Ginny; Broich, Eileen; Brownback, Cher;Bryant, Summer; Burris, Laura; Cairns, Janet;Hardinger, Barbara; Hastings, Mike; Hatch, April; Hulse, Kathy; Huey, Kathy; King-Whitlow, Noelle; Miller, Rebecca; Noller, Tiffany; Pepper, Rachel; Rector, Deborah; Reschke, Alan; Riley, Shari; Rouch, Michelle; Schwartzkopf, Deborah; Smith, Maggie; Smith, Stacy; Thiebault, Jennifer; Thompson, Robin Albrecht; Werner, Anna; Winslow, Patricia

M.S. Research Projects (School of Nursing, University of Kansas)

Arndt, Heather (Su14, with Linda Adams-Wendling)

Brownback, Cher

Cantu, Karen (with Cara Busenhart)

Ireland-Hoffman, Ginger

Huffman, Gayla (Su14)

Ice, Jill (Fall 14)

Kimball, Tim (Fall 14)

Miquelon, Elizabeth (Fall 14)

Sanchez, Cherie (with Mary Meyer)

M.A. Committees (Communication Studies, University of Kansas)

Thesis & Program Chair: Ryan Bisel2003-2005

Integrating Control and Consent: Unobtrusive Control in a Community Leadership Program

Thesis Chair: Angela Woodard2004-2005

Second and Third Wave Black Feminism: A Generic Variation Approach

Committee member for M.A. programs completed:

Babbit, Liz; Borhart, Jessi; Cano, Paula; Cook, Stacy; Faimon, Samantha; Hampton, Cheryl; Heyne, Cliff; LaBerge, Justin; Mabachi, Natabhona; Mayekawa, Chet; Melling, Stephen; Mayekawa, Chet; Ohrt, Jennifer Kellie; Pauly, Jessica; Rose, Melanie; Theye, Kirsten; Villamil, Astrid; Weaver, Ryan; Wilinski, John; Wolf, Nan; Zurbuchen, Nancy.

BSN Honors Mentor, School of Nursing:

Ekholm, Erin (2014-2015). Rhetorical analysis & historical analysis of documents for Language, Power & Identity study.

Jantzen, Michelle (2011-2012). Examining Nurse Leader/Manager-Physician Communication Strategies: A Pilot Study.Published in BSN Honors Journal, 2012.

Steinhoff, Andreanna. (2009-2010). An Analysis of the Strategies Used by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) to Influence the Development of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Sturgeon, Kendra (2013; In progress.) America’s Health Insurance Plans’ Rhetoric Related to the Affordable Care Act.

Honors Thesis Committees (All at the University of Kansas)

Chair: Holmes, Nicole2005-2006

Ethical Public Relations Practices of Non-Profit Organizations

Chair: Santoro, William2004-2005

Paid to be Unethical: An Analysis of Controversial Artists of Today's Music Industry

Committee Member for: Karen Butler, Justin Mackey Christy Sims-Dale



Refereed Journal Publications

Peltzer, J., Ford, D. J. , Shen, Q., Fischgrund, A., Teel, C., Jameson, M., & Pierce, J. (2015). Exploring roles, goals, and barriers among Kansas registered nurses: A descriptive, cross-sectional study.Nursing Outlook, 63, 117-123.

Tarnow, K., Gamino, M., & Ford, D. (2013). Effects of continuing education: Do attendees implement tools taught? Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 44 (9), 391-396.

Ford, D. J., & Hoffman, M. F. (2008). Dancing with those who brought you: Managing internal communication strategies in change initiatives and process improvement efforts.Journal of the American Society for Quality, 34 (4), 17-20.

Keyton, J.,Ford, D. J., & smith, f. e. (2008).A meso-level communicative model of collaboration.Communication Theory, 18, 376-406.

Bisel, R. S., & Ford, D. J. (2008). Diagnosing pathogenic eschatology. Communication Studies, 59 (4), 340-354.

Koesten, J., Schrodt, P., & Ford, D. J. (2008).Cognitive flexibility as a mediator of family communication environments and young adult children's well-being. Health Communication, 24 (1), 82-94.

Bisel, R. S., Ford, D. J.,Keyton, J. (2007). Unobtrusive control in a leadership program: Integrating control and consent. Western Communication Journal, 71 (2), 136-158.

Russo, T. C., & Ford, D. J. (2006). Teachers’ reflections on reflection.Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning, 2 (2), 1-12.

Ford, D. J. (2004). Organizational advocacy syllabus. Communication Teacher, 18 (4), 120-124.

