Present: Cllr. CharlettCllr. EllisCllr. Gelder Cllr. Landau Cllr. Mason

In attendance:Anne Feather (Clerk)


Cllrs Biggs; Cobb; Feather and Mansfield




Minutes of the meeting on 7 January2014weresigned as a true record.


The following application wasconsidered:

4.1Computer No. P14/V0014/HH

Address: 198 Poplar Grove, Kennington

Proposed: Erection of a single storey side and rear extension. (Amendment to approved application P13/V1996/HH)

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Bunt

No Objectionproposed by Cllr. Landauseconded by Cllr. Ellis and agreed unanimously.

The following comments were sent to the District Council:

No objection

4.2Computer No. P14/V0025/HH

Address: 1 Simpsons Way, Kennington

Proposed: Bedroom and bathroom extension over garage and lean-too and proposed side extension

Applicant: Mr S Bayliss

No Objection proposed by Cllr.Gelder seconded by Cllr.Mason and agreed unanimously.

The following comments were sent to the District Council:

No objection

4.3Computer No. P14/V0019/HH

Address: 23 Rowles Close, Kennington

Proposed: Two storey side extension (resubmission)

Applicant: Mr S Bell

Objectionproposed by Cllr.Charlettseconded by Cllr. Landau and agreed unanimously.

The following comments were sent to the District Council:

In light of the Planning Authority’s refusal of the original application (P13/V0697/HH) on the grounds of its size, scale, proportions and position, which would be visually intrusive and have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the street scene, the Parish Council feels that due to the small amount of change in this resubmission, it objects on the same grounds as the Planning authority’s original refusal.

4.4Computer No. P13/V2722/FUL

Address: 43 Sandford Lane, Kennington

Proposed: Demolition of existing dwelling and garage. Erection of three new detached houses

Applicant: Mr S Palmer

Objectionproposed by Cllr.Gelder seconded by Cllr.Charlettand agreed unanimously.

The following comments were sent to the District Council:

The Council objects to this application on the grounds of over intensive development of the site. The site may need investigating as it adjoins a known Romano-British site (AD 100-200) on and under Nos 45 and 43a Sandford Lane.

4.5Computer No. P14/V0079/HH

Address: 15 Sandford Lane, Kennington

Proposed: Rear single storey extension

Applicant: Mr PFoskett

No Objection proposed by Cllr. Mason seconded by Cllr. Ellis and agreed unanimously.

The following comments were sent to the District Council:

No objection


The following Certificate of Lawfulness was noted:

5.1Computer No. P13/V2724/LDP

Address: 4 Fairways, Kennington

Certificate of lawfulness for a proposed loft conversion.

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Boers

  1. Clerk’s report

6.1 Received e-mail from the Enforcement team regarding 137 Upper Road explaining that as far as the department is concerned there were no grounds to continue any investigation at this time. Clerk responded directly to Adrian Duffield, Head of Planning, explaining that the Council did not feel due consideration had been given with regard to this investigation and that it was not happy with the response received. Copied letter to Nicola Blackwood (MP) and both District Councillors.

6.2 Local residents of Bagley Wood Road were very concerned about the proposed development at 35 Bagley Wood Road. Clerk informed the Planning Department of the strength of local opinion and also that the Council strongly opposes the removal of the high bank (on the Definitive map) to enable a change of access.

6.3 Head of St Swithun’s School contacted the Clerk asking if it would re-consider its comments regarding 52 The Avenue – the school object strongly to the large side window being proposed as it will overlook the playgroup toilets and play area. Clerk explained that the Planning Committee’s comments had already been made and could see no valid reason for objecting to the proposals.

  1. Next planned meeting on Tuesday 18February 2014 at 8:00pm

Meeting closedat 8:40pm


Planning Committee meeting of 28 January 2014Page 2 of 2