Ford, D. J. (2003). Prism analysis of the debate over the American Medical Association’s Health Access America Plan. Proceedings of the 2004 Alta Conference on Argumentation. Washington, DC: National Communication Association.

Ford, D. J. (2002). Book review: Public health campaigns: Evidence for behavioral change. Communication Research Trends, 21 (4).

Ford, D. J. (2002). Modeling emergent organizations: A proposal for using virtual reality in teaching.Preconference proceedings: Communication as constitutive of organizations.National Communication Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Kirby, E., Harter, L., & Ford, D. J. (2002).Using standardized and computer-simulated patients as instructional tools for health care interviewing.Communication Teacher, 16, 1, 2 & 4. Touchstone Award winner.

Whitten, P., Ford, D. J., Collins, B., Speicher, R., & Davis, N. (1998).Interactive video versus traditional delivery modes for continuing medical education.Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, p. 18-21.

Ford, D. J. (1993). Tailoring strategies to institutional needs: A student-centered model for enhancing diversity. Proceedings of the Minority Student Today National Conference, 1993, 23-24.

Clifford, R., & Ford, D. J. (1991). Review of “The Registered Nurse Population: Findings from the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses, March, 1988.” MAIN Dimensions, 2, 1 & 4.

Book Author

Hoffman, M. F., & Ford, D. J. (2010.)Organizational rhetoric: Situations and strategies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Book Chapters

Ford, D. J. (In press).Communication.In E. Sullivan, Ed. Effective Leadership and Management for Nurses.

Ford, D. J. (In press; in revision).Conflict Management.In E. Sullivan, Ed., Effective Leadership and Management for Nurses.

Keyton, J., Ford, D. J., & Smith, F. E. (2012).Communication, collaboration and identification as facilitators of multiteam systems. In S. J. Zaccaro, M. A. Marks, & L.A. DeChurch (Eds.), Multiteam systems: An organization form for complex environments (pp. 173-190). NY: Routledge.

Book Editor/Co-Editor

Teaching Supplements for COMS 130, Speaker-Audience Communication, University of Kansas:

Ford, D. J., Leonard, L. L., & Mabachi, N. M. (2004). Basic course survival guide, 2004-2005. St. Louis, MO: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Leonard, L. L., Mabachi, N. M., & Ford, D. J. (2005). Basic course survival guide, 2005-2006. St. Louis, MO: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Mabachi, N. M., Leyerzapf, A., & Ford, D. J. (2006). Basic course survival guide, 2006-2007. St. Louis, MO: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Teaching Supplements for COM 314, Managerial Communication, Creighton University, and COMS 330, Effective Business Communication, University of Kansas:

Ford, D. J. (2002).Handbook for managerial communication.(3rd Ed.) Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Custom Publishing. Also chapter author of Fundamentals of Interviewing and co-author of Conducting Company Research.Substantial revision of original text.Worked in close collaboration with previous co-editor, Tracy Callaway Russo.

Russo, T. C., & Ford, D. J. (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of effective business communication.(2nd Ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill, Primus Custom Publishing. Also chapter author, Conducting Company Research.

Russo, T. C., Patterson, J., & Ford, D. J. (Eds.) (1997).Handbook of effective business communication.(1st Ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill, Primus Custom Publishing. Also chapter author, Conducting Company Research.

Unpublished Manuscript

Ford, D. J. (1999). The Rhetoric of the Angry Patriarch as Exemplification of Ideological Displacement: The Rhetoric of the American Medical Association During the Clinton Health Security Act Debate. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas, Lawrence.


Refereed Presentations

Ford, D. J. (2015).Sea changes in the academy. Panel Chair.Central States Communication Association Annual Conference, Madison, WI.

Ford, D. J. (2015).Faculty burnout. Presenter. Central States Communication Association Annual Conference, Madison, WI.

Ford, D. J. (2015).Organizational communication analyses of the food industry, corporate reputation, career planning…and the culture of the New York Yankess. Respondent. Central States Communication Association Annual Conference, Madison, WI.

Ford, D. J. (2014).Elevating the classroom through experiential learning: Explorations of case-in-point as a pedagogical resource.Respondent.Central States Communication Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Teel, C., Ebbert, D., & Ford, D. J. (2014). Faculty reflective evaluation for continuous improvement in the DNP Program: 3 illustrations. Poster presentation, American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctoral Education Conference, Naples, FL.

Ford, D. J. (2013).Nurse advocates at the boardroom table. Presented at the 2013 National Communication Association annual meeting, Washington, DC.